Deploy scalable BigQuery backup automation

Last reviewed 2024-09-17 UTC

This document describes how you deploy Scalable BigQuery backup automation.

This document is intended for cloud architects, engineers, and data governance officers who want to define and automate data policies in their organizations. Experience with Terraform is helpful.


The following diagram shows the automated backup architecture:

Architecture for the automated backup solution.

Cloud Scheduler triggers the run. The dispatcher service, using BigQuery API, lists the in-scope tables. Through a Pub/Sub message, the dispatcher service submits one request for each table to the configurator service. The configurator service determines the backup policies for the tables, and then submits one request for each table to the relevant Cloud Run service. The Cloud Run service then submits a request to the BigQuery API and runs the backup operations. Pub/Sub triggers the tagger service, which logs the results and updates the backup state in the Cloud Storage metadata layer.

For details about the architecture, see Scalable BigQuery backup automation.


  • Build Cloud Run services.
  • Configure Terraform variables.
  • Run the Terraform and manual deployment scripts.
  • Run the solution.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

If you're re-deploying the solution, you can skip this section (for example, after new commits).

In this section, you create one-time resources.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

  2. If you want to create a new Google Cloud project to use as the host project for the deployment, use the gcloud projects create command:

       gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project you want to create.

  3. Install Maven:

    1. Download Maven.
    2. In Cloud Shell, add Maven to PATH:

  4. In Cloud Shell, clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone
  5. Set and export the following environment variables:

    export TF_SA=bq-backup-mgr-terraform
    export BUCKET_NAME=${PROJECT_ID}-bq-backup-mgr
    export BUCKET=gs://${BUCKET_NAME}
    export DOCKER_REPO_NAME=docker-repo
    export CONFIG=bq-backup-manager
    gcloud config configurations create $CONFIG
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    gcloud config set account $ACCOUNT
    gcloud config set compute/region $COMPUTE_REGION
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Google Cloud host project that you want to deploy the solution to.
    • COMPUTE_REGION: the Google Cloud region where you want to deploy compute resources like Cloud Run and Identity and Access Management (IAM).
    • DATA_REGION: the Google Cloud region you want to deploy data resources (such as buckets and datasets) to.
    • ACCOUNT_EMAIL: the user account email address.
  6. Enable the APIs:


    The script enables the following APIs:

    • Cloud Resource Manager API
    • IAM API
    • Data Catalog API
    • Artifact Registry API
    • BigQuery API
    • Pub/Sub API
    • Cloud Storage API
    • Cloud Run Admin API
    • Cloud Build API
    • Service Usage API
    • App Engine Admin API
    • Serverless VPC Access API
    • Cloud DNS API
  7. Prepare the Terraform state bucket:

    gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -l $COMPUTE_REGION -b on $BUCKET
  8. Prepare the Terraform service account:

  9. To publish images that this solution uses, prepare a Docker repository:

    gcloud artifacts repositories create $DOCKER_REPO_NAME
      --repository-format=docker \
      --location=$COMPUTE_REGION \
      --description="Docker repository for backups"

Deploy the infrastructure

Make sure that you've completed Before you begin at least once.

In this section, follow the steps to deploy or redeploy the latest codebase to the Google Cloud environment.

Activate the gcloud CLI configuration

  • In Cloud Shell, activate and authenticate the gcloud CLI configuration:

    gcloud config configurations activate $CONFIG
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login

Build Cloud Run services images

  • In Cloud Shell, build and deploy docker images to be used by the Cloud Run service:

    export DISPATCHER_IMAGE=${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-dispatcher-service:latest
    export CONFIGURATOR_IMAGE=${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-configurator-service:latest
    export SNAPSHOTER_BQ_IMAGE=${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-snapshoter-bq-service:latest
    export SNAPSHOTER_GCS_IMAGE=${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-snapshoter-gcs-service:latest
    export TAGGER_IMAGE=${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-tagger-service:latest

Configure Terraform variables

This deployment uses Terraform for configurations and a deployment script.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a new Terraform TFVARS file in which you can override the variables in this section:

    export VARS=FILENAME

    Replace FILENAME with the name of the variables file that you created (for example, my-variables). You can use the example-variables file as a reference.

