Invoke the Gemini models

This document describes how to invoke the Gemini models to generate response for text and multimodal input, by using the Vertex AI SDK for ABAP. Gemini models can accept multiple modes of input, including text, image, video, audio, and documents. You can use the Gemini models for use cases such as the following:

  • Summarizing free-form text
  • Describing or interpreting media assets
  • Translating between languages

Using generative models to build AI-centric features doesn't require any machine learning (ML) expertise. You don't need to collect a large dataset or train a model. All it takes to start your first program is to describe what you want the model to do in a few sentences. The Vertex AI SDK for ABAP provides ABAP classes and methods to access the Gemini models from your SAP environment. To begin, view these code samples.

Before you begin

Before using the Vertex AI SDK for ABAP with the Gemini models, make sure that you or your administrators have completed the following prerequisites:

Send request to Gemini

This section explains how to send requests to Gemini models through the Vertex AI API by using the Vertex AI SDK for ABAP.

Instantiate the Gemini multimodal invoker class

To invoke the Gemini text and multimodal models by using text or multimodal prompts, you can use the /GOOG/CL_GENERATIVE_MODEL class. You instantiate the class by passing the model key configured in the model generation parameters.

DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).
DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

Replace MODEL_KEY with the model key name, which is configured in the model generation parameters.

Generate content with a prompt

To generate content by providing a text prompt to the model, you can use the GENERATE_CONTENT method.

lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT' ).
lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT' ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Provide system instructions to the model

To pass text based system instructions to the model, you can use the SET_SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS method.

lo_model->set_system_instructions( 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS' ).
lo_model->set_system_instructions( 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS' ).

Replace SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS with your system instructions to the model.

Add safety settings

To add safety settings for the model to generate responses, you can use the ADD_SAFETY_SETTINGS method. This feature is used to impose safety guidelines on the model to block unsafe content.

lo_model->add_safety_settings( iv_harm_category        = 'HARM_CATEGORY'
                            iv_harm_block_threshold = 'HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD'
                            iv_harm_block_method    = 'HARM_BLOCK_METHOD' ).
lo_model->add_safety_settings( iv_harm_category        = 'HARM_CATEGORY'
                            iv_harm_block_threshold = 'HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD'
                            iv_harm_block_method    = 'HARM_BLOCK_METHOD' ).

Replace the following:

With each method call, the ADD_SAFETY_SETTINGS method adds the specified safety settings to the model's input.

Set generation configuration for the model

You maintain generation configuration for the models in the table /GOOG/AI_CONFIG. To override the generation configuration for a particular call, you can use the SET_GENERATION_CONFIG method. If the import parameter for a generation property is set, then the passed parameter value is taken into effect.

lo_model->set_generation_config( iv_response_mime_type = 'RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE'
                                 iv_temperature        = 'TEMPERATURE'
                                 iv_top_p              = 'TOP_P'
                                 iv_top_k              = 'TOP_K'
                                 iv_candidate_count    = 'CANDIDATE_COUNT'
                                 iv_max_output_tokens  = 'MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS'
                                 iv_presence_penalty   = 'PRESENCE_PENALTY'
                                 iv_frequency_penalty  = 'FREQUENCY_PENALTY' ).
lo_model->set_generation_config( iv_response_mime_type = 'RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE'
                                 iv_temperature        = 'TEMPERATURE'
                                 iv_top_p              = 'TOP_P'
                                 iv_top_k              = 'TOP_K'
                                 iv_candidate_count    = 'CANDIDATE_COUNT'
                                 iv_max_output_tokens  = 'MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS'
                                 iv_presence_penalty   = 'PRESENCE_PENALTY'
                                 iv_frequency_penalty  = 'FREQUENCY_PENALTY' ).

Replace the following:

  • RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE: Response MIME type for the model.
  • TEMPERATURE: Randomness temperature.
  • TOP_P: Top-P sampling.
  • TOP_K: Top-K sampling.
  • CANDIDATE_COUNT: Number of candidates to generate.
  • MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS: Maximum number of output tokens per message
  • PRESENCE_PENALTY: Positive penalties.
  • FREQUENCY_PENALTY: Frequency penalties.

For more information about these parameters, see Configure model generation parameters.

Pass multimodal input to the model

You can invoke the Gemini models using multimodal input, which can be either text, image, video, documents, or a combination of these. You can pass the input as either in the raw data form or by providing the Cloud Storage URI of the file objects.

Set raw data

To provide the raw data of a file as input to the model, along with its MIME type, you can use the SET_INLINE_DATA method. For video inputs, to consider only a specific part of a video, you can set the start time and end time by using the optional importing parameters IV_VIDEO_START_OFFSET and IV_VIDEO_END_OFFSET, respectively.

lo_model->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                           iv_data      = 'RAW_DATA' ).
lo_model->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                           iv_data      = 'RAW_DATA' ).

Replace the following:

  • MIME_TYPE: The IANA standard MIME type of the raw data. By default, the MIME type is set to application/pdf.
  • RAW_DATA: Base64-encoded raw data of the image, PDF, or video to include inline in the prompt.

To clear the raw data of files from the model's input with the same instance of the /GOOG/CL_GENERATIVE_MODEL class, you can use the CLEAR_INLINE_DATA method.

lo_model->clear_inline_data( ).
lo_model->clear_inline_data( ).

Set objects from Cloud Storage

To provide the URI of a file object stored in a Cloud Storage bucket as input to the model, along with its MIME type, you can use the SET_FILE_DATA method. For video inputs, to consider only a specific part of a video, you can set the start time and end time by using the optional importing parameters IV_VIDEO_START_OFFSET and IV_VIDEO_END_OFFSET, respectively.

lo_model->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                         iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI' ).
lo_model->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                         iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI' ).

Replace the following:

  • MIME_TYPE: The IANA standard MIME type of the file data. By default, the MIME type is set to application/pdf.
  • FILE_URI: The URI of the file stored in a Cloud Storage bucket.

If you want to pass all the files present in a Cloud Storage bucket as an input to the model, then use the method SET_FILES_FROM_GCS to specify the target Cloud Storage bucket name.

lo_model->set_files_from_gcs( iv_storage_bucket_name = 'STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME').
lo_model->set_files_from_gcs( iv_storage_bucket_name = 'STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME').

Replace STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME with the name of the Cloud Storage bucket that contains the files.

If you have a separate client key for invoking the Cloud Storage API through the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, then pass the client key name in importing parameter IV_KEY_NAME.

To clear the objects set through Cloud Storage URIs from the model's input with the same instance of the /GOOG/CL_GENERATIVE_MODEL class, you can use the CLEAR_FILE_DATA method.

lo_model->clear_file_data( ).
lo_model->clear_file_data( ).

Set response MIME type

To set the MIME type of the response that the model responds with, you can use the SET_RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE method. If not set, then by default the model takes text/plain as the response MIME type.

lo_model->set_response_mime_type( iv_mime_type = 'RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE' ).
lo_model->set_response_mime_type( iv_mime_type = 'RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE' ).

Replace RESPONSE_MIME_TYPE with the response MIME type of generated content.

Count number of tokens in a text prompt

To count the number of tokens in a text prompt before invoking the model with the prompt, you can use the COUNT_TOKENS method.

DATA(lv_total_tokens) = lo_model->count_tokens( iv_prompt_text         = 'PROMPT'
                                                iv_system_instructions = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'
                               )->get_total_tokens( ).

DATA(lv_total_billable_characters) = lo_model->count_tokens(
                                                 iv_prompt_text         = 'PROMPT'
                                                 iv_system_instructions = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'
                                            )->get_total_billable_characters( ).
DATA(lv_total_tokens) = lo_model->count_tokens( iv_prompt_text         = 'PROMPT'
                                                iv_system_instructions = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'
                               )->get_total_tokens( ).

DATA(lv_total_billable_characters) = lo_model->count_tokens(
                                                 iv_prompt_text         = 'PROMPT'
                                                 iv_system_instructions = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'
                                            )->get_total_billable_characters( ).

Replace the following:

Receive response from Gemini

To receive processed responses from the model and present them in a meaningful way for ABAP developers, the SDK provides the class /GOOG/CL_MODEL_RESPONSE.

The response captured by the /GOOG/CL_MODEL_RESPONSE class is chained to the requests made through the methods of the /GOOG/CL_GENERATIVE_MODEL class, so that you can directly access the response in a single statement without requiring variables to store the intermediate results.

Get text response

To receive a text response from the model, you can use the GET_TEXT method.

DATA(lv_response_text) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                )->get_text( ).
DATA(lv_response_text) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                )->get_text( ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Get safety rating

To receive a list of ratings for the safety of the model's response, you can use the GET_SAFETY_RATING method.

DATA(lt_safety_ratings) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                 )->get_safety_rating( ).
DATA(lt_safety_ratings) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                 )->get_safety_rating( ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Get number of tokens in the request prompt

To receive the number of tokens in the input prompt to the model, you can use the GET_PROMPT_TOKEN_COUNT method.

DATA(lv_prompt_token_count) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                     )->get_prompt_token_count( ).
DATA(lv_prompt_token_count) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                     )->get_prompt_token_count( ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Get number of tokens in the model's response

To receive the number of tokens in the response from the model, you can use the GET_CANDIDATES_TOKEN_COUNT method.

DATA(lv_candidates_token_count) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                         )->get_candidates_token_count( ).
DATA(lv_candidates_token_count) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                         )->get_candidates_token_count( ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Get block reason

To receive the reason for which the model blocked response generation, you can use the GET_BLOCK_REASON method.

DATA(lv_block_reason) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                               )->get_block_reason( ).
DATA(lv_block_reason) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                               )->get_block_reason( ).
`` `

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Get block reason message

To receive a readable reason message for blocking response generation by the model, you can use the GET_BLOCK_REASON_MESSAGE method.

DATA(lv_block_reason_message) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                       )->get_block_reason_message( ).
DATA(lv_block_reason_message) = lo_model->generate_content( 'PROMPT'
                                       )->get_block_reason_message( ).

Replace PROMPT with your text prompt.

Code samples

The following code samples demonstrates how to invoke the Gemini models to generate response for varying types of input.

