High-availability clusters on RHEL diagnostic information

For problems that are related to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) high-availability cluster for SAP, provide the following information to Cloud Customer Care as soon as you can:

  • A complete and detailed description of the problem or error, including the following:

  • If you are using Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, then you can generate and share the support bundle.

  • If you aren't using Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, then collect information about the cluster, including configuration details, system information, and diagnostic information, which includes the following:

    • If you have the Red Hat sos package or can install it, use the sosreport tool to collect the cluster information.

      • To install the sos package:

        sudo yum install -y sos
      • Run the sosreport tool on all cluster nodes:

    • If don't have the sos package, you can run the crm_report tool on all cluster nodes and provide the Corosync logs.

      Specify a start time (from time) that is approximately 1 hour before the issue occurred. Specify an end time (to time) that is at least an hour after the issue was resolved.

      • Run the crm_report on all nodes, specifying the from time and to time on the '-f' and '-t' flags, respectively.

        crm_report -f "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm" -t "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm"
      • For RHEL 7, additionally provide the log file /var/log/cluster/corosync.log for the cluster software from each cluster node.

    For more information about the sosreport tool, see What is an sos report and how to create one in Red Hat Enterprise Linux?.