Install and configure storage CLI

The gdcloud CLI tool can be used for managing object storage. This page shows you how to download, install, and configure the package before using storage buckets and objects.

Prepare the gdcloud CLI

To use the gdcloud CLI, see the following steps to download, install, and configure the package.

Download the gdcloud CLI

To download the gdcloud CLI, see the gdcloud CLI overview.

Install the gdcloud CLI

In order to use the storage command tree, the storage dependencies component must be installed.

  1. Follow Install gdcloud CLI.

  2. To install the storage dependencies component, run the following commands:

    gdcloud components install storage-cli-dependencies

    For more information on the components install command, see Install gdcloud CLI.

Configure the gdcloud CLI for object storage

The following configurations must be set to use the gdcloud CLI for object storage.

  1. Replace ACCESS_KEY_ID with the access key ID obtained from the secret in getting access credentials:

    gdcloud config set storage/s3_access_key_id ACCESS_KEY_ID
  2. Replace SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the secret key obtained from the secret in getting access credentials:

    gdcloud config set storage/s3_secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  3. Replace CA_BUNDLE_FILE with the path to the CA Certificate:

    gdcloud config set storage/s3_custom_ca_certs_file CA_BUNDLE_FILE
  4. Replace ENDPOINT with the endpoint your Infrastructure Operator (IO) provides:

    gdcloud config set storage/s3_endpoint ENDPOINT