Vertex AI Workbench KRM API reference


Package v1 contains API schema definitions for the v1 API group.

Resource Types


Notebook is the Schema for the Notebooks API.

Appears in: - NotebookList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Notebook
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec NotebookSpec
status NotebookStatus


Appears in: - NotebookStatus

Field Description
type string The type of the condition. There are three possible values, Running, Waiting, and Terminated.
lastProbeTime Time The time when the Notebook was last probed.
reason string A string that contains the reason the container is in its current state.
message string A string that contains a detailed message the container is in its current state.


NotebookError represents an error that occurred while updating Notebook resources.

Appears in: - NotebookStatus

Field Description
errorMessage string A string that contains a detailed message that describes the Pod state.
code string A string that contains the error code of the Pod in its current state, such as VTXWB-E0000.


NotebookList contains a list of Notebook instances.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string NotebookList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Notebook array


NotebookSpec defines the desired state of the Notebook.

Appears in: - Notebook

Field Description
template NotebookTemplateSpec A specification for a Notebook instance that describes the desired state of the Notebook's workload in the cluster.


NotebookStatus defines the observed state of the Notebook.

Appears in: - Notebook

Field Description
conditions NotebookCondition array Deprecated, use Notebook CR Events. An array of NotebookCondition objects.
readyReplicas integer The number of Pods created by the StatefulSet controller with their Condition set to Ready.
containerState ContainerState Deprecated, use NotebookStatus.Phase. The state of the underlying container. For more information, refer to
phase string A string that contains the current Pod phase.
reason string A string that contains the reason the Pod is in its current state.
podUnavailableTime Time If the Notebook is not currently running or the controller failed to query pod status, the time when the Notebook pod was first observed to not be running.
error NotebookError The last error to occur while updating Notebook resources. This field is empty on success.


NotebookTemplateSpec defines the desired state of the cluster.

Appears in: - NotebookSpec

Field Description
spec PodSpec Defines the containers, environment variables for the container, and other properties such as the scheduler name and security context. For more information, refer to
userCluster string UserCluster is the name of the user cluster where the Notebook workload is created. The cluster must have sufficient resources to run the workload specified in PodSpec.