Install and configure Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Compute Engine instance

Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is required for SAP support of SAP systems running on Google Cloud, including SAP NetWeaver, SAP HANA, SAP ASE, SAP MaxDB, and others.

When you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Compute Engine instance, for SAP Host Agent metrics, the agent combines monitoring data from Cloud Monitoring and the Compute Engine APIs and provides that data to the SAP Host Agent.

If you use the following RHEL or SLES "for SAP" OS images that Google Cloud provides, then Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is packaged with the OS images:

  • RHEL: all "for SAP" images
  • SLES: SLES 15 SP4 for SAP and later versions

For information about the operating systems supported by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, see Supported operating systems.

To install and configure version 3.7 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Bare Metal Solution server, see Install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on a Bare Metal Solution server.

Installation overview

On Linux, you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP by using standard operating system package management commands: on RHEL, the yum command; on SLES, the zypper command. The package management command completes the following tasks:

  • Downloads the latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.
  • Creates the agent as a Linux systemd service, named google-cloud-sap-agent.
  • Enables and starts the service, google-cloud-sap-agent.

On Windows, you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP by using the GooGet package management command, googet. The package management command completes the following tasks:

  • Downloads the latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.
  • Creates a Windows service named google-cloud-sap-agent and a scheduled task that runs every minute to check if the service is still running and, if necessary, restart it.

Prerequisites for the agent

Before you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

Set the required IAM roles

At a minimum, the service account that Google Cloud's Agent for SAP uses must include the Compute Viewer (roles/compute.viewer), Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer), and Workload Manager Insights Writer (roles/workloadmanager.insightWriter) roles.

To add a required role to your service account, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

    Go to IAM

  2. Select your Google Cloud project.

  3. Identify the service account to which you want to add a role.

    • If the service account isn't already on the principals list, then it doesn't have any roles assigned to it. Click Add and enter the email address of the service account.
    • If the service account is already on the principals list, then it has existing roles. Click the Edit button for the service account that you want to edit.
  4. Select the required role from the list of available roles:

    • Compute Engine > Compute Viewer
    • Monitoring > Monitoring Viewer
    • Workload Manager > Workload Manager Insights Writer
  5. Click Add or Save to apply the roles to the service account.

Enable access to Google Cloud APIs

Compute Engine recommends configuring your compute instances to allow all access scopes to all Cloud APIs and using only the IAM permissions of the instance service account to control access to Google Cloud resources. For more information, see Create a VM that uses a user-managed service account.

If you do limit access to the Cloud APIs, then Google Cloud's Agent for SAP requires the following minimum Cloud API access scopes on the host Compute Engine instance:

  • Cloud Platform: Enabled
  • Compute Engine: Read Only
  • Stackdriver Monitoring API: Read Only

If you are running SAP applications on a compute instance that does not have an external IP address, then you need to enable Private Google Access on the subnet of the compute instance so that Google Cloud's Agent for SAP can access Google APIs and services. To enable Private Google Access on a subnet, see Configuring Private Google Access.

Install the agent

To install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on your Compute Engine instance, select your operating system, and then complete the following steps.


To install the agent on a Compute Engine instance, follow these steps:

  1. Establish an SSH connection to your compute instance.
  2. In your terminal, install the agent by running the command that is specific to your operating system:
    • (Recommended) To install version 3.7 (latest) of the agent:


      sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sap-agent.repo << EOM
      name=Google Cloud Agent for SAP
      baseurl=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1 | tr -d -c 0-9)-x86_64
      sudo yum install google-cloud-sap-agent


      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent

      SLES 12

      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent
    • To install a specific version of the agent:


      sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sap-agent.repo << EOM
      name=Google Cloud Agent for SAP
      baseurl=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1 | tr -d -c 0-9)-x86_64
      sudo yum install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64


      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      SLES 12

      sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the agent's version number that you want to install, such as 3.1-606637668. For information about the agent versions that you can install, see List all available versions of the agent.

      For information about downgrading the agent to a specific version, see Downgrade Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.


