Manage just-in-time privileged access to projects

Last reviewed 2024-07-22 UTC

This document describes how you can use an open source tool to implement just-in-time privileged access to Google Cloud projects. Just-in-time privileged access lets you grant temporary access to projects for a limited set of users only when the access is needed.

The document is for administrators who manage user access to Google Cloud resources. It assumes that you're familiar with Google Cloud, Identity and Access Management (IAM), and related concepts.

Overview of just-in-time privileged access management

When you follow the principle of least privilege, you grant users just enough access so that they can carry out everyday activities, but can do nothing more. Following this principle helps you reduce risk. However, it can create friction for users when they occasionally need to perform a privileged action—for example, to deal with an unexpected incident. Examples include troubleshooting an issue in a production system or troubleshooting an issue that involves sensitive data.

One way to address this issue is to provide just-in-time privileged access—that is, to provide privileged access only as needed. A key idea of just-in-time privileged access management is to distinguish between permanent access and eligible access:

  • Permanent access applies until you revoke it. Following the principle of least privilege, it's best to limit permanent access and provide it only to the few users who must have it.
  • Eligible access doesn't apply immediately. Instead, a user that has been granted eligible access to a project must explicitly activate that access before they can access the project. They must also provide a justification for doing so. After the user's access has been activated, the access automatically expires after a short period.

Using just-in-time privileged access management can help you do the following:

  • Reduce the risk of someone accidentally modifying or deleting resources. For example, when users have privileged access only when it's needed, it helps prevent them from running scripts at other times that unintentionally affect resources that they shouldn't be able to change.
  • Create an audit trail that indicates why privileges were activated.
  • Conduct audits and reviews for analyzing past activity.

Use Just-in-Time Access to implement privileged access

Just-In-Time Access is an open source application that's designed to run on App Engine or Cloud Run and lets you implement just-in-time privileged access to Google Cloud resources. The application lets administrators, users, and auditors do the following tasks:

  • Administrators can grant a role to a user or group and make the role eligible by adding the following IAM condition:

  • Users can search for projects and roles that they're eligible to access by using the Just-In-Time Access application.

    The following screenshot from the Just-In-Time Access application shows a list of roles that a user is eligible for in a project:

    Screenshot from the Just-In-Time Access application that shows 2 roles that are eligible and 1 that is activated.

    They can then activate one or more roles and provide a justification for getting access:

    Screenshot from the Just-In-Time Access application that shows the form for entering a justification.

    After a user has activated a role, Just-In-Time Access grants the user temporary access to the project.

  • Auditors can use Cloud Logging to review when and why eligible roles have been activated by users.

To protect the application against unauthorized access, the Just-In-Time Access application can be accessed only over Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). Using IAP, an administrator can control which users should be allowed to access Just-In-Time Access, and which additional conditions those users must satisfy in order to get access.

Before you begin

Before you deploy the Just-in-Time Access application, you must decide which part of your resource hierarchy you want to manage just-in-time privileged access for. You can manage access for the following resources:

  • A single project
  • A folder that contains multiple projects
  • All projects of your organization

To complete the deployment, you need the following:

  • Super-admin access to the Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account that corresponds to the Google Cloud organization that you're using.
  • Permission to modify the IAM policy of the project, folder, or organization that you want to manage using Just-In-Time Access.
  • A second Cloud Identity or Google Workspace user that you can use to test access.

You also need a Google Cloud project to deploy the Just-In-Time Access application in.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

Deploy Just-in-Time Access

This section describes how you can deploy the Just-In-Time Access application to App Engine or Cloud Run.

Deploying the Just-In-Time Access application to Cloud Run requires a more complex configuration than deploying the application to App Engine. We therefore recommend that you use App Engine unless you're deploying in a region that doesn't support App Engine, or if you can't use App Engine for other reasons.

The code for Just-In-Time Access is in a GitHub repository.

This section assumes that you are an administrator.

Configure your Google Cloud project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, switch to your project and enable required APIs:

    App Engine

    Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory, Resource Manager, Identity-Aware Proxy, Container Registry, Cloud Build, Identity and Access Management, and Directory APIs.

    Enable the APIs

    Cloud Run

    Enable the Cloud Asset Inventory, Resource Manager, Identity-Aware Proxy, Container Registry, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, Identity and Access Management, and Directory APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  2. Open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  3. Set an environment variable to contain your project ID:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your project.

