Contains API Schema definitions for the IP Address Management (IPAM) global API group.


Represents the request and allocation information of a global IP address range in CIDR format.

Appears in: - SubnetList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Subnet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec SubnetSpec
status SubnetStatus


Represents a collection of Subnet resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string SubnetList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Subnet array


Defines the specification of a Subnet.

Appears in: - Subnet

Field Description
type SubnetType The type of the Subnet in the context of the IPAM tree architecture.
ipv4Request SubnetRequest The request details for acquiring the IPv4 CIDR.
ipv6Request SubnetRequest The request details for acquiring the IPv6 CIDR.
zone string The name of the zone which this Subnet belongs to. If left empty, it is treated as a global only resource.
parentReference SubnetReference The reference to the parent of this Subnet. This Subnet will get IP allocated from the parent if specified. The parent name must be provided if there is a parent. Namespace of the parent can only be omitted when the parent is in the same namespace as this Subnet.
propagationStrategy ZonePropagationStrategy The strategy used to propagate the Subnet to zonal API server.


Represents the status of the Subnet.

Appears in: - Subnet

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
ipv4Allocation SubnetAllocation The allocation information for the IPv4 IP addresses.
ipv6Allocation SubnetAllocation The allocation information for the IPv6 IP addresses.
childrenRefs SubnetReference array The references to the children which are allocated from this Subnet. This field doesn't apply to Leaf type Subnets.