Configure Process Monitoring metrics collection

This guide shows you how to configure Google Cloud's Agent for SAP to collect the Process Monitoring metrics from your SAP systems.

For information about this feature, see Process Monitoring using Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

Before you begin

Set IAM roles

To allow Google Cloud's Agent for SAP collect the Process Monitoring metrics, you must ensure that the service account being used by your Compute Engine VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server includes the following roles:

To add these required roles to your service account, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

    Go to IAM

  2. Select your Google Cloud project.

  3. Identify the service account to which you want to add a role.

    • If the service account isn't already on the principals list, then it doesn't have any roles assigned to it. Click Add and enter the email address of the service account.
    • If the service account is already on the principals list, then it has existing roles. Click the Edit button for the service account that you want to edit.
  4. Select the required role from the list of available roles:

    • Compute Viewer
    • Monitoring > Monitoring Metric Writer
    • Secret Manager > Secret Manager Secret Accessor
  5. Click Add or Save to apply the roles to the service account.

Enable Process Monitoring metrics collection

To enable the collection of Process Monitoring metrics using Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, follow these steps:

  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance.

  2. Open the agent's configuration file:


    Alternatively, you can also perform this configuration by running commands. For more information, see Configuration commands for Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

  3. In the collection_configuration section, perform the following:

    • For the parameter collect_process_metrics, specify the value true.
    • To enable the collection of process monitoring metrics related to your SAP HANA database instances, you need to configure additional parameters in the hana_metrics_config section. For information about these parameters, see Configuration parameters.
  4. Optionally, under the cloud_properties section, you can update the parameter values that are set automatically. To do so, add the cloud_properties section to your configuration file, and then specify the required parameters and their values.

  5. Save the configuration file.

  6. Restart the agent for the new settings to take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent

Example configuration files

Compute Engine VM instance

The following examples are completed configuration files of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, running on a Compute Engine VM instance, where the collection of Process Monitoring metrics is enabled:

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.

  • The following example uses a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key for SAP HANA authentication:
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": false,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hdbuserstore_key": "user_store_key"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "vm-instance-1",
        "image": "rhel-8"
      "discovery_configuration": {
        "enable_discovery": true,
        "enable_workload_discovery": true
      "hana_monitoring_configuration": {
        "enabled": false
  • The following example uses a username and Secret Manager secret for SAP HANA authentication:
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": false,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hana_db_password_secret_name": "db_pwd_secret_name"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "vm-instance-1",
        "image": "rhel-8"
      "discovery_configuration": {
        "enable_discovery": true,
        "enable_workload_discovery": true
      "hana_monitoring_configuration": {
        "enabled": false
  • The following example uses a username and password for SAP HANA authentication. We recommend that you instead use a Secret Manager secret or Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key for SAP HANA authentication.
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": false,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hana_db_password": "TempPa55word"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "vm-instance-1",
        "image": "rhel-8"
      "discovery_configuration": {
        "enable_discovery": true,
        "enable_workload_discovery": true
      "hana_monitoring_configuration": {
        "enabled": false

Bare Metal Solution server

The following examples are completed configuration files of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, running on a Bare Metal Solution server, where the collection of Process Monitoring metrics is enabled:

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.

  • The following example uses a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key for SAP HANA authentication:
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": true,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hdbuserstore_key": "user_store_key"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "bms-machine-1"
    "region": "us-central1", "image": "rhel-8" }, "discovery_configuration": { "enable_discovery": true, "enable_workload_discovery": true }, "hana_monitoring_configuration": { "enabled": false } }
  • The following example uses a username and Secret Manager secret for SAP HANA authentication:
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": true,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hana_db_password_secret_name": "db_pwd_secret_name"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "bms-machine-1"
    "region": "us-central1", "image": "rhel-8" }, "discovery_configuration": { "enable_discovery": true, "enable_workload_discovery": true }, "hana_monitoring_configuration": { "enabled": false } }
  • The following example uses a username and password for SAP HANA authentication. We recommend that you instead use a Secret Manager secret or Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key for SAP HANA authentication.
      "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
      "bare_metal": true,
      "log_level": "INFO",
      "log_to_cloud": true,
      "collection_configuration": {
        "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
        "collect_process_metrics": true,
        "process_metrics_frequency": 5,
        "slow_process_metrics_frequency": 30,
        "hana_metrics_config": {
          "hana_db_user": "db_user_name",
          "sid": "DEH",
          "hana_db_password": "TempPa55word"
      "cloud_properties": {
        "project_id": "my-project",
        "instance_name": "bms-machine-1"
    "region": "us-central1", "image": "rhel-8" }, "discovery_configuration": { "enable_discovery": true, "enable_workload_discovery": true }, "hana_monitoring_configuration": { "enabled": false } }

Configuration parameters

The following table explains the configuration parameters of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP that are specific to the collection of the Process Monitoring metrics.



To enable the collection of the metrics required by the SAP Host Agent, specify true. Default is true.
Don't set provide_sap_host_agent_metrics to false unless you are directed by Cloud Customer Care or SAP Support.



When the agent is installed on a Bare Metal Solution server, specify true. Default is false.



To set the logging level of the agent, set the required value. The available log levels are as follows:

  • INFO

Default is INFO. Don't change the logging level unless you are directed by Cloud Customer Care.



To redirect the agent's logs to Cloud Logging, specify true. The default is true.



If your SAP system is running on a Bare Metal Solution server, then specify the project ID of the Google Cloud project that you are using with Bare Metal Solution.

When the agent runs on a VM instance, by default, the agent detects the project ID automatically.



If your SAP system is running on a Compute Engine VM instance, then specify the name that VM instance. The agent automatically detects the VM instance name upon installation.

If your SAP system is running on a Bare Metal Solution server, then specify the name of that server.