To install the agent on a Compute Engine instance, follow these steps:

  1. Use RDP to connect to the compute instance.
  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    googet addrepo google-cloud-sap-agent
    googet install google-cloud-sap-agent

After you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and the SAP Host Agent, validate the installation of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, as described in Validate your installation of the agent.

Validate your installation of the agent

To verify that the agent is running, select your operating system, and then follow the steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your Compute Engine instance.

  2. Run the following command:

    systemctl status google-cloud-sap-agent

    If the agent is functioning properly, then the output contains active (running). For example:

    google-cloud-sap-agent.service - Google Cloud Agent for SAP
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/google-cloud-sap-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active:  active (running)  since Fri 2022-12-02 07:21:42 UTC; 4 days ago
    Main PID: 1337673 (google-cloud-sa)
    Tasks: 9 (limit: 100427)
    Memory: 22.4 M (max: 1.0G limit: 1.0G)
    CGroup: /system.slice/google-cloud-sap-agent.service
           └─1337673 /usr/bin/google-cloud-sap-agent

  3. On SLES images, to ensure you're using the latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, run the following commands.

    sudo zypper remove google-cloud-sap-agent
    sudo zypper addrepo -p 98 --refresh\$basearch google-cloud-sap-agent
    sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Use RDP to connect to the Compute Engine instance.

  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:

    $(Get-Service -Name 'google-cloud-sap-agent' -ErrorAction Ignore).Status
    If the agent is running, then the status shows Running.

If the agent isn't running, then restart the agent.

Verify that SAP Host Agent is receiving metrics

To verify that the infrastructure metrics are collected by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and sent correctly to the SAP Host Agent, follow these steps:

  1. In your SAP system, enter transaction ST06.
  2. In the overview pane, check the availability and content of the following fields for the correct end-to-end setup of the SAP and Google monitoring infrastructure:

    • Cloud Provider: Google Cloud Platform
    • Enhanced Monitoring Access: TRUE
    • Enhanced Monitoring Details: ACTIVE

Configure Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on Linux

After you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, optionally, you can enable other features of the agent by performing the following configurations. By default, the collection of SAP Host Agent metrics and Workload Manager evaluation metrics is enabled.

The following features are supported only on Linux. They are not supported on Windows.

Default configuration file

The following snippet is an example of the default configuration of version 3.7 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

  "provide_sap_host_agent_metrics": true,
  "bare_metal": false,
  "log_level": "INFO",
  "log_to_cloud": true,
  "collection_configuration": {
    "collect_workload_validation_metrics": true,
    "collect_process_metrics": false
  "discovery_configuration": {
    "enable_discovery": true,
    "enable_workload_discovery": true
  "hana_monitoring_configuration": {
    "enabled": false

To view feature-specific example configuration files, see the configuration guide for that feature.

Configuration parameters

The following table describes the configuration parameters of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP that is running on a Compute Engine instance, including the parameters related to the collection of metrics. For information about the configuration parameters related to the Backint feature of the agent, see Configuration parameters.



To enable the collection of the metrics required by the SAP Host Agent, specify true. Default is true.
Don't set provide_sap_host_agent_metrics to false unless you are directed by Cloud Customer Care or SAP Support.



When the agent is installed on a Bare Metal Solution server, specify true. Default is false.



To set the logging level of the agent, set the required value. The available log levels are as follows:

  • INFO

Default is INFO. Don't change the logging level unless you are directed by Cloud Customer Care.



To redirect the agent's logs to Cloud Logging, specify true. The default is true.



If your SAP system is running on a Bare Metal Solution server, then specify the project ID of the Google Cloud project that you are using with Bare Metal Solution.

When the agent runs on a Compute Engine instance, by default, the agent detects the project ID automatically.



Specify the name of your Compute Engine instance. The agent automatically detects this upon installation.



If your SAP system is running on a Bare Metal Solution server, then specify the region of the Bare Metal Solution server.

When the agent runs on a compute instance, by default, the agent uses the region where the compute instance is deployed.


When the agent runs on a compute instance, by default, the agent uses the zone where the compute instance is deployed.



Specify the OS image name of the instance.

When the agent runs on a compute instance, by default, the agent automatically detects the OS image used by the compute instance.



