Translate text

This quickstart shows you how to create a program that translates text from English to German by using the Cloud Translation API v2 through the SAP BTP edition of ABAP SDK for Google Cloud.

Before you begin

Before you run this quickstart, make sure that you or your administrators have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Make sure the Cloud Translation API is enabled in your Google Cloud project.

    Go to API library

Create an ABAP class to translate text

  1. Create a package:

    1. In ADT, go to the Project Explorer.
    2. Right-click the package ZLOCAL, and select New > ABAP Package.
    3. Enter the following details for your package:

      • Name: enter ZABAPSDK_TEST.
      • Description: enter ABAP SDK Test Package.
    4. Click Next.

    5. In the Select a Transport Request dialog, select the Create a new request checkbox.

    6. Enter a description for the transport request.

    7. Click Finish.

  2. Create an ABAP class to call the Cloud Translation API:

    1. Right-click your ABAP package and select New > ABAP Class.
    2. Enter the following details for your ABAP class:

      • Name: enter ZGOOG_CL_QS_TRANSLATION.
      • Description: enter Quick start for Translation API.
    3. Click Next.

    4. Select a transport request and click Finish.

  3. In the code editor, replace the default code with the following code snippet:

    CLASS zcl_qs_translate_test DEFINITION
       INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
    CLASS zcl_qs_translate_test IMPLEMENTATION.
     METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
       DATA ls_input        TYPE /goog/cl_translation_v2=>ty_006.
       DATA lt_translations TYPE /goog/cl_translation_v2=>ty_translations.
       DATA ls_texts        TYPE /goog/cl_translation_v2=>ty_008.
       DATA lo_translate    TYPE REF TO /goog/cl_translation_v2.
           " Instantiate API client stub
           lo_translate = NEW #( iv_key_name = 'DEMO_TRANSLATE' ).
           " Pass the text to be translated to the required parameter
           ls_input = VALUE #( format = 'text'
                               source = 'en'
                               target = 'de'
                               q      = VALUE #( ( |The Earth is the third planet from the Sun| ) ) ).
           " Call the API method to translate text
           lo_translate->translate_translations( EXPORTING is_input    = ls_input
                                                 IMPORTING es_output   = DATA(ls_output)
                                                           ev_ret_code = DATA(lv_ret_code)
                                                           ev_err_text = DATA(lv_err_text)
                                                           es_err_resp = DATA(ls_err_resp) ).
           IF lo_translate->is_success( lv_ret_code ) = abap_true.
             lt_translations = ls_output-data.
                 ls_texts = lt_translations-translations[ 1 ].
                 out->write( |Translation Successful| ).
                 out->write( |Translated Text is:  { ls_texts-translated_text }| ).
               CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
                 out->write( |Translation not fetched| ).
           " Close HTTP connection
           lo_translate->close( ).
         CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_exception).
           " Handle exception here

    Replace DEMO_TRANSLATE with the client key name.

  4. Save and activate the changes.

  5. Run your application:

    1. Select the ABAP class ZGOOG_CL_QS_TRANSLATION.
    2. Click Run > Run As > ABAP Application (Console). Alternatively, press F9. If successful, the following output displays:
      'Translation Successful'
      'Translated Text is: Die Erde ist der dritte Planet von der Sonne'

What's next