Upgrading Apigee hybrid

Upgrading to version 1.2.0

Follow these steps to upgrade Apigee hybrid to version 1.2.0:

Step 1: Upgrade Kubernetes and download the release package

  1. Upgrade your Kubernetes platform as follows. Follow your platform's documentation if you need help:
    Platform Upgrade to version
    GKE 1.14.x
    Anthos 1.2
    AKS 1.14.x
  2. Download the release package for your operating system:

    Mac 64 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Linux 64 bit

    curl -LO \

    Mac 32 bit:

    curl -LO \

    Linux 32 bit

    curl -LO \

Step 2: Reconfigure your installation directory

  1. Identify the base installation directory that was created when Apigee hybrid was originally installed. The base directory is the directory in which the $APIGEEGTL_HOME directory resides. In the following example, the base directory is /Users/myhome/hybrid:
  2. Extract the downloaded gzip file contents into the Apigee hybrid base directory:

    tar xvzf filename.tar.gz -C path-to-base-directory
  3. cd to the base directory.
  4. The tar contents are, by default, expanded into a directory with the version and platform in its name. For example: ./apigeectl_1.2.0-f7b96a8_linux_64.

  5. Rename the current apigeectl directory. For example, if the current version is 1.1.1, rename the apigeectl directory to apigeectl_1.1.1.
  6. Rename the newly extracted installation directory to apigeectl. This is now where the environment $APIGEECTL_HOME points to.

Step 3: Update your overrides file

  1. Make a copy of your overrides file, and be careful to save the old file in case you ever need to roll back. In the following steps, you will make required changes to the overrides file before applying it to the cluster.
  2. Update your overrides file with the changes described below:

    Following is a summary of the configuration changes you must make to your overrides file. A complete example is given in the table following the summary. As you will see, the envs[] property has changed significantly from previous versions:

    • The property envs[].hostAlias has been removed and replaced by the new property virtualhosts.hostAliases[].
    • You must add the new required configuration property virtualhosts.
    • You must move the envs[].sslCertPath and envs[].sslKeyPath properties from envs to virtualhosts.
    • You must add the virtualhosts.routingRules configuration stanza. The virtualhosts.routingRules property replaces the previous envs[].paths property. If you have envs[].paths in your overrides file, you must remove it. For more information on the virtual host configuration, see Configure virtual hosts.

    The table below illustrates the differences between a 1.1.1 overrides file and a version 1.2.0 file. The example is intended to highlight the kinds of changes you need to make for version 1.2.0:

    v1.1.x Configuration v1.2.0 Configuration
      - name: test1
        hostAlias: "api.example.com"
        sslCertPath: ./certs/fullchain.pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/privkey.pem
          synchronizer: ./sa/sync.json
          udca: ./sa/udca.json
              - /orders
              - /items
      - name: test2
        hostAlias: "api.example.com"
        sslCertPath: ./certs/fullchain.pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/privkey.pem
          synchronizer: ./sa/sync.json
          udca: ./sa/udca.json
              - /v0/hello
              - /httpbin
      - name: default
        hostAliases: ["api.example.com"]
        sslCertPath: ./certs/fullchain.pem
        sslKeyPath: ./certs/privkey.pem
          - paths:
            - /orders
            - /items
            env: test1
          - paths:
            - /v0/hello
            - /httpbin
            env: test2
      - name: test1
          synchronizer: ./sa/synchronizer.json
          udca: ./sa/udca.json
      - name: test2
          synchronizer: ./sa/synchronizer.json
          udca: ./sa/udca.json

Step 4: Apply the upgrade to the cluster

  1. If you enabled Apigee Connect in your version 1.1.1 installation, you must remove the deployment:
    1. First, list the Apigee Deployments:
      kubectl -n namespace get ad
    2. Delete the Apigee Connect deployment:
      kubectl -n namespace delete ad apigee-connect-name
  2. List the pods:
    kubectl get pods -n namespace
  3. Delete the apigee-cps-setup pod from the cluster. Use the pod's full name, which includes your organization name, as returned in the previous command. For example:
    kubectl -n namespace delete pod apigee-cps-setup-org
  4. Delete the apigee-cps-create-user pod in the same namespace:
    kubectl -n namespace delete pod apigee-cps-create-user
  5. Clean up completed jobs for the hybrid runtime namespace, where namespace is the namespace specified in your overrides file, if you specified a namespace. If not, the default namespace is apigee:
    kubectl delete job -n namespace \
      $(kubectl get job -n namespace -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  6. Clean up completed jobs for the apigee-system namespace:
    kubectl delete job -n apigee-system \
      $(kubectl get job -n apigee-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  7. Clean up completed jobs for the istio-system namespace:
    kubectl delete job -n istio-system \
      $(kubectl get job -n istio-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  8. cd to the ./hybrid-files directory:
  9. Initialize apigeectl for the new version:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl init -f overrides/overrides-file.yaml
  10. Check to determine when the initialization is complete:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl check-ready -f overrides/overrides-file.yaml
  11. When check-ready replies with "All containers are ready", you can try a "dry run" install. Execute the apply command with the --dry-run=true flag. Doing a dry run lets you check for any errors before any changes are made to the cluster:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f overrides/overrides-file.yaml --dry-run=true
  12. If there are no errors, you can apply the Apigee-specific runtime components to the cluster:
    $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f overrides/overrides-file.yaml
  13. Re-run check-ready to determine when the upgrade is complete.

Rolling back an upgrade

Follow these steps to roll back a previous upgrade:

  1. Clean up completed jobs for the hybrid runtime namespace, where namespace is the namespace specified in your overrides file, if you specified a namespace. If not, the default namespace is apigee:
    kubectl delete job -n namespace \
      $(kubectl get job -n namespace -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  2. Clean up completed jobs for the apigee-system namespace:
    kubectl delete job -n apigee-system \
      $(kubectl get job -n apigee-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  3. Clean up completed jobs for the istio-system namespace:
    kubectl delete job -n istio-system \
      $(kubectl get job -n istio-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.succeeded==1)].metadata.name}')
  4. Delete the Apigee Operators deployment. This operation will not have any effect on your runtime traffic:
    kubectl -n apigee-system delete deployment apigee-controller-manager
  5. Change the $APIGEECTL_HOME variable to point to the directory that contains the original version of apigeectl. For example:
    export APIGEECTL_HOME=path-to-original-apigeectl-directory
  6. In the root directory of the installation you want to roll back to, run apigeectl init and then run apigeectl apply. Be sure to use the original overrides file for the version you wish to roll back to:
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl init -f overrides/original-overrides.yaml
      $APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl apply -f overrides/original-overrides.yaml