Step 11: Install Apigee hybrid Using Helm charts

Install the Apigee hybrid Helm charts

In this step, you will use Helm to install the following Apigee hybrid components:

  • Apigee operator
  • Apigee datastore
  • Apigee telemetry
  • Apigee Redis
  • Apigee ingress manager
  • Apigee organization
  • Your Apigee environment(s)

You will install the charts for each environment one at a time. The sequence in which you install the components matters.

  1. If you have not, navigate into your APIGEE_HELM_CHARTS_HOME directory. Run the following commands from that directory.
  2. Install Apigee Operator/Controller:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
      --install \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace apigee-system \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade operator apigee-operator/ \
      --install \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace apigee-system \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify Apigee Operator installation:

    helm ls -n apigee-system
    NAME           NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    operator    apigee-system   3               2023-06-26 00:42:44.492009 -0800 PST    deployed        apigee-operator-1.11.2   1.11.2

    Verify it is up and running by checking its availability:

    kubectl -n apigee-system get deploy apigee-controller-manager
    NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    apigee-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           7d20h
  3. Install Apigee datastore:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify apigeedatastore is up and running by checking its state before proceding to the next step:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeedatastore default
    NAME      STATE       AGE
    default   running    2d
  4. Install Apigee telemetry:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade telemetry apigee-telemetry/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify it is up and running by checking its state:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeetelemetry apigee-telemetry
    NAME               STATE     AGE
    apigee-telemetry   running   2d
  5. Install Apigee Redis:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade redis apigee-redis/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify it is up and running by checking its state:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeredis default
    NAME      STATE     AGE
    default   running   2d
  6. Install Apigee ingress manager:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ingress-manager apigee-ingress-manager/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade ingress-manager apigee-ingress-manager/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify it is up and running by checking its availability:

    kubectl -n apigee get deployment apigee-ingressgateway-manager
    NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    apigee-ingressgateway-manager   2/2     2            2           2d
  7. Install Apigee organization:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify it is up and running by checking the state of the respective org:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeorg
    NAME                      STATE     AGE
    apigee-org1-xxxxx          running   2d
  8. Install the environment.

    You must install one environment at a time. Specify the environment with --set env=ENV_NAME:

    Dry run:

    helm upgrade ENV_NAME apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \
      -f overrides.yaml \

    Install the chart:

    helm upgrade ENV_NAME apigee-env/ \
      --install \
      --namespace apigee \
      --atomic \
      --set env=ENV_NAME \
      -f overrides.yaml

    Verify it is up and running by checking the state of the respective env:

    kubectl -n apigee get apigeeenv
    NAME                          STATE       AGE   GATEWAYTYPE
    apigee-org1-dev-xxx            running     2d
  9. Install the environment groups (virtualhosts).
    1. You must install one environment group (virtualhost) at a time. Specify the environment group with --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME. Repeat the following commands for each env group mentioned in your overrides.yaml file:

      Dry run:

      helm upgrade ENV_GROUP_NAME apigee-virtualhost/ \
        --install \
        --namespace apigee \
        --atomic \
        --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \
        -f overrides.yaml \

      Install the chart:

      helm upgrade ENV_GROUP_NAME apigee-virtualhost/ \
        --install \
        --namespace apigee \
        --atomic \
        --set envgroup=ENV_GROUP_NAME \
        -f overrides.yaml
    2. Check the state of the ApigeeRoute (AR).

      Installing the virtualhosts creates ApigeeRouteConfig (ARC) which internally creates ApigeeRoute (AR) once the Apigee watcher pulls env group related details from the control plane. Therefore, check that the corresponding AR's state is running:

      kubectl -n apigee get arc
      NAME                                STATE   AGE
      apigee-org1-dev-egroup                       2d
      kubectl -n apigee get ar
      NAME                                        STATE     AGE
      apigee-org1-dev-egroup-xxxxxx                running   2d

GKE with Workload Identity

If you are installing Apigee hybrid on GKE and you are configuring Workload Identity to authenticate service accounts, in the next step, you will configure the associations between the Kubernetes service accounts and the Google service accounts for your cluster.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (NEXT) Step 12: Set up Workload Identity

All other installations

In the next step, you will configure the Apigee ingress gateway and deploy a proxy to test your installation.

(NEXT) Step 1: Expose Apigee ingress 2