Specify the numeric ID of the Google Cloud project where the SAP system is running.

When the agent runs on a compute instance, by default, the agent automatically detects project number.



To let the agent collect the names and versions of the SAP products running on the host, specify true. The default value is true.

For more information, see the agent's codebase in the google-cloud-sap-agent GitHub repository under GoogleCloudPlatform/sapagent.



To send to Cloud Logging the information that the agent collects about the SAP products running on the host, specify true. The default value is true.

If you specify the value false, then the agent stores the collected information on the host and doesn't send it to Cloud Logging.



To enable Process Monitoring metrics collection, specify true. Default is false.
This parameter is applicable only for Linux.

If you enable Process metrics collection for SAP HANA, then you need to set up additional parameters listed under hana_metrics_config.



From version 2.6, this parameter determines the collection frequency of the fast-changing Process Monitoring metrics, in seconds. Fast-changing Process Monitoring metrics are: sap/hana/availability, sap/hana/ha/availability, and sap/nw/availability.

The default value for this parameter is 5 seconds. We recommend that you use this default value.

All other (slow-changing) Process Monitoring metrics are collected at a default frequency of 30 seconds. To change the collection frequency of the slow-changing Process Monitoring metrics, use the parameter slow_process_metrics_frequency.



Specify the collection frequency of the slow-changing Process Monitoring metrics, in seconds.

The default value for this parameter is 30 seconds.



Specify the Process Monitoring metrics that you don't want the agent to collect. This parameter accepts a comma-separated value of Process Monitoring metric names. For example: "process_metrics_to_skip": ["/sap/nw/abap/sessions", "/sap/nw/abap/rfc"].



Specify the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA. Default is SYSTEM.



Specify the plain text password for the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA.

Instead of specifying a plain text password, we recommend that you use one of the following options:

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely provide the password for the database user account that the agent uses to query SAP HANA, specify the name of the secret that contains the security credentials for the database user account.

The agent collects the SAP HANA related metrics only when you specify either hana_db_password_secret_name, hdbuserstore_key, or hana_db_password.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely connect to an SAP HANA system, specify a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key that you've created for that system.

To use an hdbuserstore key for authentication, ensure the following:

  • The SAP tools hdbsql and hdbuserstore are installed on the compute instance hosting the agent.
  • The hdbuserstore key corresponds to one specific SAP HANA instance. You can't use keys that contain hostnames of multiple SAP HANA instances.
  • The SIDadm user can query the SAP HANA database using this key. Here SID refers to the value that you've specified for the sid parameter. You can verify this by running the following command as the SIDadm user:

This configuration parameter is supported from version 3.3 of the agent.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



Specify the SID of your SAP HANA instance. If you're using an hdbuserstore key to authenticate to SAP HANA, then refer to the hdbuserstore_key section.



To enable Workload Manager evaluation metrics collection, specify true. From version 3.2, the default value is true.
This parameter is applicable only for Linux.



The collection frequency of the Workload Manager evaluation metrics in seconds. The default value is 300 seconds.

If you need to modify the collection frequency of the Workload Manager metrics, then add the workload_validation_metrics_frequency parameter under the collection_configuration section and provide the required value.



Optional. The default value is true, which enables the agent to collect the latest set of Workload Manager evaluation metrics without requiring you to update the agent. If you want to turn off this behavior, then specify this parameter in your configuration file and set its value to false.



Specify the user account that is used to query the SAP HANA instance. The user account must have the read permission to the SAP HANA database.



Specify the password for the user account that is used to query the SAP HANA instance.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



Specify the name of the secret in Secret Manager that stores the user account's password.

Alternatively, you can specify the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter to authenticate the specified SAP HANA user.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely connect to an SAP HANA system, specify a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key that you've created for that system.

To use an hdbuserstore key for authentication, ensure the following:

  • The SAP tools hdbsql and hdbuserstore are installed on the compute instance hosting the agent.
  • The hdbuserstore key corresponds to one specific SAP HANA instance. You can't use keys that contain hostnames of multiple SAP HANA instances.
  • The SIDadm user can query the SAP HANA database using this key. Here SID refers to the value that you've specified for the sid parameter. You can verify this by running the following command as the SIDadm user:

This configuration parameter is supported from version 3.3 of the agent.

