
This section provides a workflow to create backups and restores that are scoped to target specific VM workloads, and that occur on a schedule you define.

This workflow is only available through the API. You set the scope and schedule using a VM backup plan. Since this is an API workflow you must create a VirtualMachineBackupPlan resource. This plan defines:

  • The backup scope:

    • Lists specific VMs or disks to back up.
    • Uses labels to select VMs or disks to back up.
  • The backup schedule: A cron expression that defines when backups occur.

Key resources

You use following API resources in this workflow:

  • VirtualMachineBackupPlanTemplate: Defines the backup repository used.
  • VirtualMachineBackupPlan: Defines the scope and schedule of backups.
  • VirtualMachineBackupRequest: Manually creates a backup.
  • VirtualMachineRestoreRequest: Restores a VM from a backup.

Prepare roles and permissions

To complete the following workflow, you must have the necessary identity and access roles:

  • Organization Backup Admin: manages backup resources such as backup and restore plans in user clusters. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the Organization Backup Admin (organization-backup-admin) role. For more information, see Role definitions.

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