Troubleshooting the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud

To troubleshoot issues with the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, the first step is to figure out where the problem might be coming from. The issue could be related to your infrastructure, the SAP BTP environment and tools you're using, or the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud itself.

If your analysis points to a problem with the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, then troubleshoot issues by using SAP application logs and error messages.

If you think the issue is within your SAP environment or tools, then reach out to SAP for assistance.

Check prerequisites

Make sure that all prerequisites are met for the installation of SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud. For information about the SDK installation prerequisites, see Before you begin.

Read the SAP support documentation

If you have an SAP user account, then you can find the resolution to many SAP software issues by reading the SAP Notes and SAP Knowledge Base Articles that are available in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.

View logs

When logging is configured, the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud logs error messages to SAP application logs. For more information about logging, see Configure logging.

To view log messages, perform the following steps:

  1. Access the SAP Fiori launchpad of the BTP ABAP system where the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud is installed.
  2. Open the Google SDK: Application Logs Display app.
  3. Provide the log filters as appropriate:

    • From: select a starting date to filter logs from.
    • To: select an end date to filter logs until.
    • Log objects: select a log object for which logs have to be fetched.
    • Log subobject: select a log subobject for which logs have to be fetched.
    • Service name: select the API service names against which logs have to be fetched.
  4. Click Go. The list of application log headers are displayed.

    Application log headers

  5. Click a log header to navigate to detailed item-level logs. The log messages are displayed with severity and timestamp.

    Detailed item level logs

    A log message typically consists of the following two entries:

    • Entering: provides information about the code location where exactly the error occurred. For troubleshooting, you can use this code location as a breakpoint while debugging.
    • Error message: provides information about an error that occurred while performing an operation.


If you have the required authorization, then you can debug the API client classes.

To debug the API client classes, use one of the following options:

  • Add a breakpoint to the constructor of the class /GOOG/CL_HTTP_CLIENT, and then run your program.

  • Add a breakpoint to the method that you are using, and then run your program.

HTTP trace

While troubleshooting errors, you can check the HTTP call trace in SAP Monitor System Outbound Connections. For more information, see the SAP page Monitoring System Outbound Communication in General.

Common operational issues

When consuming Google Cloud APIs through the client stub public methods, developers might encounter errors and exceptions. These errors and exceptions are broadly classified into two categories:

This section covers errors and exceptions triggered by the SDK.

/GOOG/MSG: 503 - HTTP Communication Failure exception occurred during the request sending

Issue: The HTTP request to an API method failed.

Cause: This issue can be caused by connectivity issues.

Resolution: In the Google Cloud project from where you are trying to access the Google Cloud APIs, enable the target APIs. For information about how to enable Google Cloud APIs, see Enabling APIs.

/GOOG/MSG:400 - Error generating STS token:Bad Request-invalid_request-Invalid value for " audience". This value should be the full resource name of the Identity Provider. See for the list of possible formats.

Issue: You cannot generate the Security Token Service (STS) token.

Cause: When you're authenticating to Google Cloud using tokens through Workload Identity Federation or the API key stored in Secret Manager, your authentication setup is missing necessary configurations.

Resolution: Verify and update the following details:

  • In the Communication Arrangement app, update the Workload Identity Federation pool ID and Workload Identity Federation provider ID.

  • In the Google SDK: Main Configuration app, for your communication map, update the Google Cloud project ID and Google Cloud project number for the client key.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.

/GOOG/MSG:400 - Error generating STS token:Bad Request-invalid_scope-Invalid scope provided in the request

Issue: You cannot authenticate to Google Cloud.

Cause: When you're authenticating to Google Cloud using tokens through Workload Identity Federation or the API key stored in Secret Manager, the Google Cloud Scope is invalid.

Resolution: In the Google SDK: Main Configuration app, for your communication map make sure that the Google Cloud Scope is

/GOOG/MSG:461 - API Key not valid. Please pass a valid API Key

Issue: You're not able to authenticate to Google Cloud using the API key based authentication.

Cause: An invalid API key is provided in the communication arrangement.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, maintain a valid secret name and version in the associated communication arrangement. Also, make sure a valid API key is configured in the secret.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use API key stored in Secret Manager

/GOOG/MSG: 461 - Communication Map entry for authentication service not maintained

Issue: The SDK cannot determine the communication artifacts for authentication.

Cause: There's no communication map maintained for the authentication service.

Resolution: In the Google SDK: Main Configuration app, create a communication map and maintain the correct Authentication type for the authentication method that you're using.

To create a communication map, see the instructions for authentication methods in Configure authentication for SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud.

/GOOG/MSG: 461 - Communication Scenario not valid for default Google Authentication

Issue: The SDK cannot determine the communication arrangement for authentication.

Cause: The entry maintained for the authentication service is invalid.

Resolution: In the Google SDK: Main Configuration app, for your communication map entry, make sure that the communication arrangement is configured with correct and communication scenario and communication system.

To update a communication arrangement, see the instructions for authentication methods in Set up authentication for the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud.

/GOOG/MSG:400 - Error generating IDP token: Not found

Issue: You cannot generate the identity provider token from the XSUAA service.

Cause: When you're authenticating to Google Cloud using tokens through Workload Identity Federation or the API key stored in Secret Manager, either the host name URL for the XSUAA service or the path value is invalid in the communication system.

Resolution: Verify and update the following details:

  • In the communication system for the XSUAA service or in the BTP destination that is used in the communication system, maintain the correct host name URL.
  • In the communication arrangement, maintain a valid path.

/GOOG/MSG:400 - Error generating STS token: Not found

Issue: You cannot generate the Security Token Service token required for authentication.

