Key management system

The Key Management System (KMS) service centrally manages cryptographic keys and runs in the org admin cluster.

Supported keys

KMS supports the following keys for its data-plane operations:

Key primitive Key primitive (API) Description Default algorithm
AEAD aeadkey The authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) key that performs authenticated encryption using AES-256.

The key's components represent the following:
  • AES-256: the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric key algorithm. This algorithm is the default algorithm.
Signing signingkey The signing key that provides asymmetric signing using elliptic curve support.

The key's components represent the following:
  • EC: the elliptic curve key.
  • P384: the size of the EC curve.
  • SHA384: the digest algorithm used in signing. This algorithm is the default algorithm.

Root key types

The KMS uses root keys internally to encrypt key material before writing the material to the disk, and decrypts the material when reading from the disk. The KMS retrieves the root key for each operation.

The KMS supports a single root key per organization. The root key wraps all non-root keys. Use the RootKeyID field on each key to identify the root key.

See rotate a root key for more information about rotating root keys.

Root Key Type Root Key Type (API) Description
Local Root (default) The root key cryptographic material is stored in the org admin cluster as a Kubernetes Secret.