Deploying an API proxy

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

You cannot invoke an API proxy until it has been deployed. After you create a new API proxy or make a change to an existing one, you can deploy it to your cluster.

When you create a new revision of an API proxy without changing its base path, then deploy it to an environment in which it's already deployed, the previous revision is undeployed and the new revision is deployed in its place.

Deploy an API proxy

Deploy an API proxy revision as described in the following sections.

New Proxy Editor

To deploy an API proxy in the Apigee UI:

  1. If you are using the Apigee UI in Cloud console: Select Proxy development > API Proxies.

    If you are using the classic Apigee UI: Select Develop > API Proxies and in the Proxies pane, select the environment for the proxy.

  2. Click the API proxy that you want to deploy. The UI displays the Overview page:

    API proxy details including the deployment status per environment,
      the proxy endpoint details, and the target endpoint details.

  3. To deploy your changes, first click Deploy to display the Deploy dialog:

    Target endpoints selected in the Proxy Explorer.

  4. Enter the following:
    • Revision: The revision number of the proxy you want to deploy.
    • Environment: The environment where you want to deploy the proxy.
    • Service account (optional): A service account for the proxy.
  5. Click Deploy.

The UI begins the process of deploying the selected revision.

When the proxy is deployed, the Status column in the Deployments section displays a green icon to show that revision 1 of the proxy is deployed.

Deployed proxy status icon

Classic Proxy Editor

To deploy an API proxy in the Apigee UI:

  1. Sign in to the Apigee UI.
  2. Select Develop > API Proxies.

    The UI displays a list of API proxies and their deployment status:

    A list of API proxies displays that includes
      the name, status, traffic over 24 hours, author, and time last modified.

  3. From the Environment drop-down list, select the environment to which you want to deploy the API proxy.
  4. Click the API proxy that you want to deploy.

    The UI displays the API Proxies Overview tab. This view includes the Deployments, Proxy Endpoints, and Target Endpoints sections:

    API proxy details including the deployment status per environment,
      the proxy endpoint details, and the target endpoint details.

    If this is a new API proxy that you have not deployed before (or an API proxy that you have undeployed), the Revision column shows Not deployed.

  5. In the Revision column, expand the drop-down selector.

    If this is a new API proxy that has never been deployed before, the drop-down list displays only 1 and Undeploy:

    Deploy the first revision of the proxy.

    For API proxies with multiple revisions, the drop-down list displays all revisions that you can choose from as well as Undeploy.

    Deployments section of the API proxy details with
      the drop-down menu selected for the test environment.

  6. Select the revision that you want to deploy from the drop-down list.

    The UI prompts you to confirm the deployment:

    Deployments section of the API proxy details
      with revision 3 selected for the prod environment.

  7. Click Deploy.

    The UI begins the process of deploying the selected revision.

    Position the cursor over the Details link in the Status column to view the status of the deployment. If there are one or more revisions already deployed, you can monitor the status of their undeployment, as shown in the following figure. For more information, see Zero-downtime deployment.

    Deploy my-new-proxy to test environment confirmation

    When deployment is complete, the Status details indicates that the revision is fully deployed:

    Deployment status showing Revision 18 deployed 75% and revision 17 25%

    Note that deployment is not an instantaneous process. Apigee's eventually consistent deployment model means that a new deployment will be rolled out to the cluster over a short period of time and not immediately. For more information, see About deployment.

    For information on what the status indicators mean and how to check the status, see see Viewing deployment status.

    Deployment status showing Revision 18 fully deployed

Alternatively, you can deploy the current revision you are editing in the Develop tab. When you do this, Apigee creates a new revision for you.

  1. Click the Deploy to: env_name drop-down list

    Deployment drop-down enabling you to deploy or undeploy the current revision to each environment

    The UI displays a list of environments. In the Revision column, the UI lists the currently deployed revision (or "‑‑" if none).

  2. Click Deploy revision to deploy the revision that you most recently edited.

    The UI prompts you to confirm the deployment.

  3. Click Deploy.

    The UI begins the process of deploying the selected revision.

Apigee API

The following sections provide examples of using the Apigee API to deploy API proxy revisions and list the deployments for your organization.