If you specify hdbuserstore_key, then you can skip specifying the hostname and port parameters.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the hana_db_password parameter, which is preferred over the hana_db_password_secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



Specify the SID of your SAP HANA instance.



Specify the identifier for the machine, either local or remote, that hosts your SAP HANA instance. The following are the supported values:

  • If the host is a local machine, then specify the string localhost or the localhost loopback IP address, like
  • If the host is a remote machine, then specify its internal or external IP address.


Specify the port on which your SAP HANA instance accepts queries. For the first or only tenant database instance, the port is 3NN15, where NN is the instance number of the SAP HANA instance.



The collection frequency of the SAP HANA database metrics, in seconds, for Workload Manager evaluation. Default is 3600 seconds.

Although you can update the collection frequency of the SAP HANA database metrics, we recommend that you use the default value. If you need to modify the default value, then add the workload_validation_db_metrics_frequency parameter under the collection_configuration section and provide the required value. Make sure that you don't set a collection frequency greater than 3600 seconds.



Optional. To enable Google Cloud's Agent for SAP to collect the SAP HANA monitoring metrics, specify true. The default value is false.

The following child parameters are applicable only when you specify hana_monitoring_configuration.enabled: true.


Optional. Specify the sample interval, in seconds, which determines the frequency at which Google Cloud's Agent for SAP queries your SAP HANA instances to collect the SAP HANA monitoring metrics. The default value is 300 seconds.

For each query defined in the configuration file of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you can overwrite the global sample interval by specifying the required interval to the parameter sample_interval_sec. Sample intervals must be 5 seconds or longer.



Optional. Specify the timeout for each query made to the SAP HANA instances. The default value is 300 seconds.



Optional. Specify the number of threads used to send queries to the SAP HANA instances. Each query runs on its own thread. The default value is 10.



Optional. Specify true to have the agent capture the response time for every SAP HANA monitoring query defined in the agent's configuration file.


Specify the name identifier for your SAP HANA instance.



Specify the SID of your SAP HANA instance. This string is added as a label to all the metrics resulting from querying your SAP HANA instances.


Specify the identifier for the machine, either local or remote, that hosts your SAP HANA instance. The following are the supported values:

  • If the host is a local machine, then specify the string localhost or the localhost loopback IP address, like
  • If the host is a remote machine, then specify its internal or external IP address.


Specify the port on which your SAP HANA instance accepts queries. For the first or only tenant database instance, the port is 3NN15, where NN is the instance number of the SAP HANA instance.



Specify the user account that is used to query the SAP HANA instance.

Make sure that this user has the privilege to read the monitoring views in your SAP HANA database. If this privilege is not granted, then the SAP HANA monitoring metrics related to the monitoring views contain no data.



Optional. Specify the password, as plain text, that authenticates the user account for querying the SAP HANA instance.

For authentication, you must specify one of the following:

  • The plain text password to the parameter password.
  • (Recommended) If you use Secret Manager to store the password as a secret, then you must specify the corresponding secret name to the parameter secret_name.
  • (Recommended) An hdbuserstore key to the parameter hdbuserstore_key.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the password parameter, which is preferred over the secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



Optional. Specify the name of the secret in Secret Manager that stores the user account's password.

For SAP HANA authentication, the agent uses the following order of preference: if specified, the hdbuserstore_key configuration parameter is preferred over the password parameter, which is preferred over the secret_name parameter. We recommend that you set only one authentication option in your configuration file.



To securely connect to an SAP HANA system, specify a Secure user store (hdbuserstore) key that you've created for that system.

To use an hdbuserstore key for authentication, ensure the following:

  • The SAP tools hdbsql and hdbuserstore are installed on the compute instance hosting the agent.
  • The hdbuserstore key corresponds to one specific SAP HANA instance. You can't use keys that contain hostnames of multiple SAP HANA instances.
  • The SIDadm user can query the SAP HANA database using this key. Here SID refers to the value that you've specified for the sid parameter. You can verify this by running the following command as the SIDadm user:

This configuration parameter is supported from version 3.3 of the agent.

