Migrating containers to Google Cloud: Migrate OpenShift projects to GKE Enterprise

Last reviewed 2022-01-24 UTC

This document helps you to plan, design, and implement migration of your projects from OpenShift to GKE Enterprise. If done incorrectly, moving your workloads from one environment to another can be a challenging task, so plan and execute your migration carefully.

This document is part of a multi-part series about migrating to Google Cloud. If you're interested in an overview of the series, see Migration to Google Cloud: Choosing your migration path.

This document is part of a series that discusses migrating containers to Google Cloud:

This document is useful if you're planning to migrate OpenShift projects to GKE Enterprise. This document is also useful if you're evaluating the opportunity to migrate and want to explore what it might look like.

This document relies on concepts that are discussed in Migration to Google Cloud: Getting started, in Migrating containers to Google Cloud: Migrating Kubernetes to GKE, in Migrating containers to Google Cloud: Migrating from OpenShift to GKE Enterprise, and in Best practices for GKE networking. This document links to the preceding documents where appropriate.

The guidance in this document assumes that you want to execute a lift and shift migration of your workloads. In a lift and shift migration, you apply only the minimum changes that you need for your workloads to operate in the target GKE Enterprise environment.

To migrate OpenShift resources to GKE Enterprise, you map and convert them to their Kubernetes equivalents. This document describes the migration of the following OpenShift project configuration resources necessary to deploy and operate your workloads to GKE Enterprise:

To migrate OpenShift project configuration and related resources to GKE Enterprise, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Export OpenShift project configuration resource descriptors.
  2. Map the OpenShift project configuration resources to Kubernetes resources.
  3. Create Kubernetes resources that map to OpenShift project configuration resources.
  4. Manage the Kubernetes resources using Config Sync.

This document provides examples of how you can complete the migration steps.

Export OpenShift project configuration resource descriptors

To export the OpenShift project configuration resources, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Export OpenShift project descriptors.
  2. Export cluster-scoped resource descriptors.
  3. Export project-scoped resource descriptors.

The descriptors that you export from an OpenShift cluster include fields that describe the configuration and the status of resources, such as the spec and status fields. The descriptors also include fields that hold resource status information, such as the metadata.managedFields field. Kubernetes and OpenShift manage the fields that hold resource status information and their values for you. To simplify the assessment of OpenShift resource descriptors, we recommend that you do the following for each resource descriptor:

  1. Record the fields that hold dynamically generated resource status information along with their values, such as the following:

    • Any field nested under metadata.annotations that starts with the openshift.io prefix
    • metadata.creationTimestamp
    • metadata.generation
    • metadata.managedFields
    • metadata.resourceVersion
    • metadata.selfLink
    • metadata.uid
    • status
  2. Remove the fields that hold dynamically generated resource status information from the resource descriptor.

To export OpenShift project configuration resource descriptors, you use the OpenShift command-line interface (oc CLI). To export resource descriptors in oc CLI, you need to authenticate with the cluster-admin role. For a list of all the OpenShift resources that the oc CLI supports, run the oc api-resources command.

Export OpenShift project descriptors

This section describes how to export project descriptors. We recommend that you exclude OpenShift projects that run system components, such as the istio-system component, and exclude OpenShift projects that have names starting with openshift-, kube-, or knative-. OpenShift manages these OpenShift projects for you, and they're out of the scope of this migration because you don't use them to deploy your workloads. To export OpenShift project descriptors, do the following for each OpenShift cluster:

  1. In a terminal that has access to the OpenShift cluster, get the list of OpenShift projects by using the oc get command:

    oc get projects

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                 DISPLAY NAME      STATUS
    example-project                        Active

    The output displays a list of the OpenShift projects that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster.

  2. For each OpenShift project in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file using the tee command, for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of an example-project OpenShift project:

    oc get project example-project -o yaml | tee project-example-project.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: project.openshift.io/v1
    kind: Project
      name: example-project
      - kubernetes

    The output displays the descriptor of the example-project OpenShift project in YAML file format. The output is saved to the project-example-project.yaml file.