Cause: When you're authenticating to Google Cloud using tokens through Workload Identity Federation or the API key stored in Secret Manager, and you're using a communication arrangement for the STS service, the communication system associated with the STS service is invalid.

Resolution: Verify and update the following details:

  • In the communication system for the STS service or in the BTP destination that is used in the communication system, maintain the correct host name URL.
  • In the communication arrangement, maintain a valid path.

/GOOG/MSG:400 - Error generating IAM token: Not found

Issue: You cannot generate the IAM token required for authentication.

Cause: When you're authenticating to Google Cloud using tokens through Workload Identity Federation or the API key stored in Secret Manager, and you're using a communication arrangement for the IAM service, the communication map and communication system associated with the IAM service is invalid.

Resolution: Verify and update the following details:

  • In the communication system for the IAM service or in the BTP destination that is used in the communication system, maintain the correct host name URL.
  • In the communication arrangement, maintain a valid path.

Configuration validation errors

G001 | Check communication scenario

Cause: The communication scenario configured in the communication map is not supported with the default authorization class /GOOG/CL_AUTH_GOOGLE.

Resolution: If you're using /GOOG/CL_AUTH_GOOGLE as the authorization class, then make sure that one of the following communication scenario is specified in your communication map depending of the authentication method:

Communication scenario Authentication
/GOOG/COM_SDK_WIF Workload Identity Federation
/GOOG/COM_SDK_APIKSM API key using Secret Manager

To update a communication map, see the instructions for authentication methods in Set up authentication for the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud.

W001 | Check Comm. arrangement for WIF

Cause: Communication arrangement cannot be identified using the communication scenario and communication system specified in the Google SDK: Main Configuration app.

Resolution: Make sure that the communication arrangement for the authentication service uses a valid communication scenario and communication system.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.

W002 | Fetch XSUAA token

Cause: The XSUAA token retrieval failed.

Resolution: Make sure that the XSUAA service instance is correctly configured.

For more information, see Create an Authorization and Trust (XSUAA) service instance.

W003 | Fetch WIF Pool ID

Cause: Workload Identity Federation pool ID does not exist in the communication arrangement.

Resolution: In the communication arrangement used for the authentication service, make sure that the communication scenario /GOOG/COM_SDK_WIF is used, and a valid workload identity federation pool ID is specified.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.

W004 | Fetch WIF Provider ID

Cause: Workload Identity Federation provider ID does not exist in the communication arrangement.

Resolution: In the communication arrangement used for the authentication service, make sure that the communication scenario /GOOG/COM_SDK_WIF is used, and a valid workload identity federation provider ID is specified.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.

W005 | Fetch STS token

Cause: The STS token retrieval failed.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, perform the following:

  • In the communication map, check if the Google Cloud project number is correctly maintained. For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.
  • Make sure that the Workload Identity Federation pool ID and provider ID are valid and correctly maintained in the communication arrangement used for the authentication service. For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.
  • In the communication map, if an entry is maintained for the sts:v1 service, then make sure that the communication arrangement maintained is valid, available in the system, and uses the same communication scenario and communication system as maintained in the SDK configuration app.

W006 | Fetch IAM credential token

Cause: The IAM token retrieval failed from the IAM Credentials API.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, perform the following:

  • In the communication map, check if the Google Cloud project number is correctly maintained. For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use Workload Identity Federation.
  • In the communication map, if an entry is maintained for the iamcredentials:v1 service, then make sure that the communication arrangement maintained is valid, available in the system, and uses the same communication scenario and communication system as specified in the SDK configuration app.

V001 | Check Comm. Arr. for API Key(SM)

Cause: Communication arrangement cannot be identified using the communication scenario and communication system specified in the Google SDK: Main Configuration app.

Resolution: Make sure that the communication arrangement maintained for the authentication service is valid, available in the system, and uses the same communication scenario and communication system as maintained in the SDK configuration app.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use API key from Secret Manager.

V002 | Fetch Secret Name

Cause: Secret name does not exist in the communication arrangement.

Resolution: In the communication arrangement used for the authentication service, make sure that the communication scenario /GOOG/COM_SDK_APIKSM is used, and a valid secret is specified.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use API key from Secret Manager.

V003 | Fetch Secret Version

Cause: The Secret version property does not contain a valid value in the communication arrangement.

Resolution: In the communication arrangement used for the authentication service, make sure that the communication scenario /GOOG/COM_SDK_APIKSM is used, and a valid secret version is specified.

For more information, see Configure ABAP SDK for Google Cloud to use API key from Secret Manager.

V004 | Fetch Token from Secret Manager

Cause: The Secret Manager API failed to retrieve the secret that contains the API key.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, perform the following:

Error messages returned by Google Cloud APIs

Every API client stub has the exporting parameters that provide API return code and error messages.

  • ev_ret_code contains the HTTP status codes. In case of an error returned by an API, this parameter contains a value 4XX.

  • ev_err_resp contains the error category and error message returned by an API.

The following example shows an API-returned error when you create a new Pub/Sub topic with a topic name that already exists.

  • ERROR_TEXT: Conflict
  • ERROR_DESCRIPTION: Resource already exists in the project (resource=SAMPLE_TOPIC_01)

For errors returned by APIs, we recommend that you check the public documentation of corresponding APIs.

Get support from the community

Ask your questions and discuss ABAP SDK for Google Cloud with the community on Cloud Forums.

Get support

If you need help resolving problems with the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, then collect all available diagnostic information and contact Cloud Customer Care.

For information about contacting Cloud Customer Care, see Getting support for SAP on Google Cloud.