Control egress and ingress traffic

Control egress and ingress traffic to a VPN tunnel on a per-project basis.

  • By default, all projects will deny incoming traffic from a VPN tunnel.
  • By default, projects with data exfiltration protection enabled will deny outgoing traffic to a VPN tunnel.

Use the following directions to change the default VPN traffic egress and ingress rules for a project.

Configure ingress traffic

By default, all projects will deny incoming traffic from a VPN tunnel. To enable a project to allow traffic from a VPN tunnel, use a ProjectNetworkPolicy object which targets the routes received over the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session used on the VPN tunnel:

  1. Retrieve all received routes from the VPNBGPPeer status in question:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ORG_ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get -n platform vpnbgppeer VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME -ojson | jq '.status.received'

    Replace the following:

    • ORG_ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the org admin cluster's kubeconfig path.
    • VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME: the name of your VPN BGP session.

    For more information, see Create a VPN BGP session.

    The output looks like the following example:

        "prefix": ""
        "prefix": ""
  2. Add all of the received routes from the VPNBGPPeer status to a ProjectNetworkPolicy object in the namespace of the project in question:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ORG_ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG create -n PROJECT_NAME -f - <<EOF
    kind: ProjectNetworkPolicy
      name: allow-ingress-vpn-traffic
      policyType: Ingress
        subjectType: UserWorkload
      - from:
        - ipBlocks:
          - cidr:
          - cidr:

Replace PROJECT_NAME with the name of your GDC project.

Configure egress traffic

By default, a project with data exfiltration protection enabled will deny sending traffic to the VPN.

You can allow a project to send traffic to a VPN tunnel by disabling data exfiltration protection for the project. For more information, see Prevent data exfiltration.

Access the user VM

Hosts in the remote network with a VPN tunnel connection to a GDC organization can access the primary interface of organization user VMs, assuming egress and ingress traffic to the project containing the user VM is allowed.

Follow these steps to access the primary interface of the user VM:

  1. Get the interfaces of the user VM by viewing its respective VirtualMachine object in the org admin cluster:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ORG_ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get -n PROJECT_NAME gvm VM_NAME -ojson | jq ''

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VirtualMachine object.

    The output looks like the following example:

        "ipAddresses": [
        "macAddress": "8a:fc:81:0b:41:dc",
        "name": "eth0"
        "ipAddresses": [
        "macAddress": "56:1b:07:85:50:b3",
        "name": "eth1"
  2. Hosts in the remote network with a VPN tunnel connection to a GDC organization can access user VMs through the primary eth0 interface:

    /home/ubuntu# ssh -i ~/vm-access user@

    Note, for SSH access details including retrieving a key for a VM, see Connect to a VM.