Step 1: Create an Apigee workspace

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

Create an Apigee workspace for developing your APIs.

  1. To access Apigee in Cloud Code, launch VS Code and click the Cloud Code icon Cloud Code icon in the Activity bar, then select the Apigee section.

    Apigee in Cloud Code showing the icon in the activity bar

  2. Click Create Apigee workspace (Create workspace icon) under the Local development in the Apigee section.

    Create Apigee workspace button in UI

    Alternatively, you can select View > Command Palette to open the Command palette and select Cloud Code: Open Apigee workspace.

  3. Select the workspace type that matches your preferred development style. You can choose between a single-repository workspace or a multi-repository workspace.

  4. Enter myapigeeworkspace at the prompt and press Enter.

  5. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the Apigee workspace.
    If you are using source control management, select a location in your source control repository.

  6. Click Select workspace folder.

The Apigee workspace is created, stored in the specified local directory, and opened in the Apigee section, as shown below.

Apigee section showing Apigee workspace folders, including apiproxies, sharedflows, environments, and tests.

As shown, a set of folders is created for you to develop API proxies and shared flows, configure deployment environments, and build test resources.

1 (NEXT) Step 2: Create an API proxy 3 4 5 6 7 8