gdcloud iam roles


gdcloud iam roles - Manage custom roles for projects or organizations.


gdcloud iam roles COMMAND [flags]


Manage custom roles for projects or organizations. This command provides a unified way to operate custom roles, allowing you to define roles for customized access level.


To create an organization-level custom role with specific permissions, run:

    gdcloud iam roles create org-viewer --scope=organization --title="Organization Viewer" --description="Grants read-only access to storage buckets and compute instances at the organization level" --permissions=storageAdmin:compute:instances.get,storageAdmin:storage:buckets.list --stage=<BETA|GA|ALPHA>

To create a project-level custom role for deploying resources in specific project namespaces, run:

    gdcloud iam roles create project-resource-manager --scope=project --title="Project Resource Manager" --description="Allows managing compute instances and disks within specific projects" --permissions=storageAdmin:compute:instances.get,storageAdmin:compute:disks.create --stage=<BETA|GA|ALPHA> --projects=project-id-1,project-id-2...

To create a project-level custom role applicable to all projects, run:

    gdcloud iam roles create project-instance-operator --scope=project --title="Project Instance Operator" --description=""Grants permissions to start and stop compute instances across all projects" --permissions=admin:compute:instances.start,admin:compute:instances.stop --stage=<BETA|GA|ALPHA>

To create a custom role in a specific system namespace, run:

    gdcloud iam roles create iam-role-manager --scope=organization --title="IAM Role Manager" --description="Allows creating and updating IAM roles" --permissions=iamAdmin:iam:roles:create,iamAdmin:iam:roles:update --stage=<BETA|GA|ALPHA> --namespace=<namespace-name>

To create a custom role from a YAML configuration file, run:

    gdcloud iam roles create my_role --file=ROLE_FILE

To describe a role at organization scope, run:

    gdcloud iam roles describe org-role

To describe a role at project scope, run:

    gdcloud iam roles describe project-role --project my-project

To delete a custom role at organization scope, run:

    gdcloud iam roles delete org-role

To delete a custom role at project scope, run:

    gdcloud iam roles delete project-role --project my-project

To update an organization-level custom role with specific permissions, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update org-viewer --permissions=storageAdmin:compute:instances.get,storageAdmin:storage:buckets.list

To update a project-level custom role for deploying resources in specific project namespaces, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update project-resource-manager --permissions=storageAdmin:compute:instances.get,storageAdmin:compute:disks.create --projects=project-id-1,project-id-2

To update a project-level custom role applicable to all projects, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update project-instance-operator --permissions=admin:compute:instances.start,admin:compute:instances.stop

To update title and description of a custom role, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update org-viewer --title="Organization Viewer v2" --description="Grants read-only access to storage buckets and compute instances at the organization level v2"

To add additional projects to an existing project-level custom role, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update project-resource-manager --projects=project-id-3,project-id-4

To update a custom role from a YAML configuration file, run:

    gdcloud iam roles update my_role --file=ROLE_FILE

To list all roles, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list

To list predefined roles, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list --type=predefined

To list custom roles, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list --type=custom

To list all roles for a specific project, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list --project=my-project

To list predefined roles for a specific project, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list --type=predefined --project=my-project

To list custom roles for a specific project, run:

    gdcloud iam roles list --type=custom --project=my-project


These flags are available to all commands: --help.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.


COMMAND is one of the following:

    Create a custom role.
    Delete a custom role.
    Describe a role[custom/predefined].
    List roles[custom/predefined/all].
    Update a custom role.