Create a VPN BGP session

This page describes the specifications a VPN Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session must adhere to and how to create a VPN BGP session.

Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped VPN supports dynamic routing using an IPv4 BGP session for each VPN tunnel. The BGP session lets the BGP peers in the remote network and in the GDC organization advertise routes to each other.

Before you begin

To create a VPN BGP session, you must have the necessary identity and access roles:

  • VPN Admin: has read and write permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Admin (vpn-admin) role.
  • VPN Viewer: has read permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Viewer (vpn-viewer) role.
  • For more information, see Role definitions.

VPN BGP session specifications

The BGP peer in the organization supports a BGP keepalive interval of 30 seconds, with a hold timer of 90 seconds.For each BGP session, the IPv4 addresses must meet the following requirements:

  • Each BGP IPv4 address must belong to the same /30 subnet that fits within the range.
  • Each BGP IPv4 address is the first or second host of the /30 subnet. The first and the last IP addresses of the subnet are reserved for network and broadcast addresses.
  • Each BGP address range for each BGP session must be unique among all VPN BGP sessions for the organization.

MD5 authentication is not supported. This is a method of verifying the integrity and authenticity of data using the MD5 hashing algorithm.

Create a VPN BGP session

To create a BGP session for the VPN tunnel, follow these steps:

  1. Create a VPNBGPPeer object in the org admin cluster in the platform namespace:

    kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER create -n platform -f - <<EOF
    kind: VPNBGPPeer
      name: VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME
        name: REMOTE_PEER_NAME
        ip: REMOTE_PEER_IP
        asn: REMOTE_PEER_ASN
        name: LOCAL_PEER_NAME
        ip: LOCAL_PEER_IP
        asn: LOCAL_PEER_ASN

    Replace the following:

    • MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER: the zonal API server's kubeconfig path. If you have not yet generated a kubeconfig file for the API server in your targeted zone, see Sign in for details.
    • VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME: the name of the VPN BGP peer.
    • REMOTE_PEER_NAME: the name for the BGP peer in the remote network.
    • REMOTE_PEER_IP: the BGP IPv4 address from the /30 subnet of the BGP peer in the remote network.
    • REMOTE_PEER_ASN: the Autonomous System Number (ASN) configured for the remote network.
    • LOCAL_PEER_NAME: a name for the BGP peer in the GDC organization.
    • LOCAL_PEER_IP: the BGP IPv4 address from the /30 subnet of the BGP peer in the GDC organization.
    • LOCAL_PEER_ASN: the ASN configured for the GDC organization.
  2. Verify that the VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME object was correctly reconciled by examining the Status field. Get the details of the VPNBGPPeer object:

    kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER describe -n platform vpnbgppeer VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME

    Examine the output, it must look similar to the following example:

          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:13Z
          Message:               Ready
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                Ready
          Status:                True
          Type:                  ValidIPs
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:00Z
          Message:               Used by 0 VPNTunnels, must be used by a single VPNTunnel
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                GetResourceFailed
          Status:                False
          Type:                  TunnelsAttached
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:00Z
          Message:               TunnelsAttached or ValidIPs Condition not Ready.
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                Unknown
          Status:                False
          Type:                  Reconciled
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:01Z
          Message:               ValidIPs or Reconciled Condition not Ready.
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                Unknown
          Status:                False
          Type:                  AdvertisedRoutesReady
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:13Z
          Message:               Ready
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                Ready
          Status:                True
          Type:                  ReceivedRoutesValid
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:01Z
          Message:               TunnelsAttached Condition not Ready.
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                Unknown
          Status:                False
          Type:                  ReceivedRoutesReady
          Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:26:01Z
          Message:               Condition "TunnelsAttached" is not ready.
          Observed Generation:   1
          Reason:                NotReady
          Status:                False
          Type:                  Ready

The VPNBGPPeer must be attached to a VPNTunnel. We handle this step in Create a VPN Tunnel.

What's next