Export cluster-scoped resource descriptors

This section describes how to export the descriptors for resources that have a cluster scope, not including security context constraints. For information about migrating security policies, see Migrating from OpenShift to GKE Enterprise: Migrate OpenShift SCCs to Policy Controller Constraints. To export other resource descriptors, do the following for each OpenShift cluster:

  1. In your terminal, get the list of ClusterResourceQuotas:

    oc get clusterresourcequotas

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME       AGE
    for-name   6m15s
    for-user   4s

    The output displays a list of ClusterResourceQuotas that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster.

  2. For each ClusterResourceQuota in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the for-name ClusterResourceQuota:

    oc get clusterresourcequota for-name -o yaml | tee clusterresourcequota-for-name.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: quota.openshift.io/v1
    kind: ClusterResourceQuota
      name: for-name
          pods: "10"
          secrets: "20"
        annotations: null
            name: frontend

    The output displays the descriptor of the for-name ClusterResourceQuota in YAML format. The output is saved to the clusterresourcequota-for-name.yaml file.

  3. Get the list of ClusterRoles:

    oc get clusterroles

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                           CREATED AT
    admin                          2021-02-02T06:17:02Z
    aggregate-olm-edit             2021-02-02T06:17:59Z
    aggregate-olm-view             2021-02-02T06:18:01Z
    alertmanager-main              2021-02-02T06:48:26Z
    basic-user                     2021-02-02T06:26:42Z

    The output displays a list of ClusterRoles that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster. The list of ClusterRoles includes OpenShift default ClusterRoles, and ClusterRoles that refer to OpenShift system components. We recommend that you assess all the ClusterRoles in the list to evaluate which roles you need to migrate, and which roles aren't applicable in the target GKE Enterprise environment.

  4. For each ClusterRole in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the admin ClusterRole:

    oc get clusterrole admin -o yaml | tee clusterrole-admin.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

      - matchLabels:
          rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aggregate-to-admin: "true"
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: ClusterRole
        rbac.authorization.kubernetes.io/autoupdate: "true"
        kubernetes.io/bootstrapping: rbac-defaults
      name: admin
    - apiGroups:
      - operators.coreos.com
      - subscriptions
      - create
      - update
      - patch
      - delete

    The output displays the descriptor of the admin ClusterRole in YAML format. The output is saved to the clusterrole-admin.yaml file.

  5. Get the list of ClusterRoleBindings:

    oc get clusterrolebindings

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                        ROLE                                             AGE
    alertmanager-main                           ClusterRole/alertmanager-main                    21d
    basic-users                                 ClusterRole/basic-user                           21d
    cloud-credential-operator-rolebinding       ClusterRole/cloud-credential-operator-role       21d
    cluster-admin                               ClusterRole/cluster-admin                        21d
    cluster-admins                              ClusterRole/cluster-admin                        21d
    cluster-autoscaler                          ClusterRole/cluster-autoscaler                   21d
    cluster-autoscaler-operator                 ClusterRole/cluster-autoscaler-operator          21d
    cluster-monitoring-operator                 ClusterRole/cluster-monitoring-operator          21d

    The output displays a list of ClusterRoleBindings that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster. The list of ClusterRoleBindings includes ClusterRoleBindings that refer to OpenShift system components. We recommend that you assess all the ClusterRoleBindings in the list to evaluate which bindings you need to migrate, and which bindings aren't applicable in the target GKE Enterprise environment.

  6. For each ClusterRoleBinding in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding:

    oc get clusterrolebinding cluster-admin -o yaml | tee clusterrolebinding-cluster-admin.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
        rbac.authorization.kubernetes.io/autoupdate: "true"
        kubernetes.io/bootstrapping: rbac-defaults
      name: cluster-admin
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
    - apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Group
      name: system:masters

    The output displays the descriptor of the cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding in YAML format. The output is saved to the clusterrolebinding-cluster-admin.yaml file.