If you specify hdbuserstore_key, then you can skip specifying the host and port parameters.



For monitoring HA systems, specify true to tell the agent that the defined SAP HANA instance is hosted on the same Compute Engine instance as the agent. This then makes the agent check at runtime if the defined SAP HANA instance is the primary or the secondary node in that HA system. This awareness is required by the agent to run the SAP HANA monitoring queries on the SAP HANA instance type that you specify for the queries.run_on parameter.

The default value for this parameter is false, which makes the agent run all the enabled SAP HANA monitoring queries on the corresponding SAP HANA instance. For more information, see Monitoring for multi-tenant and HA systems.

This parameter is supported from version 3.7 of the agent.



Specify the instance number that you've set for your SAP HANA instance. This information is required for the agent to discover your SAP HANA instance.

This parameter is supported from version 3.7 of the agent.



Optional. Specify true to run all the SAP HANA monitoring queries, default and custom, that are enabled in the agent's configuration file on the specified SAP HANA instance. The default value is false.



Optional. Specify the queries that you want to run on the specified SAP HANA instance.

If you're running a multi-tenant SAP HANA database, then you can set up tenant specific monitoring by using this configuration parameter. In the following example configuration, two queries are run on HANA_TENANT_1 and all queries defined in the configuration are run on HANA_TENANT_2:

    "hana_instances": [
        "name": "HANA_TENANT_1,
        "queries_to_run": {
          "query_name": ["QUERY_NAME_1", "QUERY_NAME_2"]
        "name": "HANA_TENANT_2,
        "queries_to_run": {
          "run_all": true


Optional. Specifies whether or not SSL is enabled in your SAP HANA instance. The default value is false.



If you specify enable_ssl: true for an SAP HANA instance, then you must specify the hostname that is set in the SSL certificate.



If you specify enable_ssl: true for an SAP HANA instance, then you must specify the path for your security certificate.



Optional. To enable a SQL query for all your SAP HANA instances, specify the value true for the parameter enabled for that SQL query.


If you have defined custom queries in your configuration file, then you must specify a unique name for each custom query.

The query name must be unique because it is used to build the metric's default URL in Monitoring.



Optional. Specify this parameter if you're monitoring an SAP HANA HA system and want to run the SAP HANA monitoring queries on either the primary or the secondary node. Supported values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, ALL. When you specify the value ALL, the agent runs the SAP HANA monitoring queries on both the primary and secondary nodes in your HA cluster.

This parameter is supported from version 3.7 of the agent. Also, to run the queries on the secondary node, make sure that your HA system is deployed with the Active/Active (Read Enabled) configuration.



Specify the SQL statement that the agent issues to your SAP HANA instances.

The SQL statement must conform to the SQL syntax defined by SAP in SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference.


Optional. Specify the sample interval for the SQL query. This overrides the global sample interval. The value must be 5 seconds or longer.


Specify a name that uniquely identifies each column.

The column name must be unique because it is used to build the metric's default URL in Monitoring.



For handling by Monitoring, specify one of the following metric types: METRIC_LABEL, METRIC_GAUGE, or METRIC_CUMULATIVE.

Metrics of type METRIC_LABEL are appended as labels to all the METRIC_GAUGE and METRIC_CUMULATIVE metrics that are sent to Monitoring.



For handling by Monitoring, specify a data type that is supported by the metric type.

The supported data types are as follows: VALUE_BOOL, VALUE_INT64, VALUE_STRING, or VALUE_DOUBLE. For more information, see Supported combination.



Optional. For handling by Monitoring, specify the path that you want to show in the metric URL instead of the query and column names. For example:

  • Metric's default URL:
  • Metric URL using custom path:


For information about diagnosing and resolving issues that you might encounter when you install and configure Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, see Google Cloud's Agent for SAP troubleshooting guide.

Get support

If you need help resolving problems with Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, then collect all available diagnostic information and contact Cloud Customer Care. For information about contacting Customer Care, see Getting support for SAP on Google Cloud.