Downloading and uploading an API proxy configuration bundle

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

You may want to download an API proxy configuration bundle (as a zip file) from Apigee to perform one of the following tasks:

The following sections describe how to download and upload an API proxy configuration bundle. For information about the expanded contents of the zip file, see API proxy configuration directory structure.


Watch the following video to learn more about downloading and uploading an API proxy configuration bundle.

Video Description
Download API proxy (Apigee) Download an API proxy using the Apigee UI and API.

Downloading an API proxy configuration bundle

Download an API proxy configuration bundle, as described in the following sections.

Classic Apigee UI

To download an API proxy configuration bundle using the Apigee UI:

  1. Open the API proxy in the API proxy editor.
  2. Click the Develop tab.
  3. Select the API proxy revision that you want to download in the Revision drop-down.
  4. Select Revision n > Export revision n, where n specifies the selected revision.

Apigee API

To download an API proxy configuration bundle using the API, see Get API proxy revision.

To view the contents of the API proxy configuration bundle, create a new directory and expand the zip file using a utility such as unzip, as shown in the following example:

mkdir myappdir
unzip ./ -d myappdir

For more information about the expanded contents of the zip file, see API proxy configuration directory structure.

Uploading an API proxy configuration bundle

Before you upload an API proxy configuration bundle, re-archive the API proxy configuration bundle directory if you have modified it, including any new or changed files. You can use a utility such as zip, as the following example shows:

zip -r .

The top-level directory in the zip file must be /apiproxy. For more information about the required directory structure, see API proxy configuration directory structure.

Upload an API proxy configuration bundle, as described in the following sections.

Classic Apigee UI

To upload an API proxy configuration bundle and create a new API proxy, see Importing an API proxy from an API proxy bundle

To upload an API proxy configuration bundle and create a new revision of an existing API proxy:

  1. Open the API proxy in API proxy editor.
  2. Click the Develop tab.
  3. Select the API proxy revision that you want to download in the Revision drop-down.
  4. Select Revision n > Import revision.
  5. Click Choose File and navigate to the zip file in your local directory and click Open.
  6. Click Upload

    If you get an error, such as Bundle is invalid. Empty bundle, then make sure your zip file's top-level directory is /apiproxy. If it isn't, re-archive your API proxy configuration files from the root of the expanded directory.

After uploading your new API proxy configuration, Apigee increments the revision number and displays the new revision. Apigee does not deploy the new revision automatically after you upload it. To deploy the new revision, see Deploying an API proxy.

Apigee API

To upload an API proxy configuration using the API, see Update an existing API proxy revision