Export customized NetNamespaces

This section describes how to assess the configuration of multi-tenant isolation. This section applies if you created customized NetNamespaces for any OpenShift project in your cluster to isolate or join network namespaces. If you didn't create customized NetNamespaces, skip to Export project-scoped resource descriptors.

OpenShift automatically creates and manages NetNamespaces for managed OpenShift projects. NetNamespaces for OpenShift-managed projects are out of the scope of this migration.

To export customized NetNamespaces, do the following:

  1. Get the list of NetNamespaces:

    oc get netnamespaces

    The output is similar to the following.

    NAME                                          NETID      EGRESS IPS
    default                                       0
    kube-node-lease                               13240579
    kube-public                                   15463168
    kube-system                                   16247265
    openshift                                     9631477
    openshift-apiserver                           12186643
    openshift-apiserver-operator                  6097417
    openshift-authentication                      2862939
    openshift-authentication-operator             723750
    openshift-cloud-credential-operator           11544971
    openshift-cluster-csi-drivers                 7650297
    openshift-cluster-machine-approver            7836750
    openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator        7531826

    The output displays a list of NetNamespaces that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster.

  2. For each NetNamespace in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the default NetNamespace:

    oc get netnamespace example-project -o yaml | tee netnamespace-example-project.yaml

    For NetNamespaces that don't have the same netid value, the output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: NetNamespace
      name: example-project
    netid: 1234
    netname: example-project

    The output displays the descriptor of the example-project NetNamespace in YAML file format. The output is saved to the netnamespace-example-project.yaml file.

    For NetNamespaces that have the same netid value, the output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: NetNamespace
      name: example-project
    netid: 1234
    netname: example-project
    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: NetNamespace
      name: example-project-2
    netid: 1234
    netname: example-project-2

Export project-scoped resource descriptors

To export the descriptors for resources that have a project scope, do the following for each OpenShift project.

  1. In your terminal, select the OpenShift project that you want to assess. For example, select the example-project OpenShift project:

    oc project example-project
  2. Get the list of ResourceQuotas:

    oc get resourcequotas

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME        AGE   REQUEST                        LIMIT
    gpu-quota   6s    requests.nvidia.com/gpu: 1/1

    The output displays a list of ResourceQuotas that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster for the selected OpenShift project.

  3. For each ResourceQuota in the list, export its descriptor in YAML format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the gpu-quota ResourceQuota:

    oc get resourcequota gpu-quota -o yaml | tee resourcequota-gpu-quota.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: gpu-quota
      namespace: example-project
        requests.nvidia.com/gpu: "1"

    The output displays the descriptor of the gpu-quota ResourceQuota in YAML file format. The output is saved to the resourcequota-gpu-quota.yaml file.

  4. Get the list of Roles:

    oc get roles

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME             CREATED AT
    example          2021-02-02T06:48:27Z

    The output displays a list of Roles that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster for the selected OpenShift project. The list of Roles includes Roles that refer to OpenShift system components. We recommend that you assess all the Roles in the list to evaluate which roles you need to migrate, and which roles aren't applicable in the target GKE Enterprise environment.

  5. For each Role in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the example Role:

    oc get role example -o yaml | tee role-example.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: example
      namespace: example-project
    - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - services
      - endpoints
      - pods
      - get
      - list
      - watch

    The output displays the descriptor of the example Role in YAML file format. The output is saved to the role-example.yaml file.

  6. Get the list of RoleBindings:

    oc get rolebindings

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                               ROLE                                           AGE
    machine-config-controller-events   ClusterRole/machine-config-controller-events   21d
    machine-config-daemon-events       ClusterRole/machine-config-daemon-events       21d
    example                            Role/example                                   21d
    system:deployers                   ClusterRole/system:deployer                    21d
    system:image-builders              ClusterRole/system:image-builder               21d
    system:image-pullers               ClusterRole/system:image-puller                21d

    The output displays a list of RoleBindings that are set up in your OpenShift cluster for the selected OpenShift project. The list of RoleBindings includes RoleBindings that refer to OpenShift system components. We recommend that you assess all the RoleBindings in the list to evaluate which bindings you need to migrate, and which bindings aren't applicable in the target GKE Enterprise environment.

  7. For each RoleBinding in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the example RoleBinding:

    oc get rolebinding example -o yaml | tee rolebinding-example.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: example
      namespace: example-project
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: example
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: example
      namespace: example-ns

    The output displays the descriptor of the example RoleBinding in YAML file format. The output is saved to the rolebinding-example.yaml file.

  8. Get the list of EgressNetworkPolicies:

    oc get egressnetworkpolicies

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME      AGE
    default   2m2s

    The output displays a list of EgressNetworkPolicies that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster for the selected OpenShift project.

  9. For each EgressNetworkPolicy in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the default EgressNetworkPolicy:

    oc get egressnetworkpolicy default -o yaml | tee egressnetworkpolicy-default.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: EgressNetworkPolicy
      name: default
      namespace: example-project
      - to:
        type: Allow
      - to:
          dnsName: www.example.com
        type: Allow
      - to:
        type: Deny

    The output displays the descriptor of the default EgressNetworkPolicy in YAML format. The output is also saved to the egressnetworkpolicy-default.yaml file.

  10. Get the list of NetworkPolicies:

    oc get networkpolicies

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME          POD-SELECTOR   AGE
    test-policy   app=mongodb    3s

    The output displays a list of NetworkPolicies that are currently set up in your OpenShift cluster for the selected OpenShift project.

  11. For each NetworkPolicy in the list, export its descriptor in YAML file format, display the output, and save it to a file for later processing. For example, export the descriptor of the test-policy NetworkPolicy:

    oc get networkpolicy test-policy -o yaml | tee networkpolicy-test-policy.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: test-policy
      namespace: example-project
      - from:
        - podSelector:
              app: app
        - port: 27017
          protocol: TCP
          app: mongodb
      - Ingress

    The output displays the descriptor of the test-policy NetworkPolicy in YAML file format. The output is saved to the networkpolicy-test-policy.yaml file.

Map OpenShift project configuration resources to Kubernetes resources

After you complete the inventory of the OpenShift project configuration resources, you assess those resources as follows:

  1. Evaluate which resources in the inventory are Kubernetes resources and which are OpenShift resources.
  2. Map OpenShift resources to their Kubernetes, GKE, and GKE Enterprise equivalents.

The following list helps you to evaluate which resources that you provisioned in your OpenShift clusters are Kubernetes resources and which resources are available in OpenShift only:

  • OpenShift projects are Kubernetes Namespaces with additional annotations.
  • Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBindings, and ClusterRoleBindings are Kubernetes resources.
  • ResourceQuotas are Kubernetes resources.
  • NetworkPolicies are Kubernetes resources.
  • ClusterResourceQuotas aren't Kubernetes resources; they are available in OpenShift only.
  • NetNamespaces and EgressNetworkPolicies aren't Kubernetes resources; they are available in OpenShift only.

The following table provides a summary of how to map OpenShift project configuration resources to the resources that you used in GKE Enterprise.

OpenShift GKE Enterprise
Projects Convert to Kubernetes Namespaces with additional annotations
Roles, ClusterRoles, RoleBindings, and ClusterRoleBindings Kubernetes RBAC resources
ResourceQuotas Kubernetes RBAC resources
ClusterResourceQuotas Convert to ResourceQuotas or use hierarchical resource quotas
NetworkPolicies Kubernetes Network resources
NetNamespaces, EgressNetworkPolicies Convert to NetworkPolicies

After you evaluate the resources from your OpenShift environment, map the OpenShift resources to resources that you can provision and configure in GKE and GKE Enterprise. You don't need to map the Kubernetes resources that you're using in your OpenShift clusters because GKE Enterprise supports them directly. As described in Summary of OpenShift to GKE Enterprise capability mapping, we recommend that you map the following:

  • OpenShift projects to Kubernetes Namespaces.
  • ClusterResourceQuotas to ResourceQuotas.
  • NetNamespaces and EgressNetworkPolicies to NetworkPolicies.