  2. In the TFVARS file, configure the project variables:

    project = "PROJECT_ID"
    compute_region = "COMPUTE_REGION"
    data_region = "DATA_REGION"

    You can use the default values that are defined in the file or change the values.

  3. Configure the Terraform service account, which you created and prepared earlier in Before you begin:

    terraform_service_account =

    Make sure that you use the full email address of the account that you created.

  4. Configure the Cloud Run services to use the container images that you built and deployed earlier:

    dispatcher_service_image     = "${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-dispatcher-service:latest"
    configurator_service_image   = "${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-configurator-service:latest"
    snapshoter_bq_service_image  = "${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-snapshoter-bq-service:latest"
    snapshoter_gcs_service_image = "${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-snapshoter-gcs-service:latest"
    tagger_service_image         = "${COMPUTE_REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}/bqsm-tagger-service:latest"

    This script instructs Terraform to use these published images in the Cloud Run services, which Terraform creates later.

    Terraform only links a Cloud Run service to an existing image. It doesn't build the images from the codebase, because that was completed in a previous step.

  5. In the schedulers variable, define at least one scheduler. The scheduler periodically lists and checks tables for required backups, based on their table-level backup cron schedules.

    name    = "SCHEDULER_NAME"
    cron    = "SCHEDULER_CRON"
    payload = {
        is_force_run = FORCE_RUN
        is_dry_run   = DRY_RUN
        folders_include_list  = [FOLDERS_INCLUDED]
        projects_include_list = [PROJECTS_INCLUDED]
        projects_exclude_list = [PROJECTS_EXCLUDED]
        datasets_include_list =  [DATASETS_INCLUDED]
        datasets_exclude_list =  [DATASETS_EXCLUDED]
        tables_include_list   =  [TABLES_INCLUDED]
        tables_exclude_list   =  [TABLES_EXCLUDED]

    Replace the following:

    • SCHEDULER_NAME: the display name of the Cloud Scheduler.
    • SCHEDULER_CRON: the frequency with which the scheduler checks whether a backup is due for the in-scope tables, based on their individual backup schedules. This can be any unix-cron compatible string. For example, 0 * * * * is an hourly frequency.
    • FORCE_RUN: a boolean value. Set the value to false if you want the scheduler to use the tables' cron schedules. If set to true, all in-scope tables are backed up, regardless of their cron setting.
    • DRY_RUN: a boolean value. When set to true, no actual backup operations take place. Only log messages are generated. Use true when you want to test and debug the solution without incurring backup costs.
    • FOLDERS_INCLUDED: a list of numerical IDs for folders that contain BigQuery data (for example, 1234, 456). When set, the solution backs up the tables in the specified folders, and ignores the projects_include_list, datasets_include_list, and tables_include_list field settings.
    • PROJECTS_INCLUDED: a list of project names (for example, "project1", "project2"). When set, the solution backs up the tables in the specified projects, and ignores the datasets_include_list and tables_include_list field settings. This setting is ignored if you set the folders_include_list field.
    • PROJECTS_EXCLUDED: a list of project names or regular expression (for example, "project1", "regex:^test_"). When set, the solution does not take backups of the tables in the specified projects. You can use this setting in combination with the folders_include_list field.
    • DATASETS_INCLUDED: a list of datasets (for example, "project1.dataset1", "project1.dataset2"). When set, the solution backs up the tables in the specified datasets, and ignores the tables_include_list field setting. This setting is ignored if you set the folders_include_list or projects_include_list fields.
    • DATASETS_EXCLUDED: a list of datasets or regular expression (for example, "project1.dataset1", "regex:.*\\_landing$"). When set, the solution does not take backups of the tables in the specified datasets. You can use this setting in combination with the folders_include_list or projects_include_list fields.
    • TABLES_INCLUDED: a list of tables (for example, "project1.dataset1.table 1", "project1.dataset2.table2"). When set, the solution backs up the specified tables. This setting is ignored if you set the folders_include_list, projects_include_list, or datasets_include_list fields.
    • TABLES_EXCLUDED: a list of tables or regular expression (for example, "project1.dataset1.table 1", "regex:.*\_test"). When set, the solution does not take backups of the specified tables. You can use this setting in combination with the folders_include_list, projects_include_list, or datasets_include_list fields.