  4. Create a service account for the Just-in-Time Access application:

    SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud iam service-accounts create jitaccess --display-name "Just-In-Time Access" --format "value(email)")
  5. Allow the application to create tokens using its service account by granting it the Service Account Token Creator role (roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator):

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
      --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
      --role "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"

    The application uses the permission to create tokens to access the Directory API and, optionally, to handle multi-party approval workflows.

Grant the Just-in-Time Access application permission to manage IAM bindings

You now grant the Project IAM Admin role to the application's service account. This role lets the Just-In-Time Access application create temporary IAM bindings when it must grant just-in-time access.

Because the Project IAM Admin role is highly privileged, you must limit access to the application's service account and to the project that contains it.

Use the following guidelines:

  • Limit the number of users that can access the project, and avoid granting any user the Owner or Editor role.
  • Limit the number of users that can impersonate the service account. The users who should be able to do this impersonation include those who have the Service Account User role or the Service Account Token Creator role.

To grant the Project IAM Admin role to the service account, do the following:

  1. Grant the Project IAM Admin role (roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin) and Cloud Asset Viewer role (roles/cloudasset.viewer) to the part of your resource hierarchy that you want to manage just-in-time privileged access for:


    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" \
        --condition None
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/cloudasset.viewer" \
        --condition None

    Replace RESOURCE_PROJECT_ID with the ID of the Google Cloud project that you want to manage access for. This project is a different one than the one you're deploying Just-In-Time Access to.


    gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" \
        --condition None
    gcloud resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/cloudasset.viewer" \
        --condition None

    Replace RESOURCE_FOLDER_ID with the ID of the folder that contains the projects that you want to manage access for.


    gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin" \
        --condition None
    gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding $SCOPE_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \
        --role "roles/cloudasset.viewer" \
        --condition None

    Replace ORGANIZATION_ID with the ID of your organization.

Grant access to allow the application to resolve group memberships

The Just-In-Time Access application lets you grant eligible access to a specific user or to an entire group. To evaluate group memberships, the application must be allowed to read group membership information from your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account.

To grant the application's service account access permission to read group memberships, do the following:

  1. Open the Google Admin console and sign in as a super-admin user.

  2. Go to Account > Admin Roles:

    Go to Admin Roles

  3. Click Groups Reader > Admins.

  4. Click Assign service accounts.

  5. Enter the following email address:

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your Google Cloud project.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Click Assign role.

Look up your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account's customer ID

To evaluate group memberships using the Directory API, the Just-In-Time Access application needs your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account's customer ID. To look up this ID, do the following:

  1. In the Google Admin console, go to Account > Account settings:

    Go to Account settings

  2. Copy your account's customer ID. The customer ID starts with C.

    You need the customer ID in a later step.

  3. Close the Admin console.

Deploy the application

You're now ready to deploy the Just-In-Time Access application to App Engine or Cloud Run.

App Engine

To deploy the Just-In-Time Access application to App Engine, you perform the following steps.

  1. In Cloud Shell, set an environment variable to contain your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account's customer ID:


    Replace CUSTOMER_ID with the customer ID you looked up before.

  2. Create an App Engine application:

    gcloud app create --region LOCATION

    Replace LOCATION with a supported App Engine location.

  3. Grant the App Engine default service account the Artifact Registry Create-on-push Writer (roles/artifactregistry.createOnPushWriter) and Storage Admin (roles/storage.admin) roles to allow App Engine to use Artifact Registry.

    PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member "serviceAccount:$" \
        --role "roles/artifactregistry.createOnPushWriter" \
        --condition None
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID\
        --member "serviceAccount:$" \
        --role "roles/storage.admin" \
        --condition None
  4. Clone the GitHub repository and switch to the latest branch:

    git clone
    cd jit-access/sources
    git checkout latest
  5. Create a configuration file for the Just-In-Time Access application:

    cat << EOF > app.yaml
    runtime: java17
    instance_class: F2
    service_account: $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
        RESOURCE_CATALOG: AssetInventory
        JUSTIFICATION_HINT: "Bug or case number"

    In this configuration file, you can customize the values of the variables. For a list of settings, see the Configuration options page in the associated GitHub repository.