If your SAP system is running on a Bare Metal Solution server, then specify the region of the Bare Metal Solution server.

When the agent runs on a VM instance, by default, the agent uses the region of the VM instance that the agent is installed on.


When the agent runs on a VM instance, by default, the agent uses the zone of the VM instance that the agent is installed on.



Specify the OS image name of the instance.

When the agent runs on a VM instance, by default, the agent detects the OS image of the VM instance that the agent is installed on.



Specify the numeric ID of the Google Cloud project that the SAP system is running in.

When the agent runs on a VM instance, by default, the agent detects the numeric project ID automatically.



To let the agent collect the names and versions of the SAP products running on the host, specify true. The default value is true.

For more information, see the agent's codebase in the google-cloud-sap-agent GitHub repository under GoogleCloudPlatform/sapagent.



To send to Cloud Logging the information that the agent collects about the SAP products running on the host, specify true. The default value is true.

If you specify the value false, then the agent stores the collected information on the host and doesn't send it to Cloud Logging.



To enable Process Monitoring metrics collection, specify true. Default is false.
This parameter is applicable only for Linux.

If you enable Process metrics collection for SAP HANA, then you need to set up additional parameters listed under hana_metrics_config.



From version 2.6, this parameter determines the collection frequency of the fast-changing Process Monitoring metrics, in seconds. Fast-changing Process Monitoring metrics are: sap/hana/availability, sap/hana/ha/availability, and sap/nw/availability.

The default value for this parameter is 5 seconds. We recommend that you use this default value.

All other (slow-changing) Process Monitoring metrics are collected at a default frequency of 30 seconds. To change the collection frequency of the slow-changing Process Monitoring metrics, use the parameter slow_process_metrics_frequency.



Specify the collection frequency of the slow-changing Process Monitoring metrics, in seconds.

The default value for this parameter is 30 seconds.



Specify the Process Monitoring metrics that you don't want the agent to collect. This parameter accepts a comma-separated value of Process Monitoring metric names. For example: "process_metrics_to_skip": ["/sap/nw/abap/sessions", "/sap/nw/abap/rfc"].



Specify the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA. Default is SYSTEM.



Specify the plain text password for the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA.

Instead of specifying a plain text password, we recommend that you use one of the following options:

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely provide the password for the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA, specify the name of the secret that contains the security credentials for the database user account.

The agent collects the SAP HANA related metrics only when you specify either hana_db_password_secret_name, hdbuserstore_key, or hana_db_password.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely connect to an SAP HANA system, specify a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key that you've created for that system.

To use an hdbuserstore key for authentication, ensure the following:

  • The SAP tools hdbsql and hdbuserstore are installed on the compute instance hosting the agent.
  • The hdbuserstore key corresponds to one specific SAP HANA instance. You can't use keys that contain hostnames of multiple SAP HANA instances.
  • The SIDadm user can query the SAP HANA database using this key. Here SID refers to the value that you've specified for the sid parameter. You can verify this by running the following command as the SIDadm user:

This configuration parameter is supported from version 3.3 of the agent.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



Specify the SID of your SAP HANA instance. If you're using an hdbuserstore key to authenticate to SAP HANA, then refer to the hdbuserstore_key section.

View the collected metrics

To visualize the Process Monitoring metrics that the agent collects, you can use the following custom dashboards that Google Cloud provides:

  • Agent for SAP - HANA Overview: This dashboard provides charts that display status overview for the following metrics: SAP HANA Availability, SAP HANA HA Availability, SAP HANA HA Replication, SAP HANA Service Status, HA Cluster - Node State, and HA Cluster - Resource State for SAP Instances.

    The JSON file for this dashboard is sap-agent-status-overview.json.

  • Agent for SAP - HANA Raw Metrics: This dashboard provides charts that display raw metric values for the following metrics: SAP HANA Availability, SAP HANA HA Availability, SAP HANA HA Replication, SAP HANA Service Status, HA Cluster - Node State, and HA Cluster - Resource State for SAP Instances.

    The JSON file for this dashboard is sap-agent-raw-metrics.json.

Install dashboards

To install a custom dashboard, complete the following steps:

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Monitoring page:

    Go to Monitoring

  2. In the Monitoring navigation panel, click Dashboards.

  3. Click the Sample library tab.

    Display of the sample library tab selected.

  4. To filter the agent-specific custom dashboards, in the Filter field, type Agent for SAP.

  5. (Optional) To view details about a dashboard or to preview its contents, click Preview.

  6. Select the dashboard that you want to install.

  7. Click Import, and then click Confirm.

    The dashboard is added to the available dashboards in your Google Cloud project. To see your dashboard, follow the instructions in View the installed dashboard.

Google Cloud CLI

  1. Open the Cloud Shell:

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. In the Cloud Shell, clone or download the repository:

    git clone

  3. In the Cloud Shell, install the required dashboard using the corresponding JSON file:

    gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file=CONFIG_FROM_FILE

    Replace CONFIG_FROM_FILE with the path to the JSON file that contains the dashboard configuration. Dashboard configuration files can be located at path: monitoring-dashboard-samples/dashboards/google-cloud-agent-for-sap.

    The dashboard is added to the available dashboards in your Google Cloud project. To see your dashboard, follow the instructions in View the installed dashboard.

View the installed dashboards

To view the installed dashboards, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Monitoring page:

    Go to Monitoring

  2. In the Monitoring navigation panel, click Dashboards.

  3. Click the dashboard name in the list.

If you have a lot of dashboards, then you can filter for custom dashboards or for the name of the new dashboard. For information on filtering this list, see View custom dashboards.

The following image is an example that shows a part of the custom dashboard for SAP HANA metrics in Monitoring.

Screen capture shows the custom dashboard for SAP HANA metrics
in Monitoring