Configure ports and set up firewalls

Understanding which ports the hybrid runtime plane uses is important for enterprise implementations. This section describes the ports used for secure communications within the runtime plane as well as external ports used for communications with external services.

Internal connections

Communication between the runtime plane and management plane is secured with TLS 1-way and OAuth 2.0. Individual services use different protocols, depending on which service they are communicating with.

The following image shows the ports and communications channels within the hybrid runtime plane:

Shows connections
between internal components on the hybrid runtime plane

The following table describes the ports and communications channels within the hybrid runtime plane:

Internal Connections
Source Destination Protocol/Port(s) Security Protocol Description
MART Cassandra TCP/9042
mTLS Sends data for persistence
MART Istio Ingress MART TCP/8443 TLS Requests from the management plane go through the MART Istio Ingress
Default Istio Ingress Message Processor TCP/8443 TLS (Apigee-generated, self-signed cert) Processes incoming API requests
Message Processor Cassandra TCP/9042
mTLS Sends data for persistence
Message Processor fluentd (Analytics) TCP/20001 mTLS Streams data to the data collection pod
Cassandra Cassandra TCP/7001 mTLS Intra-node cluster communications. Note that you can also leave port 7000 open for firewall configuration as a backup option for potential troubleshooting.
Prometheus Cassandra TCP/7070 (HTTPS) TLS Scrapes metrics data from various services
Message Processor TCP/8843 (HTTPS) TLS
Synchronizer TCP/8843 (HTTPS) TLS

External connections

To appropriately configure your network firewall, you should know the inbound and outbound ports used by hybrid to communicate with external services.

The following image shows the ports used for external communications with the hybrid runtime plane:

Shows connections
with external services from the hybrid runtime plane

The following table describes the ports used for external communications with the hybrid runtime plane:

External Connections
Source Destination Protocol/Port(s) Security Protocol Description
Inbound Connections (exposed externally)
Apigee Services MART Istio Ingress TCP/443 OAuth over TLS 1.2 Hybrid API calls from the management plane
Client Apps Default Istio Ingress TCP/* None/OAuth over TLS 1.2 API requests from external apps
Outbound Connections
Message Processor Backend services TCP/*
None/OAuth over TLS 1.2 Sends requests to customer-defined hosts
Synchronizer Apigee Services TCP/443 OAuth over TLS 1.2 Fetches configuration data; connects to
GCP Connects to for authorization
UDCA (Analytics) Apigee Services (UAP) TCP/443 OAuth over TLS 1.2 Sends data to UAP in the management plane and to GCP; connects to and
Prometheus (Metrics) GCP (Stackdriver) TCP/443 TLS Sends data to Stackdriver in the management plane; connects to
fluentd (Logging) GCP (Stackdriver) TCP/443 TLS Sends data to Stackdriver in the management plane; connects to
MART GCP TCP/443 OAuth over TLS 1.2 Connects to for authorization
* indicates that the port is configurable. Apigee recommends using 443.

You should not allow external connections for specific IP addresses associated with * The IP addresses can change since the domain currently resolves to multiple addresses.