Text-based generation

The following code sample shows how to generate a response from a text prompt along with a system instruction. System instruction is optional and can be passed along with the prompt to instruct the model to behave in a specific manner.

Code sample

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )->get_text( ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      cl_demo_output=>display( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    cl_demo_output=>display( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )out->write( lv_response ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      out->write( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    out->write( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).


Replace the following:

Multimodal generation

The following code sample shows how to generate a response from a multimodal input, such as text and an image. You can mention Cloud Storage URI or raw file data of an image, video, or document along with a text prompt. System instruction is optional and can be passed along with the prompt to instruct the model to behave in a specific manner.

Code sample

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                 iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI'
                               )->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                   iv_data      = 'INLINE_DATA'
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )->get_text( ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      cl_demo_output=>display( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    cl_demo_output=>display( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                 iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI'
                               )->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                   iv_data      = 'INLINE_DATA'
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )out->write( lv_response ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      out->write( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    out->write( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).


Replace the following:

  • MODEL_KEY: The model key name, which is configured in the model generation parameters.
  • PROMPT: Your text prompt.
  • SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS: Your system instruction to the model.
  • MIME_TYPE: The IANA standard MIME type of the file data. By default, the MIME type is set to application/pdf.
  • FILE_URI: The URI of the file stored in a Cloud Storage bucket.
  • INLINE_DATA: Base64-encoded raw data of the image, PDF, or video to include inline in the prompt.

Add safety settings for the model

The following code sample shows how to add safety settings for the model to generate response.

Code sample

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                 iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI'
                               )->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                   iv_data      = 'INLINE_DATA'
                               )->add_safety_settings( iv_harm_category        = 'HARM_CATEGORY'
                                                       iv_harm_block_threshold = 'HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD'
                                                       iv_harm_block_method    = 'HARM_BLOCK_METHOD'
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )->get_text( ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      cl_demo_output=>display( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    cl_demo_output=>display( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).

  lv_instruction TYPE string,
  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_instruction = 'SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS'.
lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_response) = lo_model->set_system_instructions( lv_instruction
                               )->set_file_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                 iv_file_uri  = 'FILE_URI'
                               )->set_inline_data( iv_mime_type = 'MIME_TYPE'
                                                   iv_data      = 'INLINE_DATA'
                               )->add_safety_settings( iv_harm_category        = 'HARM_CATEGORY'
                                                       iv_harm_block_threshold = 'HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD'
                                                       iv_harm_block_method    = 'HARM_BLOCK_METHOD'
                               )->generate_content( lv_prompt
                               )out->write( lv_response ).
    IF lv_response IS NOT INITIAL.
      out->write( lv_response ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    out->write( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).


Replace the following:

  • MODEL_KEY: The model key name, which is configured in the model generation parameters.
  • PROMPT: Your text prompt.
  • SYSTEM_INSTRUCTIONS: Your system instruction to the model.
  • MIME_TYPE: The IANA standard MIME type of the file data. By default, the MIME type is set to application/pdf.
  • FILE_URI: The URI of the file stored in a Cloud Storage bucket.
  • INLINE_DATA: Base64-encoded raw data of the image, PDF, or video to include inline in the prompt.
  • HARM_CATEGORY: The Harm category that you want to apply.
  • HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD: The probability based thresholds level that you want to apply.
  • HARM_BLOCK_METHOD: The harm block method that you want to apply.

Find number of tokens and billable characters in a prompt

Before invoking the model with a prompt, you might want to check the number of tokens in your prompt and how many billable characters are present in your token to plan your Google Cloud project billing. The following code sample shows how to find these numbers and evaluate your billing for similar model call.

Code sample

  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_total_tokens) = lo_model->count_tokens( lv_prompt
                                   )->get_total_tokens( ).

    DATA(lv_total_billable_characters) = lo_model->count_tokens( lv_prompt
                                                )->get_total_billable_characters( ).
    IF lv_total_tokens IS NOT INITIAL.
      cl_demo_output=>display( 'Total Tokens -' && lv_total_tokens ).


    IF lv_total_billable_characters IS NOT INITIAL.
      cl_demo_output=>display( 'Total Billable Characters -' && lv_total_billable_characters ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    cl_demo_output=>display( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).

  lv_prompt      TYPE string.

lv_prompt      = 'PROMPT'.

    DATA(lo_model) = NEW /goog/cl_generative_model( iv_model_key = 'MODEL_KEY' ).

    DATA(lv_total_tokens) = lo_model->count_tokens( lv_prompt
                                   )->get_total_tokens( ).

    DATA(lv_total_billable_characters) = lo_model->count_tokens( lv_prompt
    )out->write( |Total Tokens - { lv_total_tokens }| ).
    IF lv_total_tokens IS NOT INITIAL.
       out->write( |Total Tokens - { lv_total_tokens }| ).


    IF lv_total_billable_characters IS NOT INITIAL.
      out->write( |Total Billable Characters - { lv_total_billable_characters }| ).

    out->write( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).
  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_cx_sdk).
    out->write( lo_cx_sdk->get_text( ) ).


Replace the following:

What's next