gdcloud database clusters list


gdcloud database clusters list - List DBCluster custom resources.


gdcloud database clusters list [flags]


To list DBCluster custom resources with database engine PostgreSQL, run:

  gdcloud database clusters list --database-engine=POSTGRESQL

To list DBCluster custom resources with database engine Oracle in the project "db", run:

  gdcloud database clusters list --project=db --database-engine=ORACLE

To list DBCluster custom resources with database engine AlloyDB Omni in the project "db", run:

  gdcloud database clusters list --project=db --database-engine=ALLOYDBOMNI

To list DBCluster custom resources with all database engines, run:

  gdcloud database clusters list


      --database-engine string   database engine of the DBCluster to be listed.
      --format string            Set the format for printing command output resources.
  -h, --help                     help for list