gdcloud database clusters update


gdcloud database clusters update - Update a DBCluster custom resource.


gdcloud database clusters update CLUSTER_NAME [flags]


To update a DBCluster custom resource with name "postgresql-db" to enable backup, run:

  gdcloud database clusters update postgresql-db --backup --backup-retention-days 14

To update the computation resources of a DBCluster custom resource with name "oracle-db" in the project "db", run:

  gdcloud database clusters update oracle-db --cpu 4 --memory 16G --storage-size 100Gi --project=db


      --admin-password string             database password for admin user
      --allow-external-incoming-traffic   enable external incoming traffic to database if set to true, else disable external incoming traffic.
      --availability-type string          level of availability. (zonal or zonal_ha). Only for PostgresSQL.
      --backup                            enable daily backup if set to true, else disable daily backup.
      --backup-retention-days int         number of days to keep backups since creation (1 ~ 90 days). (default 30)
      --clear-database-flags              Clear all database flags to their default values
      --cpu int                           number of cores to be used for the database.
      --database-flags string             database flags
      --memory string                     amount of memory for the database.
      --storage-size string               amount of storage allocated to storing data.


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.