Automating SAP deployments on Google Cloud with Terraform

You can automate the deployment of Google Cloud infrastructure by using Terraform, an open source tool that lets you automate the creation and management of Google Cloud resources. For information about Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

For select SAP solutions and supporting databases, such as SAP HANA, Google Cloud provides pre-defined Terraform configuration files that you can use to deploy Google Cloud infrastructure that meets SAP supportability requirements and best practices.

Supported SAP solutions

Google Cloud provides Terraform configuration files for the following SAP solutions:

What the configuration files deploy

All of the Terraform configuration files that Google Cloud provides for SAP deployments configure or deploy the following elements:

  • One or more Compute Engine virtual machines (VMs)
  • An OS image that you specify
  • One or more Persistent Disk or Hyperdisk volumes
  • Optionally, an Identity and Access Management (IAM) service account that you specify for use by the VMs
  • The Google Cloud APIs that are required by the SAP deployment
  • Optionally, network tags for each VM instance
  • Optionally, an external IP address for each VM instance
  • The latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP

For SAP HANA, the Terraform configuration files also deploy:

  • Storage volumes for /hana/data, /hana/log, /hana/shared, /usr/sap, and /hanabackup
  • Optionally, the SAP HANA system itself
  • For SAP HANA scale-out systems with host auto-failover, a master host, up to 15 worker hosts, and up to 3 standby hosts
  • A Linux high-availability cluster
  • Optionally, for SAP HANA scale-up systems, static IP addresses for the primary and secondary instances
  • Optionally, for SAP HANA scale-out systems, static IP addresses for the master, worker, and standby nodes

For SAP NetWeaver, the Terraform configuration files also deploy:

  • Storage volumes for /sapmnt, /usr/sap, and a swap volume
  • Optionally, a Linux high-availability cluster on SLES

For high-availability (HA) clusters, the Terraform configuration files also deploy additional functions and features like internal load balancer, instance group and forwarding rules. For more information, see the deployment guide for your HA scenario.

Terraform configurations for each SAP deployment

Each predefined Terraform configuration for SAP contains a declarative configuration file

For information about the configuration file names or how to download them, see the deployment guide for your scenario.

Completing the Terraform configuration file

The Terraform configuration files that are provided for SAP deployments conform to the standards defined by Terraform.

The configuration files provided for SAP include the primary module definition followed by comments that declare arguments. The following example is an excerpt from the file for deploying a SAP HANA scale-out system without standby nodes:

module "sap_hana" {
  source = ""
  # By default, this source file uses the latest release of the terraform module
  # for SAP on Google Cloud. To fix your deployments to a specific release
  # of the module, comment out the source property above and uncomment the source property below.
  # source = ""
  # ...
  project_id = "example-project-123456"
  zone = "us-central1-f"
  machine_type = "n2-highmem-32"
  subnetwork = "example-subnet-us-central1"
  linux_image = "sles-15-sp2-sap"
  linux_image_project = "suse-sap-cloud"
  # ...
  instance_name = "hana-scaleout"
  # ...
  sap_hana_deployment_bucket = "mybucketname"
  sap_hana_sid = "AB2"
  sap_hana_instance_number = 12
  sap_hana_sidadm_password = "TempPa55word"
  sap_hana_system_password = "TempPa55word"
  sap_hana_scaleout_nodes = 3
  sap_hana_sidadm_uid = 11
  vm_static_ip = ""
  worker_static_ips = ["", "", ""]
  enable_fast_restart = true
  # ...

To use the optional arguments, remove the comment character, #, and specify a value for the argument. Most optional arguments have a default value. When you don't specify an optional argument, the Terraform configuration uses that argument's default value, if any.

For more information about configuration files, see Terraform Language Documentation.

Module versioning

The Terraform configuration files that you download from Google Cloud for SAP deployments contain two instances of the source argument: one that is active and one that is included as a comment. You can control which version of the module your configuration uses by removing the leading comment character, #, from the source argument that you need and adding it to the one that you don't.

By default, when you download a new Terraform configuration file from Google Cloud for SAP deployments, the active source argument specifies latest as the module version, which means that if Terraform refreshes the files in your working directory when you enter the terraform init command, then your configuration uses the latest available version of the Terraform module that Google Cloud provides for SAP deployments.

The second instance of the source argument, which by default is deactivated by a leading # character, includes the timestamp that identifies the version of the module provided by Google Cloud. For example, in the following sample, 1.3.674800406 is the timestamp that identifies the Terraform module version.

module "sap_hana" {
  source = ""
  # source = ""
  # arguments...

If you need all of your deployments to use the same module version, then in your, remove the leading # character from the source argument that includes the version timestamp and add it to the source argument that specifies latest as the version, as shown in the following example:

module "sap_hana" {
  # source = ""
  source = ""
  # arguments...

When a timestamp is specified, all deployments use the version of the Terraform module that corresponds to the specified timestamp.

Deploying multiple systems with one configuration file

You can deploy multiple systems using a single Terraform configuration file. You do this by adding module blocks to the configuration file for each additional system that you need to deploy.

For SAP deployments, copy the module block definition provided by Google Cloud and paste it in the appropriate order in your configuration file.

In each module block, make sure to specify unique values for any instance-specific arguments such as module or instance_name.

Applying configurations

You apply a Terraform configuration using the terraform apply command.

If you would like to preview the configuration results before actually deploying any Google Cloud resources, then create the Terraform execution plan using the terraform plan command.

For detailed application procedures, see the deployment guide for your scenario.

When Terraform completes applying your configuration, in the Cloud Shell, Terraform displays COMPLETED for each of the resources it creates and passes control to the shell script. The shell script is invoked as startup script on the deployed VMs.

The shell script configures the deployed resources further and logs its progress in Cloud Logging. An SAP deployment is not complete until the shell scripts complete their processing.

Post-deployment scripts

You can use a post-deployment script to perform additional actions, like triggering installation of your SAP NetWeaver application, monitoring agents, and so forth.

Post-deployment scripts are the recommended way to customize your configuration because they get control only after the Google Cloud infrastructure is configured according to SAP supportability requirements.

To display status messages for post-deployment scripts, you need to code the scripts to write the messages to the logs. For more information, see the Cloud Logging documentation.

The status of post-deployment scripts are not included in the messages that Terraform writes to the Cloud Shell or a local Google Cloud CLI shell session.

Getting support for the Terraform configurations

If you need help resolving a problem with the Terraform configurations that Google Cloud provides for SAP, then gather the required diagnostic information and contact Cloud Customer Care.

For more information on getting support for Terraform issues, see Get support for Terraform issues.