This page shows you how to delete objects from Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped storage buckets.
Before you begin
A project namespace manages bucket resources in the Management API server. You must have a project to work with buckets and objects.
You must also have the appropriate bucket permissions to perform the following operation. See Grant bucket access.
Delete objects in buckets
- In the navigation menu, click Object Storage.
- Click the name of the bucket containing the objects.
- Wait to be redirected to the Bucket details page with objects listed in a table.
- Click delete Delete at the end of the row of the object to be deleted.
- Wait a few minutes and refresh the page to check that the object is deleted.
- Optional: Toggle the Show deleted data option to see which objects you've deleted.
To delete a file from a bucket, run the following command:
gdcloud storage rm s3://BUCKET/OBJECT
Crypto shred objects in buckets with encryption v2
You can use the following to retrieve all AEADKeys belong to this bucket:
kubectl get aeadkeys -n NAMESPACE_NAME -l
And then you can follow Delete a key to delete the intended AEADKey to crypto shred objects.