Create Kubernetes resources that map to OpenShift project configuration resources

After you complete the mapping, you create the Kubernetes resources that you mapped to your OpenShift resources. We recommend that you create the following:

  • One Kubernetes Namespace for each OpenShift project.
  • One ResourceQuota for each Kubernetes Namespace that your ClusterResourceQuotas are limiting.
  • NetworkPolicies to match your NetNamespaces and EgressNetworkPolicies.

Create Kubernetes Namespaces

OpenShift projects are Kubernetes Namespaces with additional annotations. The OpenShift project API closely matches the Kubernetes Namespace API. To migrate your OpenShift projects, we recommend that you create a Kubernetes Namespace for each OpenShift project. The APIs are compatible, so you can create a Kubernetes Namespace from an OpenShift project.

To create a Kubernetes Namespace from an OpenShift project, we recommend that you change values in the OpenShift project descriptor to the corresponding Kubernetes Namespace API version for each OpenShift project. To do so, you change the apiVersion field value in the OpenShift project descriptor from the OpenShift project object API version and the kind field value to the corresponding Kubernetes Namespace object API version. For example, the OpenShift project that you assessed in the previous section is similar to the following:

apiVersion: project.openshift.io/v1
kind: Project
  name: default
  - kubernetes

To migrate the project, change the apiVersion field value from project.openshift.io/v1 to v1 and change the kind field value from Project to Namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: default
  - kubernetes

Create Kubernetes ResourceQuotas

OpenShift ClusterResourceQuotas let you share quotas across multiple OpenShift projects. When you create a ClusterResourceQuota, you define the quota and you define the selector to match OpenShift projects for which you want to enforce the quota. In this section, you migrate your OpenShift ClusterResourceQuotas to Kubernetes ResourceQuotas in the Namespaces that you created earlier.

To migrate your ClusterResourceQuotas, we recommend that you do the following, for each ClusterResourceQuota:

  1. Map the ClusterResourceQuota to OpenShift projects by assessing the spec.quota field and the spec.selector field of the ClusterResourceQuota. For example, the for-name ClusterResourceQuota that you exported in the previous section looked like the following:

    apiVersion: quota.openshift.io/v1
    kind: ClusterResourceQuota
      name: for-name
          pods: "10"
          secrets: "20"
        annotations: null
            name: frontend

    The for-name ClusterResourceQuota enforces Pod and Secret quota limits. The spec.selector field enforces those limits on the frontend OpenShift project.

  2. In Create Kubernetes Namespace earlier, you created Kubernetes Namespaces that correspond to your OpenShift projects. Use that information to map the ClusterResourceQuota to the new Kubernetes Namespaces. For example, the frontend OpenShift project contains the for-name ClusterResourceQuota. The project corresponds to the frontend Kubernetes Namespace, so you map the for-name ClusterResourceQuota to the frontend Kubernetes Namespace.

  3. For each quota definition in the quota field of the ClusterResourceQuota, divide the quota amount among the Kubernetes Namespaces that you mapped the ClusterResourceQuota to, according to the criteria of interest. For example, you can divide the quota amounts set by the for-name ClusterResourceQuota equally among the frontend Kubernetes Namespaces.

  4. For each Kubernetes Namespace that you mapped to the ClusterResourceQuota, you create a Kubernetes ResourceQuota that enforces the quota on that Namespace. You set the quota amounts according to the information that you gathered in the previous step. For example, you create a ResourceQuota for the frontend Kubernetes Namespace:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: pods-secrets
      namespace: frontend
        pods: "10"
        secrets: "20"

    As another example, you map the for-name ClusterResourceQuota to two distinct Kubernetes Namespaces, example-1 and example-2. To complete the mapping, divide the resources equally between them by creating a ResourceQuota for the Kubernetes Namespaces. Allocate the first half of the ResourceQuota:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: pods-secrets
      namespace: example-1
        pods: "5"
        secrets: "10"

    After you allocate the first half of the ResourceQuota, you then allocate the second half of the ResourceQuota:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: pods-secrets
      namespace: example-2
        pods: "5"
        secrets: "10"

    This approach lets you enforce limits on each Kubernetes Namespace that you create ResourceQuotas in, rather than setting a single limit for multiple Kubernetes Namespaces.

