gdcloud topic formats


gdcloud topic formats - Supplementary help for resource formats.


Many gdcloud CLI commands return a list of resources on success. By default, they are pretty-printed in the standard output. The --format=NAME[PROJECTIONS] flag can be used to format and change the default output to a more meaningful result.

Use the --format flag to change the default output format of a command. Resource formats are described in detail later.

Use projections to list a subset of resource keys in a resource.

Note To refer to a list of fields, you can sort and format by each resource. You can run a list command with the format set to yaml, json, csv, text, or table. For example,

gdcloud clusters list --format=yaml


A format expression is used to change the default output format of a command. Many output formats are available; some for pretty-printing human-readable output and others for returning machine-readable output. A format expression has two parts

NAME name

PROJECTIONS [ resource-key [, …] ]

NAME is required and PROJECTIONS can be applied to csv, text, and table formats. Unknown values are silently ignored. Each gdcloud list command has a default format expression. The --format flag can alter or replace the default. For example,

--format="table(,,controlPlane.image)" lists control plane resources in table format.

--format=json lists the resource in JSON format.

The available formats are

## csv

Comma Separated Values (<https //>) with no keys. Use this format with a projection to define values to print.

## json

JSON (<https //>), JavaScript Object Notation.

## table

Aligned left-adjusted columns and column headings are the disambiguated right hand components of the column keys in uppercase. For example, the projection keys `(,` produce the default column heading `('FIRST.NAME', 'LAST.NAME')`. If the screen reader option is `True`, you might observe flattened list output instead of a table with columns. To turn it off, run  `gdcloud config set accessibility/screen_reader false`.

## text

A flattened tree. Each output line contains one `key` `value` pair. Use this format with a projection to define values to print.

## yaml

YAML (<https //>), YAML ain't markup language.


List the status of all clusters information in JSON format

gdcloud clusters list --format=json

Print the cluster reference details of the user cluster

gdcloud clusters describe user-vm-1 --format="table(,clusterref.namespace)"