Sign in to Docker and Helm

This page describes how to sign in to Docker or Helm using the Managed Harbor Service (MHS) credential helper or CLI secrets.

To provide flexibility, Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped provides two methods to authenticate with Docker and Helm from your Harbor registry instance. The first method is using the Managed Harbor Service (MHS) credential helper and your GDC identity to sign in to the Docker or Helm CLI. After authenticating with GDC, you can sign in to the Docker client and perform Docker operations, without having to create or manage separate CLI secrets in Harbor.

The second method is using CLI secrets. After you authenticate using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) and sign in to the Harbor interface for the first time, use the Docker or Helm CLI to access Harbor. The Docker and Helm CLIs cannot handle redirection for IAP, so Harbor provides a CLI secret to use when signing in from Docker or Helm. This method is only available when Harbor uses IAP authentication.

Before you begin

To configure Docker and Helm authentication for Harbor registry instances, you must have the following:

  • The MHS credential helper docker-credential-mhs installed in the environment. The credential helper is included by default in the gdcloud CLI bundle. For more information, see gdcloud CLI overview.
  • The necessary identity and access role. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the Harbor Instance Viewer (harbor-instance-viewer) role.

Sign in to Docker with your GDC identity

Use the MHS credential helper with your GDC identity to sign into the Docker CLI. To authenticate with Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Management API server with GDC CLI by following the instructions in Sign in.

  2. Configure Docker to use the MHS credential helper docker-credential-mhs:

    REGISTRY=$(kubectl get harborinstance $HARBOR_INSTANCE_NAME -n $TENANT_PROJECT -o jsonpath='{.status.url}' | sed s#https://##)
    docker-credential-mhs configure-docker --registries=${REGISTRY}

    Replace the following:

  3. Follow the instructions in Configure Docker to trust the Harbor root CA.

  4. Optional: Verify that the credential helper is successfully configured by verifying the mhs entry is added to ~/.docker/config.json:


    Replace DOCKER_CONFIG_PATH with the path to your docker config file. For example, ~/.docker/config.json.

    The output is similar to the following:

        "auths": {
            "": {
                "auth": "YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
            "": {
                "auth": "YWRtaW46ZEROVVJCVWE1a1FBcE4xQQ=="
        "credHelpers": {
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "mhs",
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "gcloud",
            "": "gcloud"

    This example shows a successful output of "": "mhs".

  5. Configure the tenant project in gdcloud:

    gdcloud config set project $TENANT_PROJECT

    The following output is shown:

    Updated property [core/project].
  6. Perform Docker operations, such as an image push or pull:

    REGISTRY=$(kubectl get harborinstance $HARBOR_INSTANCE_NAME -n $TENANT_PROJECT -o jsonpath='{.status.url}' | sed s#https://##)
    # Push image
    docker pull nginx
    docker tag nginx ${REGISTRY}/library/nginx:latest
    docker push ${REGISTRY}/library/nginx:latest
    # Pull image
    docker pull ${REGISTRY}/library/nginx:latest

    A successful output is similar to the following:

    # Push image
    root@gpc-adhoc-70846130vm-bootstrapper-zone1:~# docker push ${REGISTRY}/library/nginx:latest
    The push refers to repository []
    e4e9e9ad93c2: Pushed
    6ac729401225: Pushed
    8ce189049cb5: Pushed
    296af1bd2844: Pushed
    63d7ce983cd5: Pushed
    b33db0c3c3a8: Pushed
    98b5f35ea9d3: Pushed
    latest: digest: sha256:7ba542bde95e6523a4b126f610553e3657b8108bc3175596ee7e911ae1219bfc size: 1778
    # Pull image
    root@gpc-adhoc-70846130vm-bootstrapper-zone1:~# docker pull ${REGISTRY}/library/nginx:latest
    latest: Pulling from library/nginx
    Digest: sha256:7ba542bde95e6523a4b126f610553e3657b8108bc3175596ee7e911ae1219bfc
    Status: Image is up to date for

    If the operation is unsuccessful, you might see the following output:

    E1025 19:21:39.322290 1273587 get.go:24] failed to get user name: user is not logged in or login expired, please login again

    In this case, the GDC authentication session has expired and you must sign in to GDC again. For more information, see Sign in.

Sign into Helm with your GDC identity

Use the MHS credential helper with your GDC identity to sign into the Helm CLI.

To authenticate with Helm, follow these steps:

  1. After authenticating with GDC, retrieve your user credentials from the credential helper:

    echo $REGISTRY | docker-credential-mhs get

    The output is similar to the following:

  2. Sign in to the Helm CLI with the credentials. When prompted to enter the credentials, use the credentials returned by the credential helper.

    helm registry login $REGISTRY
    Username: tokenreview$
    Password: STS-Bearer-3q2o6mBKk44Gzi4105vyiSnXMuixtnm-RnyxSgJtnYkNbGV7drpwgIuftinAXVlo0Im9kgoGmc2WcZTSjE-vh2a71Su7YjB6qIAjAQ5ABkY03AHNfkHhRZzxthumDIVAd08wm2weit3_NpMPgOnf9qMblds_Q0PAWk2OhpodBpCfyl3LWZpIZBaNVgtg-TB_7fjpEDOm-_Q5VYABScOgZFP_bw

    A successful output for this operation looks like the following:

    Login Succeeded

Sign in to Docker or Helm with CLI secrets

To sign in to Docker or Helm with CLI secrets, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Harbor with an IAP user account.
  2. Click your username and select User Profile.
  3. To copy the CLI secret associated with your account, click Copy.
  4. Optional: To display buttons for automatically generating or manually creating a new CLI secret, click the ellipses in your user profile.

  5. If you generated a new CLI secret, click Copy to copy it.

  6. You can now use your CLI secret as the password when signing in to Harbor from the Docker or Helm CLI:


Replace the following:

  • USERNAME: the Harbor account username
  • CLI_SECRET: the generated CLI secret.
  • HARBOR_INSTANCE_URL: the URL of the Harbor instance.