  6. Deploy the application:

    gcloud app deploy --appyaml app.yaml

    Take note of the target url in the output. This will be the public URL of the Just-in-Time Access application.

    If you see the error message NOT_FOUND: Unable to retrieve P4SA, retry the command.

Cloud Run

To deploy the Just-In-Time Access application to Cloud Run, you perform the following steps.

  1. In Cloud Shell, set an environment variable to contain your Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account's customer ID:


    Replace CUSTOMER_ID with the customer ID you looked up before.

  2. Select a region to deploy to:

    gcloud config set run/region REGION

    Replace REGION with a region that supports Cloud Run.

  3. Create a backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services create jitaccess-backend \
      --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL \

    You later use this backend service to configure a load balancer and IAP.

  4. Clone the GitHub repository and switch to the latest branch:

    git clone
    cd jit-access/sources
    git checkout latest
  5. Build the application and push the container image to Container Registry:

    PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
    docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess:latest .
    docker push$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess:latest
  6. Create a configuration file for the Just-In-Time Access application:

    PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format 'value(projectNumber)')
    REGION=$(gcloud config get-value run/region)
    IAP_BACKEND_SERVICE_ID=$(gcloud compute backend-services describe jitaccess-backend --global --format 'value(id)')
    cat << EOF > app.yaml
    kind: Service
      name: jitaccess
      namespace: $PROJECT_NUMBER
      labels: $REGION
      annotations: internal-and-cloud-load-balancing
          serviceAccountName: $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
          - image:$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess:latest
            - name: RESOURCE_SCOPE
              value: "$SCOPE_TYPE/$SCOPE_ID"
            - name: RESOURCE_CATALOG
              value: "AssetInventory"
            - name: RESOURCE_CUSTOMER_ID
              value: "$ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_ID"
            - name: ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT
              value: "60"
            - name: JUSTIFICATION_HINT
              value: "Bug or case number"
            - name: JUSTIFICATION_PATTERN
              value: ".*"
            - name: IAP_BACKEND_SERVICE_ID
              value: "$IAP_BACKEND_SERVICE_ID"

    In this configuration file, you can customize the values of the variables. For a list of settings, see the Configuration options page in the associated GitHub repository.

  7. Deploy the application:

    gcloud run services replace app.yaml

Configure a load balancer

You now configure a load balancer for the Just-In-Time Access application.

App Engine

App Engine automatically configures the load balancer for you.

Cloud Run

Configure a HTTPS load balancer for your Cloud Run service:

  1. Reserve a static external IP address for the load balancer:

    gcloud compute addresses create jitaccess-ip --global
  2. Create a managed SSL certificate for the load balancer:

    gcloud compute ssl-certificates create jitaccess \
      --domains PUBLIC_FQDN \

    where PUBLIC_FQDN is the public, fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that you want to use, for example

  3. Look up the IP address of the load balancer:

    gcloud compute addresses describe jitaccess-ip \
      --global \
  4. Create a DNS A record in your public DNS zone that points to the IP address of the load balancer. The fully qualified name of the DNS record must match the name that you used for the SSL certificate.

  5. Create a serverless network endpoint group for the Cloud Run service and connect it to the backend service:

    gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create jitaccess \
      --region $(gcloud config get-value run/region) \
      --network-endpoint-type=serverless  \
      --cloud-run-service jitaccess
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend jitaccess-backend \
      --global \
      --network-endpoint-group jitaccess \
      --network-endpoint-group-region $(gcloud config get-value run/region)
  6. Create a load balancer frontend that uses the external IP address and forwards traffic to the backend service:

    gcloud compute url-maps create jitaccess \
      --default-service jitaccess-backend
    gcloud compute target-https-proxies create jitaccess-proxy \
      --ssl-certificates jitaccess \
      --url-map jitaccess
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create jitaccess-https \
      --load-balancing-scheme EXTERNAL \
      --address jitaccess-ip \
      --target-https-proxy jitaccess-proxy \
      --global \

Configure Identity-Aware Proxy

You now configure IAP for the Just-In-Time Access application.

  1. In Cloud Shell, configure an OAuth consent screen:

    gcloud iap oauth-brands create \
        --application_title "Just-In-Time Access" \
        --support_email=$(gcloud config get core/account)
  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to Security > Identity-Aware Proxy.