    All exclusion lists accept regular expressions in the form regex:REGULAR_EXPRESSION.

    If the fully qualified entry name (for example, "project.dataset.table") matches any of the supplied regular expression, it's excluded from the backup scope.

    The following are some common use cases:

    • Exclude all dataset names that end with _landing: datasets_exclude_list = ["regex:.*\\_landing$"]
    • Exclude all tables ending with _test, _tst, _bkp, or _copy: tables_exclude_list = ["regex:.*\_(test|tst|bkp|copy)"]

Define fallback policies

On each run, the solution needs to determine the backup policy of each in-scope table. For more information about the types of policies, see Backup policies. This section shows you how to define a fallback policy.

A fallback policy is defined with a default_policy variable and a set of exceptions or overrides on different levels (folder, project, dataset, and table). This approach provides granular flexibility without the need for an entry for each table.

There are additional sets of policy fields, depending on the backup method that you decide to use: BigQuery snapshots, exports to Cloud Storage, or both.

  1. In the TFVARS file, for the default_policy variable, set the following common fields for the default policy:

    fallback_policy = {
      "default_policy" : {
        "backup_cron" : "BACKUP_CRON"
        "backup_method" : "BACKUP_METHOD",
        "backup_time_travel_offset_days" : "OFFSET_DAYS",
        "backup_storage_project" : "BACKUP_STORAGE_PROJECT",
        "backup_operation_project" : "BACKUP_OPERATIONS_PROJECT",

    Replace the following:

    • BACKUP_CRON: a cron expression to set the frequency with which a table is backed up (for example, for backups every 6 hours, specify 0 0 */6 * * *). This must be a Spring-Framework compatible cron expression.
    • BACKUP_METHOD: the method, which you specify as BigQuery Snapshot, GCS Snapshot (to use the export to Cloud Storage method), or Both. You need to provide the required fields for each chosen backup method, as shown later.
    • OFFSET_DAYS: the number of days in the past that determines the point in time from which to back up the tables. Values can be a number between 0 and 7.
    • BACKUP_STORAGE_PROJECT: the ID of the project where all snapshot and export operations are stored. This is the same project where the bq_snapshot_storage_dataset and gcs_snapshot_storage_location resides. Small deployments can use the host project, but large scale deployments should use a separate project.
    • BACKUP_OPERATIONS_PROJECT: an optional setting, where you specify the ID of the project where all snapshot and export operations run. Snapshot and export job quotas and limits are applicable to this project. This can be the same value as backup_storage_project. If not set, the solution uses the source table's project.
  2. If you specified BigQuery Snapshot or Both as the backup_method, add the following fields after the common fields, in the default_policy variable:

      "bq_snapshot_expiration_days" : "SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION",
      "bq_snapshot_storage_dataset" : "DATASET_NAME",

    Replace the following:

    • SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION: the number of days to keep each snapshot (for example, 15).
    • DATASET_NAME: the name of the dataset to store snapshots in (for example, backups). The dataset must already exist in the project specified for backup_storage_project.
  3. If you specified GCS Snapshot (to use the export to Cloud Storage method) or Both as the backup_method, add the following fields to the default_policy variable:

      "gcs_snapshot_storage_location" : "STORAGE_BUCKET",
      "gcs_snapshot_format" : "FILE_FORMAT",
      "gcs_avro_use_logical_types" : AVRO_TYPE,
      "gcs_csv_delimiter" : "CSV_DELIMITER",
      "gcs_csv_export_header" : CSV_EXPORT_HEADER

    Replace the following:

