Security reports API

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

In addition to using security reports in the Apigee UI, you can also access all of the security reports features through the security reports API. This sections describes how to use the security reports API.

Note: Data flowing into the Apigee Analytics pipeline has a delay of up to 15 to 20 minutes on average. As a result, a security report in which the end time is less than 20 minutes in the past might return incorrect results.

Parameters in example API calls

The following sections give examples of API calls that use the security reports API. The API calls contain the following parameters:

  • ORG is your organization.
  • ENV is the environment in which you want the report to be calculated.
  • ENVGROUP is an environment group containing the environment.
  • REPORT_ID is the report ID returned by a call to create a security report.
  • $TOKEN is the environment variable for an OAuth access token.
  • timeRange is the time range for the report.

Create a security report

To create a security report, enter a command like the following:

curl "" \
       -X POST -d @./Query.json \
       -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

where Query.json is a query template that defines the query. An example of a query template is shown below.

  "dimensions": [
  "metrics": [
      "aggregation_function": "count_distinct",
      "name": "bot"
      "aggregation_function": "sum",
      "name": "bot_traffic"
  "groupByTimeUnit": "minute",
  "timeRange": "last7days"

The query has the following parameters:

  • Metrics:
    • bot. This counts the number of distinct IP addresses that have been identified as sources of bots.

      Aggregation function: count_distinct

    • bot_traffic. The total number of requests from IP addresses that are the sources of bots.

      Aggregation function: sum

    See Metrics and aggregation functions.

  • Dimension: ax_resolved_client_ip. This groups the counts of bots in the report by the IP address of their source.

    See Dimensions.

  • Filter: environment.
  • groupByTimeUnit: minute
  • timeRange: last7days. See Time range.

Note that this API call returns the same report as the bot IP addresses report example created using the Apigee UI.

Time range

The time range for the report. You can set the timeRange field in either of the following ways:

  • Specify how long in the past the report should extend. Options are:
    "timeRange": "{last60minutes/last24hours/last7days}"
  • Specify a start and end time for the report in the following format:
    "timeRange": {
            "start": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
            "end": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z"

    Both start and end must be in the past, and can be at most 1 year before the present when you create the report.

Sample response

The above query returns a response like the following:

  "self": "/organizations/ORG/environments/ENV/securityReports/3964675e-9934-4398-bff5-39dd93a67201",
  "state": "enqueued",
  "created": "2021-08-06T22:28:28Z"

The response contains the following:

  • The report ID, which you can use to get the report once it is completed. In the example above, the report ID is 3964675e-9934-4398-bff5-39dd93a67201.
  • "state": The state of the report job, which can be one of the following:
    • enqueued: The report job has just been created but is not running yet.
    • running: The report job is running.
    • completed: The report job is completed. At this stage, you can view the report.
    • expired: The report job has expired, and you can no longer view the report.

Get the report status

To get the status of a report, send a request like the following:

curl "" \
       -X GET  -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

where REPORT_ID is the report ID. See Parameters in example API calls.

The response contains a summary of the report parameters, as well as the current status of the report. In this example, the status is "completed", so you can view the report's results.

  "self": "/organizations/sense-staging-test/environments/local/securityReports/bd2f4fe0-a906-44c2-8dcb-2c618e4b565d",
  "state": "completed",
  "created": "2022-06-27T13:00:25-07:00",
  "updated": "2022-06-27T13:01:08-07:00",
  "result": {
    "self": "/organizations/sense-staging-test/environments/local/securityReports/bd2f4fe0-a906-44c2-8dcb-2c618e4b565d/result",
    "expires": "2022-07-04T13:01:08-07:00"
  "resultRows": "848",
  "resultFileSize": "5.10 KB",
  "executionTime": "43 seconds",
  "queryParams": {
    "metrics": [
    "dimensions": [
    "startTimestamp": "2022-06-20T20:00:25.098237292Z",
    "endTimestamp": "2022-06-27T20:00:25.098237292Z",
    "mimeType": "json",
    "timeUnit": "minute"
  "displayName": "Sample Query Bot"

Get the report

To download the security report, send a request like the following:

curl "" \
       -X GET -O -J \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

where REPORT_ID is the report ID. See Parameters in example API calls.

This returns a file containing the report, whose name is of the form OfflineQueryResult-{ID}.zip. To view the report:

  1. Unzip OfflineQueryResult-{ID}.zip.
  2. Enter gzip -d QueryResults-{ID}*.json.gz.
  3. Enter cat QueryResults-{ID}*.json
  4. .

Bot traffic example

The following example creates a report on bot_traffic:

  "dimensions": [
   "metrics": [
      "aggregation_function": "sum",
      "name": "bot_traffic"
  "groupByTimeUnit": "minute",
  "timeRange": "last7days"

The query has the following parameters:

  • Metric: bot_traffic. This is the total number of requests from IP addresses that have been identified as bot sources, in one-minute intervals.

    See Metrics and aggregation functions.

  • Dimension: bot_reason. bot_reason can be any combination of the detection rules for bots. When a bot is detected, bot_reason consists of the subset of the detection rules that the bot's traffic pattern matched.

    See Dimensions.

  • Filter: environment.
  • groupByTimeUnit: minute
  • timeRange: last7days

Note that this API call returns the same report as the bot IP addresses report example created using the Apigee UI.

Bot detection data delay

Bot detection has a processing delay of around 15 to 20 minutes on average.

Create a security report for an environment group

Using the security reports API, you can create a report for data in an environment group (as opposed to just an environment). To do so, enter a command like the following:

curl "" \
       -X POST -d @./Query.json \
       -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

and make sure the query template, Query.json, contains the following line:

"envgroup_hostname": "ENVGROUP"

where ENVGROUP is the name of an environment group that contains the environment. You can find the name of the environment group in the Apigee UI by going to Admin > Environments > Groups.


  • Environment group level Report APIs only support the metric message_count with the aggregation function sum.
  • Environment group level Report APIs do not support the dimensions bot_reason or incident_id, but do support all other dimensions for security reports.

Get the report status

To get the status of a report, enter a command like the following:

curl "" \
       -X GET  -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

This returns a summary of the report request, and the current state of the report. Here's a sample response:

  "self": "/organizations/ngsaas-runtime-staging/environments/test/securityReports/3964675e-9934-4398-bff5-39dd93a67201",
  "state": "completed",
  "created": "2021-08-06T15:28:28-07:00",
  "updated": "2021-08-06T15:28:40-07:00",
  "result": {
    "self": "/organizations/ngsaas-runtime-staging/environments/test/securityReports/3964675e-9934-4398-bff5-39dd93a67201/result",
    "expires": "2021-08-13T15:28:40-07:00"
  "resultRows": "60",
  "resultFileSize": "0.31 KB",
  "executionTime": "11 seconds",
  "queryParams": {
    "metrics": [
    "dimensions": [
    "startTimestamp": "2021-08-06T21:28:28.570770570Z",
    "endTimestamp": "2021-08-06T22:28:28.570770570Z",
    "mimeType": "json",
    "timeUnit": "minute"

Since the state is "completed", you can now view the report, as described next.

Viewing a security report

To view a security report, enter a command like the following:

curl "" \
       -X GET -O -J \
       -H 'Content-type: application/json' -i \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

This returns a file containing the report, whose name is of the form OfflineQueryResult-{ID}.zip. To view the report:

  1. Unzip OfflineQueryResult-{ID}.zip.
  2. Enter gzip -d QueryResults-{ID}*.json.gz.
  3. Enter cat QueryResults-{ID}*.json
  4. .

Metrics and aggregation functions

You can use the following metrics and aggregation functions, which compute statistics from a metric, for a report.

Metric Description Aggregation function
bot The number of distinct IP addresses for detected bots over one-minute intervals. count_distinct
bot_traffic The number of messages from IP addresses of detected bots over one-minute intervals. sum

Total number of API calls processed by Apigee in one-minute intervals.

Note: message_count cannot be used with other metrics in the same report.

response_size Size of the response payload returned in bytes. sum, avg, min, max
bot_first_detected Date and time the bot was first detected. Only available through the API. min
bot_last_detected Date and time the bot was last detected. Only available through the API. max


Dimensions let you group metric values together based on related subsets of the data. The following table describes the dimensions that are specific to Advanced API Security:

Dimension Description
bot_reason Can be any combination of the security detection rules. bot_reason consists of the subset of the detection rules that the bot's traffic pattern matched.

incident_id (preview) The UUID for a security incident, which is returned by a call to the Incidents API. See Example: Get details or a specific incident.
security_action The security action. Possibly values are ALLOW, DENY, or FLAG.
security_action_name The name of the security action.
security_action_headers Headers that you can use to query for a flag security action.

Note: bot_reason and incident_id only work with the following metrics:

  • bot
  • bot_traffic
  • response_size

In addition to the dimensions described above, Advanced API Security also supports the following dimensions:

  • access_token
  • api_product
  • apiproxy
  • ax_dn_region
  • ax_edge_execution_fault_code
  • ax_geo_city
  • ax_geo_continent
  • ax_geo_country
  • ax_geo_region
  • ax_isp
  • ax_resolved_client_ip
  • ax_ua_agent_family
  • ax_ua_agent_type
  • ax_ua_agent_version
  • ax_ua_agent_category
  • ax_ua_os_family
  • bot_reason
  • client_id
  • developer
  • developer_app
  • developer_email
  • envgroup_hostname
  • environment
  • incident_id (preview)
  • proxy_basepath
  • proxy_pathsuffix
  • request_uri
  • request_verb
  • response_status_code
  • target_host
  • target_url
  • useragent

Limitations on security reports

See Limitations on security reports.