See also Viewing deployment status.

Create a deployment change report before deploying

Deploying a proxy in more than one environment in the same environment group may lead to undefined behavior. To determine whether this will occur, you can generate a report using the generateDeployChangeReport method as follows:

curl "$ORG/environments/$ENV/apis/$API/revisions/$REV/deployments:generateDeployChangeReport" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

This returns a deployment change report that warns you if a base path in the proxy you want to deploy will not receive traffic due to an existing deployment that is already using that base path.

Deploying an API proxy revision using the API

To deploy an API proxy revision, use the following API call:

curl "$ORG/environments/$ENV/apis/$API/revisions/$REV/deployments" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Where $TOKEN is set to your OAuth 2.0 access token, as described in Obtaining an OAuth 2.0 access token. For information about the curl options used in this example, see Using curl. For a description of the environment variables used, see Setting environment variables for Apigee API requests.

The following shows an example of the response output. In this example, revision 1 of the helloworld API proxy was deployed successfully to the test environment:

  "environment": "test",
  "apiProxy": "helloworld",
  "revision": "1",
  "deployStartTime": "1559149080457"

For more information, see Deploy API proxy revision API.

Listing deployments using the API

To list all deployments of API proxies and shared flows for your organization, enter the following API call:

curl "$ORG/deployments" \
  -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Where $TOKEN is set to your OAuth 2.0 access token, as described in Obtaining an OAuth 2.0 access token. For information about the curl options used in this example, see Using curl. For a description of the environment variables used, see Setting environment variables for Apigee API requests.

The following provides an example of the response. In this example, there are three API proxies deployed, including helloworld which was deployed in the previous section.

  "deployments": [
      "environment": "test",
      "apiProxy": "helloworld",
      "revision": "1",
      "deployStartTime": "1559149080457"
      "environment": "test",
      "apiProxy": "weather",
      "revision": "1",
      "deployStartTime": "1558620435217"
      "environment": "test",
      "apiProxy": "testproxy",
      "revision": "2",
      "deployStartTime": "1558635113086"


The following sections provide examples of using gcloud apigee CLI commands to deploy API proxy revisions and list the deployments for your organization.

See also Viewing deployment status.

For more information and a description of the environment variables used in the examples, see Getting started using gcloud with Apigee.

Deploying an API proxy revision using the gcloud CLI

To deploy an API proxy revision, use the following gcloud command:

gcloud apigee apis deploy $REV --api=$API --environment=$ENV

The following shows an example of the response output. In this example, revision 1 of the helloworld API proxy was deployed successfully to the test environment:

Using Apigee organization 'my-org'
apiProxy: helloworld
deployStartTime: '1598032332802'
environment: test
revision: '1'

For more information, see Deploy API proxy revision CLI.

Listing deployments using the gcloud CLI

To list all deployments of API proxies and shared flows for your organization, use the following gcloud command:

gcloud apigee deployments list

The following provides an example of the response. In this example, there are three API proxies deployed, including helloworld which was deployed in the previous section.

Using Apigee organization `my-org`
 - apiProxy: helloworld
   deployStartTime: 1598032332802
   environment: test
   revision: 1
 - apiProxy: weather
   deployStartTime: 1558620435217
   environment: test
   revision: 1
 - apiProxy: testproxy
   deployStartTime: 1558635113086
   environment: test
   revision: 2

For more information, see List deployments CLI.


If you are unable to deploy your API proxy, check to see if one of the following common scenarios may apply.

Naming restrictions for environment groups

If the name of your environment group does not comply with naming restrictions your proxy will not deploy. In some cases, it is possible to create an environment group and add environments to it without having to meet these restrictions. However, this will prevent proxy deployment.

See Creating environment groups for a description of naming guidelines and restrictions.

Environment created with a previously used environment name

If you create an environment with the same name as an environment that was previously deleted, your proxy will not deploy. For example, if you created an environment named prod-1 after previously creating and deleting a prod-1 environment, you will need to remove it. You can use the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Detach the prod-1 environment from your environment group using the API.
  2. Delete the prod-1 environment using the API.
  3. Create a new environment. For example, prod-2.
  4. Attach the new prod-2 environment to your environment group using the API.