Contains API Schema definitions for the v1 API group.


Appears in: - VolumeReplicationSource

Field Description
fileShareRef string A name reference to the FileShare resource to be replicated.


Represents a volume within the local storage system.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaStatus

Field Description
storageClassName string The name of the storage class defined by the PersistentVolumeClaim.
internalVolumeName string The name of the internal volume on the storage appliance.
requestedStorageSize string The storage size of the volume requested by the PersistentVolumeClaim.
isDeleted boolean Specifies whether PVC has been deleted


Appears in: - VolumeReplicationDestination

Field Description
clusterRef string A reference to the Cluster custom resource where the destination PVC is created.


Appears in: - VolumeReplicationSource

Field Description
clusterRef string A reference to the Cluster custom resource where the PVC to be replicated exists.
pvcRef string A name reference to the PersistentVolumeClaim resource to be replicated.


Appears in: - VolumeReplicationSource

Field Description
virtualMachineDiskRef string A name reference to the VirtualMachineDisk resource to be replicated.


Defines the target location for a volume replication operation.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipSpec

Field Description
zoneRef string A reference to the Zone custom resource.
pvc PVCVolumeDestination A reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim resource.
volumeOverrideName string The desired name for the destination volume. The default is to use the same name as the source volume.


Defines the Schema for the 'VolumeReplicationRelationship' API.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VolumeReplicationRelationship
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VolumeReplicationRelationshipSpec
status VolumeReplicationRelationshipStatus


Represents a list of 'VolumeReplicationRelationship'

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VolumeReplicationRelationshipList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items VolumeReplicationRelationship array


Defines the Schema for the VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica API.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VolumeReplicationRelationshipSpec
status VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaStatus


Contains a list of VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica array


Defines the observed state of the VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica - VolumeReplicationRelationshipZoneStatus

Field Description
state VolumeReplicationState The current status of the volume replication relationship.
message string A human-readable message indicating details about why the volume replication relationship is in this state.
replicationID UUID The unique UUID identifying a SnapMirror relationship
sourceVolume LocalVolume The cached information about the source volume. This information is only populated by the source zone.
destinationVolume LocalVolume The cached information about the destination volume. This information is only populated by the destination zone.
lagTime string The timestamp of when the last snapshot was exported
exportedSnapshotName string The name of the last exported snapshot
lastTransferType string The type of the last transfer operation, such as a snapshot.
lastTransferTime string The timestamp of when the last transfer operation occurred
conditions Condition array The information on the overall state of the VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica.


Defines the desired state of VolumeReplicationRelationship.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationship - VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica

Field Description
source VolumeReplicationSource
destination VolumeReplicationDestination


Defines the observed state of the 'VolumeReplicationRelationship'.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationship

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones VolumeReplicationRelationshipZoneStatus array The list of zone status' where this resource is rolled out to.


Defines the observed state of the VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplica of a particular zone.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone.


Defines the origin of a volume replication operation.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipSpec

Field Description
zoneRef string A reference to the 'Zone' custom resource.
pvc PVCVolumeSource A reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim resource.
virtualMachineDisk VirtualMachineDiskVolumeSource A reference to a VirtualMachineDisk resource.
fileShare FileShareSource A reference to a FileShare resource.


Underlying type: string Defines the state of the volume replication used in the VolumeReplicationRelationshipStatus.

Appears in: - VolumeReplicationRelationshipReplicaStatus