    Go to IAP

  3. Set IAP to enabled.

You now must define which users are allowed to access the Just-In-Time Access application. You can grant access to individual users, to groups, or to an entire domain.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to IAM & Admin > IAM.

    Go to IAM

  2. Click Grant access and then set the following values:

    1. In the principals list, select a user, group, or domain.
    2. In the role list, select IAP-secured web app user.

    The IAP-secured web app user role lets users open the Just-In-Time Access application, but the role doesn't provide them access to any additional resources yet.

  3. Click Save.

It can take a few minutes for the role binding to take effect.

App Engine

The IAP configuration is now complete.

Cloud Run

To complete the IAP configuration, grant the Cloud Run Invoker role (roles/run.invoker) to the service agent that's used by IAP:

PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list \
  --filter $(gcloud config get-value project) \
  --format "value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get-value core/project) \
  --member "serviceAccount:service-$" \
  --role "roles/run.invoker"

Test Just-in-Time Access

You can now test the process of granting eligible access and the process of using the Just-In-Time Access application to activate eligible access.

Grant eligible access

To start, you grant eligible access to a second Cloud Identity or Google Workspace user.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, use the project list to select a project that's part of the resource hierarchy that's managed by the Just-In-Time Access application.
  2. On the IAM page, click Grant access.
  3. Enter the email address of your second Cloud Identity or Google Workspace user and select a role such as Project > Browser.
  4. Click Add condition.
  5. Enter a title such as Eligible for JIT access.
  6. Select Condition editor and then enter the following CEL expression:

  7. Save your changes.

Activate access

Now you can switch users and request temporary access to a resource.

  1. Open an incognito browser window and navigate to the URL of the Just-In-Time Access application that you noted earlier.
  2. Sign in as the user that you've granted eligible access to.
  3. In the Just-In-Time Access application, select a role and resource that you want to activate access for.
  4. Enter a justification such as testing and then click Request access.

    On the next page, notice that your access has temporarily been activated.

Analyze logs

You can now switch back to your administrative user and review the log.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Logging > Logs Explorer.

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. Set Show query to enabled.

  3. Enter the following query:

  4. Click Run query.

    The output is similar to the following:

    "textPayload": "User EMAIL activated role 'ROLE' on '//' for themselves",
    "severity": "INFO",
    "labels": {
        "resource": "//",
        "event": "api.activateRole",
        "role": "ROLE",
        "clone_id": "00c6...",
        "user": "EMAIL",
        "justification": "testing",

    Notice that a log record has been created for each role you activated. The log record includes a set of labels that you can use to create custom filters.

Upgrade Just-in-Time Access

This section describes how you can upgrade an existing Just-In-Time Access deployment to use a newer version of the application, or to use a different configuration.

This section assumes that you are an administrator.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, switch to your project and then open Cloud Shell.

    Open Cloud Shell

  2. Set an environment variable to contain your project ID:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your project.

  3. Clone the GitHub repository and switch to the latest branch:

    git clone
    cd jit-access/sources
    git checkout latest
  4. Download the configuration file that you used previously to deploy the application and save it to a file app.yaml:

    App Engine

    APPENGINE_VERSION=$(gcloud app versions list --service default --hide-no-traffic --format "value(")
    APPENGINE_APPYAML_URL=$(gcloud app versions describe $APPENGINE_VERSION --service default --format "value(deployment.files.'app.yaml'.sourceUrl)")
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" $APPENGINE_APPYAML_URL -o app.yaml
    cat app.yaml

    If downloading the file app.yaml fails, you can download your current configuration in the Google Cloud console.

    Cloud Run

    gcloud config set run/region REGION
    gcloud run services describe jitaccess --format yaml > app.yaml

    Replace REGION with the region that contains your existing Cloud Run deployment.

  5. If you want to make changes to your configuration, edit the app.yaml file. For a list of settings, see the Configuration options page in the associated GitHub repository.

  6. Deploy the application:

    App Engine

    sed -i 's/java11/java17/g' app.yaml
    gcloud app deploy --appyaml app.yaml

    Cloud Run

    PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
    docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess:latest .
    docker push$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess:latest
    IMAGE=$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}'$PROJECT_ID/jitaccess)
    sed -i "s|image:.*|image: $IMAGE|g" app.yaml
    gcloud run services replace app.yaml

What's next