    • STORAGE_BUCKET: the Cloud Storage bucket in which to store the exported data, in the format gs://bucket/path/. For example, gs://bucket1/backups/.
    • FILE_FORMAT: the file format and compression used to export a BigQuery table to Cloud Storage. Available values are CSV, CSV_GZIP, JSON, JSON_GZIP, AVRO, AVRO_DEFLATE, AVRO_SNAPPY, PARQUET, PARQUET_SNAPPY, and PARQUET_GZIP.
    • AVRO_TYPE: a boolean value. If set to false, the BigQuery types are exported as strings. If set to true, the types are exported as their corresponding Avro logical type. This field is required when the gcs_snapshot_format is any Avro type format.
    • CSV_DELIMITER: the delimiter used for the exported CSV files, and the value can be any ISO-8859-1 single-byte character. You can use \t or tab to specify tab delimiters. This field is required when the gcs_snapshot_format is any CSV type format.
    • CSV_EXPORT_HEADER: a boolean value. If set to true, the column headers are exported to the CSV files. This field is required when the gcs_snapshot_format is any CSV type format.

    For details and Avro type mapping, see the following table:

    BigQuery Type Avro Logical Type
    TIMESTAMP timestamp-micros (annotates Avro LONG)
    DATE date (annotates Avro INT)
    TIME timestamp-micro (annotates Avro LONG)
    DATETIME STRING (custom named logical type datetime)
  4. Add override variables for specific folders, projects, datasets, and tables:

      "folder_overrides" : {
       "FOLDER_NUMBER" : {
      "project_overrides" : {
       "PROJECT_NAME" : {
      "dataset_overrides" : {
      "table_overrides" : {

    Replace the following:

    • FOLDER_NUMBER: specify the folder for which you want to set override fields.
    • PROJECT_NAME: specify the project when you set override fields for a particular project, dataset, or table.
    • DATASET_NAME: specify the dataset when you set override fields for a particular dataset or table.
    • TABLE_NAME: specify the table for which you want to set override fields.

    For each override entry, such as a specific project in the project_overrides variable, add the common fields and the required fields for the backup method that you specified earlier in default_policy.

    If you don't want to set overrides for a particular level, set that variable to an empty map (for example, project_overrides : {}).

    In the following example, override fields are set for a specific table that uses the BigQuery snapshot method:

      "project_overrides" : {},
      "table_overrides" : {
       "example_project1.dataset1.table1" : {
        "backup_cron" : "0 0 */5 * * *", # every 5 hours each day
        "backup_method" : "BigQuery Snapshot",
        "backup_time_travel_offset_days" : "7",
        "backup_storage_project" : "project name",
        "backup_operation_project" : "project name",
        # bq settings
        "bq_snapshot_expiration_days" : "14",
        "bq_snapshot_storage_dataset" : "backups2"

For a full example of a fallback policy, see the example-variables file.

Configure additional backup operation projects

  • If you want to specify additional backup projects, such as those defined in external configurations (table-level backup policy) or the table source projects, configure the following variable:

    additional_backup_operation_projects = [ADDITIONAL_BACKUPS]

    Replace ADDITIONAL_BACKUPS with a comma-separated list of project names (for example, "project1", "project2"). If you're using only the fallback backup policy without table-level external policies, you can set the value to an empty list.

    If you don't add this field, any projects that are specified in the optional backup_operation_project field are automatically included as backup projects.

Configure Terraform service account permissions

In the previous steps, you configured the backup projects where the backup operations run. Terraform needs to deploy resources to those backup projects.

The service account that Terraform uses must have the required permissions for these specified backup projects.

  • In Cloud Shell, grant the service account permissions for all of the projects where backup operations run:


    Replace the following:

    • BACKUP_OPERATIONS_PROJECT: any projects defined in the backup_operation_project fields in any of the fallback policies and table-level policies.
    • DATA_PROJECTS: if no backup_operation_project field is defined in a fallback or table-level policy, include the projects for those source tables.
    • ADDITIONAL_BACKUPS: any projects that are defined in the additional_backup_operation_projects Terraform variable.

