Serverless web performance monitoring using Cloud Functions

This tutorial describes how to create a web-performance-monitoring app using Google Cloud serverless technologies.

Performance plays a major role in the success of any web app. If your site performs poorly, you might experience fewer sign-ups and lower user retention, which will probably impact your business goals. Performance should be a key success criterion when designing, building, and testing your web app.

However, page performance can also change over time as your app evolves. Developers can add or update images and scripts, or the underlying app serving infrastructure itself can change. Therefore, it's important to regularly monitor page performance. Typically, you store the performance metrics to enable historical analysis. It's also common practice to generate alerts if page performance falls below some defined thresholds.


  • Create a Cloud Function that uses headless Chrome to collect web page performance metrics.
  • Store the metrics in Cloud Storage.
  • Create another Cloud Function, triggered by the Cloud Storage creation event, to analyze the page metrics.
  • Store the analysis results in Firestore.
  • Create another Cloud Function, triggered by the Firestore creation event, to publish an alert to Pub/Sub if page performance is poor.
  • Create a Cloud Scheduler job to periodically trigger the first Cloud Function.
  • Verify the outputs for success and for failure scenarios.


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud, including:

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Scheduler
  • Cloud Storage
  • Firestore
  • Pub/Sub
  • Container Registry
  • Cloud Build

Use the pricing calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Cloud Functions, Cloud Scheduler, Pub/Sub, and Cloud Build APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  6. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  7. Enable the Cloud Functions, Cloud Scheduler, Pub/Sub, and Cloud Build APIs.

    Enable the APIs


Web performance monitoring operations are typically stateless and short-lived. They are also often event-driven, occurring either on a schedule or triggered as part of some other process, such as an automated testing pipeline. These characteristics make serverless architectures an appealing choice for implementing web analysis apps.

In this tutorial, you use various parts of the Google Cloud serverless stack, including Cloud Functions, Firestore, Cloud Scheduler, and Pub/Sub. You don't have to manage the infrastructure for any of these services, and you pay only for what you use. The core of the app is implemented using Cloud Functions, which provides an event-driven and scalable serverless execution environment. Using Cloud Functions, you can create and connect apps using independent, loosely coupled pieces of logic.

The following diagram shows the architecture of the serverless solution that you create in this tutorial.

Architecture of serverless web analysis solution

Preparing the environment

Before you create the serverless environment, you get the code from GitHub, set variables, and prepare resources you need later for analyzing and storing.

Get the code and set environment variables

  1. In the Google Cloud console, open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Clone the repository that contains the code for the Cloud Functions used in this tutorial:

    git clone
  3. Change to the functions directory:

    cd solutions-serverless-web-monitoring/functions
  4. Set the current project ID and project number as shell variables:

    export PROJECT_NUM=$(gcloud projects list \
        --filter="$PROJECT" \
  5. Set the default deployment region for Cloud Functions. The following example sets the region to us-east1, but you can change this to any region where Cloud Functions is available.

    export REGION=us-east1
    gcloud config set functions/region $REGION

Create Cloud Storage buckets

In this section, you create a Cloud Storage bucket to store the collected page performance data. You can choose any location or storage class, but it's a good practice to create buckets in the same location as the Cloud Functions that will use the buckets.

  1. In Cloud Shell, export a shell variable for the names of the Cloud Storage buckets that will store the metrics. Bucket names must be globally unique, so the following command uses your Google Cloud project number as a suffix on the bucket name.

    export METRICS_BUCKET=page-metrics-$PROJECT_NUM
  2. Use the gcloud CLI to create the buckets:

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://$METRICS_BUCKET --location=$REGION
  3. Update the env-vars.yaml file with the bucket names. This file contains environment variables that you will pass to the Cloud Functions later.

    sed -i "s/\[YOUR_METRICS_BUCKET\]/$METRICS_BUCKET/" env-vars.yaml

Create a Firestore collection

In a later section, you analyze the page performance metrics. In this section, you create a Firestore collection to store the results of each analysis.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firestore page.

    Go to the Firestore page

  2. If you've never created a Firestore database before, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Select Native mode to activate Firestore.
    2. Select a regional location close to the region where your Cloud Functions will run.
    3. Click Create Database.

    It takes a few moments to complete the configuration.

  3. Click Start Collection and set the collection ID to page-metrics.

  4. Click Save.

Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription

Typically you want to notify interested systems and parties if the analysis indicates that a page is performing poorly. In this section, you create Pub/Sub topics that will contain messages that describe any poor performance.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a Pub/Sub topic named performance-alerts:

    gcloud pubsub topics create performance-alerts
  2. Create a subscription to the topic. You use the subscription to verify that alert messages are being published to the topic.

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions create performance-alerts-sub \
        --topic performance-alerts

Collecting page performance metrics

Many websites use JavaScript to dynamically render page content. This makes performance analysis more complicated, because the client needs to emulate a browser in order to fully load the web page. The Node.js runtime for Cloud Functions has support for headless Chrome, which provides the functionality of a full web browser in a serverless environment.

Puppeteer is a Node.js library built by the Chrome DevTools team that provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome. By default, Puppeteer installs a recent version of the browser alongside the library. Therefore, you can add Puppeteer as a dependency to the Cloud Function as an easy way to use headless Chrome within the function.

Measuring and analyzing web page performance is a large and complex field. For simplicity, in this tutorial you use Puppeteer to collect some top-level page performance metrics. However, you can also use Puppeteer and the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) to collect more detailed information, such as timeline traces. You can also better represent your end-user experience by emulating network congestion and performing CPU throttling. For a good introduction to analyzing web page performance, see the Chrome web developers site.

Note that there are many factors that influence web page load times, including the performance characteristics of the client. It's important to establish baselines using the CPU and RAM configurations of the Cloud Function.

The following snippet from the tracer/index.js file shows how to use Puppeteer to load the web page:

// launch Puppeteer and start a Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) session
// with performance tracking enabled.
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  headless: true,
  args: ['--no-sandbox']
const page = await browser.newPage();
const client = await;
await client.send('Performance.enable');

// browse to the page, capture and write the performance metrics
console.log('Fetching url: '+url.href);
await page.goto(url.href, {
  'waitUntil' : 'networkidle0'
const performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');
options = createUploadOptions('application/json', page.url());
await writeToGcs(metricsBucket, filename, JSON.stringify(performanceMetrics), options);
  • In Cloud Shell, deploy the trace Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy trace \
        --trigger-http \
        --runtime nodejs10 \
        --memory 1GB \
        --source tracer \
        --env-vars-file env-vars.yaml \

    It can take several minutes to deploy the Cloud Function.

    The deployment parameters specify that the function should have an HTTP trigger, should use the Node.js 10 runtime, and should have 1 GB memory. This amount of memory is required in order to run headless Chrome. Environment variables are supplied to the function by using the env-vars.yaml file

By default, HTTP-triggered Cloud Functions allow unauthenticated invocations. Therefore, you must secure the trace function.

  • Remove the cloudfunctions.invoker IAM role for allUsers:

    gcloud beta functions remove-iam-policy-binding trace \
        --member allUsers \
        --role roles/cloudfunctions.invoker

Analyzing the metrics

A typical goal of web-performance-monitoring exercises is to track performance against some defined benchmarks. If a particular metric exceeds an expected threshold, it can indicate a problem with a recent software release, or a problem with the underlying infrastructure.

In this section, you create a Cloud Function in Python to parse the page metrics and persist the results to a Firestore collection. The function evaluates the FirstMeaningfulPaint metric against an expected threshold, and marks the analysis result as problematic if the threshold is exceeded. FirstMeaningfulPaint is a user-centric metric that broadly describes when a page becomes useful to the user. You use a Cloud Storage trigger to execute the analysis function whenever a new file is written to the bucket that contains the metrics.

The following snippet from the analyzer/ file shows the function logic:

def analyze(data, context):
  """Function entry point, triggered by creation of an object in a GCS bucket.

  The function reads the content of the triggering file, analyses its contents,
  and persists the results of the analysis to a new Firestore document.

    data (dict): The trigger event payload.
    context ( Metadata for the event.
  page_metrics = get_gcs_file_contents(data)
  max_time_meaningful_paint = int(os.environ.get('MAX_TIME_MEANINGFUL_PAINT'))
  analysis_result = analyze_metrics(data, page_metrics,
  docref = persist(analysis_result, data['name'])'Created new Firestore document %s/%s describing analysis of %s',
     ,, analysis_result['input_file'])
  • Deploy the analyze Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy analyze \
        --trigger-resource gs://$METRICS_BUCKET \
        --trigger-event \
        --runtime python37 \
        --source analyzer \
        --env-vars-file env-vars.yaml

    The function is triggered by a finalize event in the metrics bucket, which is sent every time an object is created in the bucket. The function uses the Python 3.7 runtime.

Alerting on failures

Typically, you want to take action if the metrics analysis indicates a poorly performing page.

In this section, you create a Cloud Function to send a message to a Pub/Sub topic if page performance is unsatisfactory. The function is triggered every time a document is created in the Firestore collection. Interested parties can subscribe to the Pub/Sub topic and take appropriate action. For example, a support app could subscribe to the Pub/Sub messages and send an email, trigger a support pager, or open a bug.

The following snippet from the alerter/ file shows the function logic:

def generate_alert(data, context):
  """Cloud Function entry point, triggered by a change to a Firestore document.

  If the triggering document indicates a Failed status, send the document to
  configured PubSub topic.

    data (dict): The event payload.
    context ( Metadata for the event.
  doc_fields = data['value']['fields']
  status = doc_fields['status']['stringValue']
  if 'FAIL' in status:
    global publish_client
    if not publish_client:
      publish_client = pubsub.PublisherClient()'Sending alert in response to %s status in document %s',
                 status, context.resource)
    project = os.environ.get('GCP_PROJECT')
    topic = os.environ.get('ALERT_TOPIC')
    fqtn = 'projects/{}/topics/{}'.format(project, topic)
    msg = json.dumps(data['value']).encode('utf-8')
    publish_client.publish(fqtn, msg)

Notice that the alert is sent only if the status field indicates a failure.

  • Deploy the alert Cloud Function:

    gcloud functions deploy alert \
        --trigger-event providers/cloud.firestore/eventTypes/document.create \
        --trigger-resource "projects/$PROJECT/databases/(default)/documents/page-metrics/{any}" \
        --runtime python37 \
        --source alerter \
        --env-vars-file env-vars.yaml \
        --entry-point generate_alert

    The function is triggered by a document.create event in the page-metrics Firestore collection. The {any} suffix is a wildcard indicating that the function should be triggered any time a document is created in the collection.

Scheduling the analysis

It's good practice to regularly monitor page performance. For example, you might want to analyze a certain page every hour, every day, or every week. In this section, you create a Cloud Scheduler job to periodically run the the analysis pipeline by triggering the trace function.

The Cloud Scheduler job is executed using a service account that's been granted the required cloudfunctions.invoker IAM role for the trace function.

Sometimes web pages don't respond correctly, or requests time out, so retries are unavoidable with web analysis apps. It's therefore important to have retry logic in your app. Cloud Functions supports retries for background functions.

Retries are not available for HTTP-triggered Cloud Functions, so you can't use Cloud Functions to retry the trace function. However, Cloud Scheduler supports retries. For more information on configuring retry parameters, see the RetryConfig documentation.

  1. Verify that the three Cloud Functions have been correctly deployed and are showing ACTIVE status:

    gcloud functions list
  2. Create a new service account that will be used as the identity for executing the Cloud Scheduler job:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create tracer-job-sa
  3. Grant the new service account the cloudfunctions.invoker IAM role for the trace function:

    gcloud beta functions add-iam-policy-binding trace \
        --role roles/cloudfunctions.invoker \
        --member "serviceAccount:tracer-job-sa@$"
  4. Create a Cloud Scheduler job:

    gcloud scheduler jobs create http traceWithRetry \
        --uri="https://$REGION-$" \
        --http-method=POST \
        --message-body="{\"url\":\"\"}" \
        --headers="Content-Type=application/json" \
        --oidc-service-account-email="tracer-job-sa@$" \
        --schedule="0 3 * * *" \
        --time-zone="UTC" \
        --max-retry-attempts=3 \

    Because the job will call the HTTP-triggered trace function, the command specifies the job type as http, and supplies the function trigger URL as the uri value. The page to analyze, in this case, is provided in the message-body flag. The oidc-service-account-email flag defines the service account to use for authentication. The command indicates the number of retries to attempt using the max-retry-attempts flag, and the value passed with the schedule flag sets the run schedule to 3:00 AM UTC every day.

Verifying results

In this section, you verify that you get the expected behavior for both success and failure conditions.

Verify success

The Cloud Scheduler job won't run until the next scheduled time, which in this case is 3:00 AM UTC. To see the results immediately, you can manually trigger a run.

  1. Wait 90 seconds for the scheduler job to finish initializing.
  2. Run the Cloud Scheduler job manually:

    gcloud scheduler jobs run traceWithRetry
  3. Wait about 30 seconds for the function pipeline to complete.

  4. List the contents of the metrics bucket to show that page metrics have been collected:

    gcloud storage ls gs://$METRICS_BUCKET --long
  5. In the Google Cloud console, open the Cloud Logging viewer page:

    Go to the Logging page

    You see log messages from each of the three Cloud Functions: trace, analyze, and alert. It can take a few moments for the logs to flow through, so you might need to refresh to the logs pane.

    Logging console showing no errors

  6. Make a note of the Firestore document ID, which is listed following the text Created new Firestore document page-metrics/

  7. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firestore page:

    Go to the Firestore page

  8. Inspect the document that contains results of the analysis. The document values indicate a PASS status and contain the latest page performance metrics.

  9. In Cloud Shell, verify that no alert messages have been sent to the Pub/Sub topic by trying to pull a message off the subscription:

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull \
        projects/$PROJECT/subscriptions/performance-alerts-sub \

    You see no items listed.

Verify failure

  1. Manually trigger the trace function. This time, you provide the Google Cloud Tutorials page as the URL. This page has a lot of dynamic content that increases the page load time over the expected maximum threshold.

    gcloud functions call trace \

    Because you have project the Owner or Editor IAM role, you have sufficient permissions to invoke the function.

  2. Wait about 30 seconds for the function pipeline to complete.

  3. List the contents of the metrics bucket to verify that additional metrics have been collected:

    gcloud storage ls gs://$METRICS_BUCKET --long

    You now see two items in each bucket.

  4. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Logging viewer page and filter for the Cloud Function logs:

    Go to the Logging page

    You see an error from the analyze function indicating that the page exceeded the maximum allowed load time. Again, you might need to refresh the logs pane to see the latest messages.

    Logging console showing errors

  5. Make a note of the Firestore document ID.

  6. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firestore page:

    Go to the Firestore page

  7. Find the document that describes the failed analysis.

    The status field is marked as FAIL.

  8. In Cloud Shell, verify that an alert message was sent to the Pub/Sub topic by pulling a message off the subscription.

    gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull \
        projects/$PROJECT/subscriptions/performance-alerts-sub \

    This time, you see the contents of the message.

Clean up

Delete the project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

What's next

  • Learn more about Google Cloud serverless technologies.
  • Explore other Cloud Functions tutorials.
  • Watch the video from Google I/O '18 that describes other uses for Puppeteer and headless Chrome.
  • Explore reference architectures, diagrams, and best practices about Google Cloud. Take a look at our Cloud Architecture Center.