This page describes how to generate a pre-shared key (PSK) and use that PSK to create an authentication secret.
A PSK is a shared secret password that is used to authenticate and encrypt communication between two devices. It is a form of symmetric encryption.
Before you begin
To create a secret, you must have the necessary identity and access roles:
- VPN Admin: Has read and write permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Admin (
) role. - VPN Viewer: Has read permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Viewer (
) role. - For more information, see Role definitions.
Generate a PSK
Use the following methods to generate a strong 32-character pre-shared key.
For more information about OpenSSL, see On a Linux or macOS system, run the following OpenSSL command:
openssl rand -base64 24
On a Linux or macOS system, you can also use /dev/urandom
as a pseudorandom
source to generate a pre-shared key:
On Linux or macOS, send the random input to
:head -c 24 /dev/urandom | base64
Pass the random input through a hashing function, such as
:On Linux:
head -c 4096 /dev/urandom | sha256sum | cut -b1-32
On macOS:
head -c 4096 /dev/urandom | openssl sha256 | cut -b1-32
Generate the pre-shared key directly in a document by using JavaScript with the W3C Web Cryptography API. For more information, see
This API uses the
method detailed here:
which provides a cryptographically sound way of generating a pre-shared key.
The following code creates an array of 24 random bytes, and then base64 encodes those bytes to produce a random 32-character string:
var a = new Uint8Array(24);
console.log(btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a)));
Create the secret
Create a secret with a PSK key in the platform namespace:
kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER create secret -n platform generic PSK_NAME --from-literal=psk=PSK
Replace the following:
: the zonal API server's kubeconfig path. If you have not yet generated a kubeconfig file for the API server in your targeted zone, see Sign in for details.PSK_NAME
: The name of the PSK key.PSK
: The value of the PSK key.