Run the deployment scripts

  1. In Cloud Shell, run the Terraform deployment script:

    cd terraform
    terraform init \
        -backend-config="bucket=${BUCKET_NAME}" \
        -backend-config="prefix=terraform-state" \
    terraform plan -var-file=$VARS
    terraform apply -var-file=$VARS
  2. Add the time to live (TTL) policies for Firestore:

    gcloud firestore fields ttls update expires_at \
        --collection-group=project_folder_cache \
        --enable-ttl \
        --async \

    The solution uses Datastore as a cache in some situations. To save costs and improve lookup performance, the TTL policy allows Firestore to automatically delete entries that are expired.

Set up access to sources and destinations

  1. In Cloud Shell, set the following variables for the service accounts used by the solution:

    export SA_DISPATCHER_EMAIL=dispatcher@${PROJECT_ID}
    export SA_CONFIGURATOR_EMAIL=configurator@${PROJECT_ID}
    export SA_SNAPSHOTER_BQ_EMAIL=snapshoter-bq@${PROJECT_ID}
    export SA_SNAPSHOTER_GCS_EMAIL=snapshoter-gcs@${PROJECT_ID}
    export SA_TAGGER_EMAIL=tagger@${PROJECT_ID}

    If you've changed the default names in Terraform, update the service account emails.

  2. If you've set the folders_include_list field, and want to set the scope of the BigQuery scan to include certain folders, grant the required permissions on the folder level:

    ./scripts/ FOLDERS_INCLUDED
  3. To enable the application to execute the necessary tasks in different projects, grant the required permissions on each of these projects:

    ./scripts/ DATA_PROJECTS

    Replace the following:

    • DATA_PROJECTS: the data projects (or source projects) that contain the source tables that you want to back up (for example, project1 project2). Include the following projects:

      • Projects that are specified in the inclusion lists in the Terraform variable schedulers.
      • If you want to back up tables in the host project, include the host project.
    • BACKUP_STORAGE_PROJECT: the backup storage projects (or destination projects) where the solution stores the backups (for example, project1 project2). You need to include the projects that are specified in the following fields:

      • The backup_storage_project fields in all of the fallback policies.
      • The backup_storage_project fields in all of the table-level policies.

      Include backup storage projects that are used in multiple fields or that are used as both the source and destination project

    • BACKUP_OPERATIONS_PROJECT: the data operation projects where the solution runs the backup operations (for example, project1 project2). You need to include the projects that are specified in the following fields:

      • The backup_operation_project fields in all of the fallback policies.
      • All inclusion lists in the scope of the BigQuery scan (if you don't set the backup_operation_project field).
      • The backup_operation_project fields in all of the table-level policies.

      Include backup operations projects that are used in multiple fields or that are used as both the source and destination project.

  4. For tables that use column-level access control, identify all policy tag taxonomies that are used by your tables (if any), and grant the solution's service accounts access to the table data:

    gcloud data-catalog taxonomies add-iam-policy-binding \
    --member="serviceAccount:${SA_SNAPSHOTER_BQ_EMAIL}" \
    gcloud data-catalog taxonomies add-iam-policy-binding \
    --member="serviceAccount:${SA_SNAPSHOTER_GCS_EMAIL}" \

    Replace the following:

    • TAXONOMY_PROJECT: the project ID in the policy tag taxonomy
    • TAXONOMY_LOCATION: the location specified in the policy tag taxonomy
    • TAXONOMY_ID: the taxonomy ID of the policy tag taxonomy
  5. Repeat the previous step for each policy tag taxonomy.

Run the solution

After you deploy the solution, use the following sections to run and manage the solution.

Set table-level backup policies

  • In Cloud Shell, create a table-level policy with the required fields, and then store the policy in the Cloud Storage bucket for policies:

    # Use the default backup policies bucket unless overwritten in the .tfvars
    export POLICIES_BUCKET=${PROJECT_ID}-bq-backup-manager-policies
    # set target table info
    export TABLE='TABLE_NAME'
    # Config Source must be 'MANUAL' when assigned this way
    export BACKUP_POLICY="{
    'config_source' : 'MANUAL',
    'backup_cron' : 'BACKUP_CRON',
    'backup_method' : 'BACKUP_METHOD',
    'backup_time_travel_offset_days' : 'OFFSET_DAYS',
    'backup_storage_project' : 'BACKUP_STORAGE_PROJECT',
    'backup_operation_project' : 'BACKUP_OPERATION_PROJECT',
    'gcs_snapshot_storage_location' : 'STORAGE_BUCKET',
    'gcs_snapshot_format' : 'FILE_FORMAT',
    'gcs_avro_use_logical_types' : 'AVRO_TYPE',
    'bq_snapshot_storage_dataset' : 'DATASET_NAME',
    'bq_snapshot_expiration_days' : 'SNAPSHOT_EXPIRATION'
    # File name MUST BE backup_policy.json
    echo $BACKUP_POLICY >> backup_policy.json
    gsutil cp backup_policy.json gs://${POLICIES_BUCKET}/policy/project=${TABLE_PROJECT}/dataset=${TABLE_DATASET}/table=${TABLE}/backup_policy.json

    Replace the following:

    • TABLE_PROJECT: the project in which the table resides
    • TABLE_DATASET: the dataset of the table
    • TABLE_NAME: the name of the table

Trigger backup operations

The Cloud Scheduler jobs that you configured earlier run automatically based on their cron expression.

You can also manually run the jobs in the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Run your job.

Monitor and report

With your host project (PROJECT_ID) selected, you can run the following queries in BigQuery Studio to get reports and information.

  • Get progress statistics of each run (including in-progress runs):

    SELECT * FROM `bq_backup_manager.v_run_summary_counts`
  • Get all fatal (non-retryable errors) for a single run:

    SELECT * FROM `bq_backup_manager.v_errors_non_retryable`
    WHERE run_id = 'RUN_ID'

    Replace RUN_ID with the ID of the run.

  • Get all runs on a table and their execution information:

    SELECT * FROM `bq_backup_manager.v_errors_non_retryable`
    WHERE tablespec = 'project.dataset.table'

    You can also specify a grouped version:

    SELECT * FROM `bq_backup_manager.v_audit_log_by_table_grouped`, UNNEST(runs) r
    WHERE r.run_has_retryable_error = FALSE
  • For debugging, you can get detailed request and response information for each service invocation:

    jsonPayload.unified_target_table AS tablespec,
    jsonPayload.unified_run_id AS run_id,
    jsonPayload.unified_tracking_id AS tracking_id,
    CAST(jsonPayload.unified_is_successful AS BOOL) AS configurator_is_successful,
    jsonPayload.unified_error AS configurator_error,
    CAST(jsonPayload.unified_is_retryable_error AS BOOL) AS configurator_is_retryable_error,
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(jsonPayload.unified_input_json, '$.isForceRun') AS BOOL) AS is_force_run,
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(jsonPayload.unified_output_json, '$.isBackupTime') AS BOOL) AS is_backup_time,
    JSON_VALUE(jsonPayload.unified_output_json, '$.backupPolicy.method') AS backup_method,
    CAST(JSON_VALUE(jsonPayload.unified_input_json, '$.isDryRun') AS BOOL) AS is_dry_run,
    jsonPayload.unified_input_json AS request_json,
    jsonPayload.unified_output_json AS response_json
    FROM `bq_backup_manager.run_googleapis_com_stdout`
    WHERE jsonPayload.global_app_log = 'UNIFIED_LOG'
    -- 1= dispatcher, 2= configurator, 3=bq snapshoter, -3=gcs snapshoter and 4=tagger
    AND jsonPayload.unified_component = "2"
  • Get the backup policies that are manually added or assigned by the system based on fallbacks:

    SELECT * FROM `bq_backup_manager.ext_backup_policies`


For more information about limits and quotas for each project that is specified in the backup_operation_project fields, see Limits.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this deployment, either delete the projects that contain the resources, or keep the projects and delete the individual resources.

Delete the projects

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Delete the new resources

As an alternative to deleting the projects, you can delete the resources created during this procedure.

  • In Cloud Shell, delete the Terraform resources:

    terraform destroy -var-file="${VARS}"

    The command deletes almost all of the resources. Check to ensure that all the resources you want to delete are removed.

What's next


Author: Karim Wadie | Strategic Cloud Engineer

Other contributors: