Create a fine-grained restore

This page describes how to create a fine-grained restore for a backup in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

The fine-grained restore feature lets you restore a subset of resources from a backup. This feature provides the flexibility to refine the restore scope defined in the restore plan.

Before you begin

To create a fine-grained restore for a backup, you must have the following:

  • An existing backup. For more information, see Plan a set of backups.
  • The necessary identity and access role:

    • For PA users:
      • User Cluster Backup Admin: manages backup resources such as backup and restore plans in user clusters. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the User Cluster Backup Admin (user-cluster-backup-admin) role.
    • For AO users:
      • Backup Creator: creates manual backups and restores. Ask your Project IAM Admin to grant you the Backup Creator (backup-creator) role.
    • For more information, see Role definitions.

Create a fine-grained restore

To create a restore with a fine-grained filter, follow these steps:

  1. Create the fine-grained restore filters. You can use the following YAML example.

      - groupKind:
          kind: Bar
        name: name1
        namespace: ns1
      - labels:
          key1: value1
          key2: value2
  2. Create a ManualRestoreRequest custom resource to plan restores from an existing Backups. Here's an example of a ManualRestoreRequest:

    kind: ManualRestoreRequest
      name: RESTORE_NAME
      namespace: PROJECT_NAMESPACE
      restoreName: RESTORE_NAME
      restorePlanName: RESTORE_PLAN
      backupName: BACKUP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • RESTORE_NAME: the name of the restore that you want to create.
  • PROJECT_NAMESPACE: the name of your GDC project.
  • RESTORE_PLAN: the name of the restore plan this restore is derived from.
  • BACKUP_NAME: the backup to restore. This backup must be associated with the backup plan to which the restore plan refers to. For more information, see Plan a set of restores.
  • FINE_GRAINED_RESTORE_FILTER: the fine-grained restore filters. For examples, see Fine-grained restore filter examples.

Fine-grained restore filter examples

The following examples are provided in the YAML format used by Google Cloud CLI.

Restore a single namespace scoped resource

This example restores a ConfigMap resource with the name nginx-vars in the namespace webserver, using the fine-grained restore inclusionFilters to select the resource. If you want to choose resources under the core group, use an empty string for the group field.

  - groupKind:
      kind: ConfigMap
    name: nginx-vars
    namespace: webserver

Exclude a single cluster scoped resource

This example restores all available resources except for one groupKind resource with the name sc1, using the fine-grained restore exclusionFilters to exclude the resource.

  - groupKind:
      kind: StorageClass
    name: sc1

Restore resources with two labels

This example restores resources which have both labels key1:value1 and key2:value2, using the fine-grained restore inclusionFilters to select the resources.

  - labels:
      key1: value1
      key2: value2

Exclude all resources of some GroupKinds

This example restores all available resources except for the groupKind resources of ConfigMap and, using the fine-grained restore exclusionFilters to exclude these two GroupKinds.

  - groupKind:
      kind: ConfigMap
  - groupKind:
      kind: StorageClass

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