
Appears in: - DBClusterSpec

Field Description
version string Version of a database. nullon(samwise-fleet,samwise-local)
images object (keys:string, values:string) Deprecated: Replacement images for the database instance. nullon(samwise-fleet,samwise-local)
component object (keys:InstanceComponentName, values:InstanceComponentSpec) The list of instance components An instance is composed of dataplane and controlPlaneAgent components nullon(samwise-fleet)
dbLoadBalancerOptions DBLoadBalancerOptions DBNetworkServiceOptions allows to override some details of kubernetes Service created to expose a connection to database.
sourceCidrRanges string array Source IP CIDR ranges allowed for a client.
parameters object (keys:string, values:string) Parameters allows to set database parameters for the database cluster. This field is optional. Parameters will take a key/value pair corresponding to the parameter name/value as defined by the database engine.
services object (keys:Service, values:boolean) Services list the optional semi-managed services that the customers can choose from.
resources Resource Resource specification for the database container. When any of the fields inside the resource changes, the operator restarts the database instance with the new resource specification.
mode InstanceMode Mode specifies how this instance will be managed by the operator.
databasePatchingTimeout Duration Max threshold for database patching. This timeout is used independently for sts patching and OPatch/datapatch execution. nullon(samwise-fleet)
adminUser AdminUserSpec AdminUser represents the admin user specification. This field is required. This is the initial database user that the control plane creates. Additional database users are managed by the end-user directly. This field can also be used to reset the password of the initial user.
isStopped boolean IsStopped stops the instance when set to true. This field is optional and default to false. When stopped, the compute resources (CPU, memory) of the instance are released. However, the instance still keeps the storage resource and network endpoints so that restarting is transparent to the downstream services. See the status field for success or failures, if any.
availabilityOptions AvailabilityOptions AvailabilityOptions contains adjustable settings for HA features
allowExternalIncomingTrafficToInstance boolean AllowExternalIncomingTrafficToInstance will be used to configure the external LB creation.
auditLogTarget AuditLogTargetSpec AuditLogTarget configures the sink for the database audit logs
replication ReplicationSpec Replication configures replication connections to other db instances nullon(samwise-fleet)
tls TLSSpec TLS is the desired server certificate configuration for the instance. This field is optional. When this field is changed, the instance pods will restart to load the specified certificate
features Features Specify AlloyDB Omni specific features


DBCluster is the Schema for the dbclusters API

Appears in: - DBClusterList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DBCluster
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DBClusterSpec
status DBClusterStatus


DBClusterList contains a list of DBCluster

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DBClusterList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items DBCluster array


DBClusterSpec defines the desired state of DBCluster

Appears in: - DBCluster

Field Description
primaryCluster string nullon(samwise-fleet)
isDeleted boolean IsDeleted indicates a request to delete the DBCluster. This field is optional, and by default it is false. This fields applies to all instances of the database cluster. When set this to true, the control plane will attempt to release the related resources, including network endpoints. See the status fields for indication of success or failures, if any.
mode string Indicate the mode of this DBCluster.
availability Availability Availability contains adjustable settings for DBCluster HA features
allowExternalIncomingTraffic boolean
tls TLSSpec TLS is the desired server certificate configuration for the cluster. This field is optional. By default, this field is empty and a new self-signed CA and leaf certificate are generated for the cluster. When this field is changed, the database cluster pods will restart to load the specified certificate. The field status.certificateReference indicates the current CA certificate secret and key.
databaseVersion string DatabaseVersion is the desired database version for the cluster for example, "15.4.5". This field is required. This version is applied to all instances of the database cluster. In the case of a new database cluster, the instance is created using the specified version. In the case of an existing database cluster, the operator aptempts to upgrade or downgrade to the specified databaseVersion. The field status.currentDatabaseVersion indicates the current database version.
controlPlaneAgentsVersion string ControlPlaneAgentsVersion is the desired control plane agents version for the cluster for example, "0.5.2". This field is required. The controlPlaneAgentsVersion must be compatible with the chosen databaseVersion. To know what versions are compatible, check the list of available versions in {link}. This version is applied to all instances of the database cluster. In the case of a new database cluster, the instance is be created using the specified version. In the case of an existing database cluster, the operator will aptempt to upgrade or downgrade to the specified controlPlaneAgentsVersion. The field status.currentControlPlaneAgentsVersion indicates the current version for control plane agents.
databaseImage string DatabaseImage is the URI of a customized database image within the container registry, for example, "". This field is optional. If databaseImage is specified, then the operator uses this container image for the database instead of the default database container image of the specified databaseVersion. We recommend that the databaseImage container will be based on the default database image used of the chosen databaseVersion.
primarySpec AlInstanceSpec


DBClusterStatus defines the observed state of DBCluster

Appears in: - DBCluster

Field Description
observedGeneration integer Internal: The generation observed by the controller.
reconciled boolean Internal: Whether the resource was reconciled by the controller.
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase DBClusterPhase
primary PrimaryStatus Primary contains the status of the primary Instance.
restoredFrom RestoredFrom
maintenanceStatus MaintenancePolicyStatus MaintenanceStatus provides information about upcoming maintenance. nullon(samwise-fleet)
upgradeScheduledAt Time UpgradeScheduledAt is a timestamp that indicates when the next upgrade is scheduled to start. If it is nil, it means there is no upcoming upgrade scheduled. nullon(samwise-fleet)
serviceAccounts object (keys:OpType, values:ServiceAccountRef) ServiceAccounts contains the service accounts created by the control plane to be used by different operations. By granting permissions to these service accounts, the database can interact with other services within the kubernetes ecosystem. For further information, including what permissions is required, refer to the documentation of each operation.
certificateReference CertificateRef CertificateReference refers to a secret and a key of the server CA certificate that can be used to connect to the database. If spec.TLS is provided, this value should refer to the same secret after the database has been configured to use the provided server certificate.
latestFailoverStatus FailoverStatus LatestFailoverStatus is the status of the most recently updated failover for the database cluster This status is a copy of the status of the current or most recently updated failover operation for the database cluster. This can be used to conveniently monitor the status of a currently running failover operation.
migrationStatus MigrationStatus MigrationStatus represents the status of migration for the database cluster. nullon(samwise-fleet)