Using ResourceQuotas to enforce quotas on your Kubernetes Namespaces isn't the same as using a ClusterResourceQuota to enforce one quota on all Kubernetes Namespaces. Dividing a cluster-scoped quota among different Kubernetes Namespaces might be suboptimal: the division might over-provision quotas for some Kubernetes Namespaces, and under-provision quotas for other Kubernetes Namespaces.

We recommend that you optimize the quota allocation by dynamically tuning the configuration of the ResourceQuotas in your Kubernetes Namespaces, respecting the total amount of quota that the corresponding ClusterResourceQuota established. For example, you can dynamically increase or decrease the quota amounts that are enforced by the pods-secrets ResourceQuotas to avoid over-provisioning or under-provisioning quota amounts for the example-1 and example-2 Kubernetes Namespaces. The total quota amounts of the pods-secrets ResourceQuotas shouldn't exceed the quota amounts in the corresponding ClusterResourceQuota.

When you configure your ResourceQuotas, consider GKE quotas and limits and Google Distributed Cloud quotas and limits. These quotas and limits might impose lower limits than your ResourceQuotas. For example, GKE limits the maximum number of Pods per node, regardless of how you configured your ResourceQuotas.

Create NetworkPolicies

OpenShift NetNamespaces let you configure network isolation between OpenShift projects. OpenShift EgressNetworkPolicies let you regulate outbound traffic leaving your OpenShift clusters. This section relies on traffic restricting concepts.

To migrate your NetNamespaces and EgressNetworkPolicies, do the following:

  1. Assess your NetNamespaces and EgressNetworkPolicies to understand how they are regulating network traffic between OpenShift projects and outbound traffic that's leaving your OpenShift clusters. For example, assess the NetNamespace and the EgressNetworkPolicy that you exported in the previous section:

    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: NetNamespace
      name: example-project
    netid: 1234
    netname: example-project
    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: NetNamespace
      name: example-project-2
    netid: 1234
    netname: example-project-2
    apiVersion: network.openshift.io/v1
    kind: EgressNetworkPolicy
      name: default
      namespace: example-project
      - to:
        type: Allow
      - to:
        type: Deny

    The example-project and the example-project-2 NetNamespaces define an overlay network with the same netid value of 1234. Therefore, Pods in the example-project OpenShift project can communicate with Pods in example-project-2 OpenShift project and the other way around.

    The default EgressNetworkPolicy defines the following outbound network traffic rules:

    • Allow outbound traffic to the subnet.
    • Deny outbound traffic that doesn't match with other rules.
  2. Create NetworkPolicies and OPA policies to match your network traffic restriction requirements. For example, the default-np and the default-np-2 implement the following policies:

    • The policies that are enforced by the default EgressNetworkPolicy.
    • The policies that are enforced by the example-project and example-project-2 NetNamespaces on Namespaces that have the netid label set to example-project and example-project-2:

    The policies are similar to the following:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
      name: default-np
      namespace: example-project
      - Ingress
      - Egress
      podSelector: {}
        - to:
          - namespaceSelector:
                netid: example-project-2
          - podSelector: {}
          - ipBlock:
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                netname: example-project-2
    kind: NetworkPolicy
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
      name: default-np-2
      namespace: example-project-2
      - Ingress
      - Egress
      podSelector: {}
        - to:
          - namespaceSelector:
                netid: example-project-2
          - podSelector: {}
          - ipBlock:
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
                netname: example-project

Manage Kubernetes resources using Config Sync

To manage the Kubernetes resources and the configuration of your GKE clusters, we recommend that you use Config Sync.

To learn how to enable Config Sync on your GKE clusters, see Install Config Sync.

After you provision and configure Config Sync in your GKE Enterprise environment, you use it to create and automatically apply configuration to your GKE clusters.

What's next