Create a VPN tunnel

This page describes how to add a VPN tunnel from one VPN gateway to another.

A VPN tunnel is an encrypted IPsec tunnel between an organization network and a remote network. It connects a VPNGateway interface to a PeerGateway interface, and uses VPNBGPPeer resource to exchange routing information over the tunnel.

Before you begin

To create a VPN tunnel, you must have the following:

  • An existing VPN gateway and VPN peer gateway resource. For more information, see Create a VPN gateway and peer gateway.
  • An existing VPN BGP peer object. For more information, see Create a VPN BGP session.
  • An existing secret. For more information, see Create the secret with a PSK.
  • The necessary identity and access roles:

    • VPN Admin: has read and write permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Admin (vpn-admin) role.
    • VPN Viewer: has read permissions on all VPN-related resources. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the VPN Viewer (vpn-viewer) role.
    • For more information, see Role definitions.

Create a VPN tunnel

Reference the VPNGateway, PeerGateway, VPNBGPPeer, and Secret resources created in the previous steps to create the tunnel.

To create a VPN tunnel, follow these steps:

  1. Create the VPNTunnel object:

      kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER create -n platform -f - <<EOF
      kind: VPNTunnel
        name: VPN_TUNNEL_NAME
          name: VPN_GW_NAME
          namespace: platform
          interface: VPN_INTERFACE_NAME
          name: PEER_GW_NAME
          namespace: platform
          interface: PEER_INTERFACE_NAME
          name: VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME
          namespace: platform
          name: PSK_NAME
          namespace: platform

    Replace the following:

    • MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER: the zonal API server's kubeconfig path. If you have not yet generated a kubeconfig file for the API server in your targeted zone, see Sign in for details.
    • VPN_TUNNEL_NAME: the name of the VPN tunnel being used.
    • VPN_GW_NAME: the name of the VPN gateway.
    • VPN_INTERFACE_NAME: the name of the VPN interface.
    • PEER_GW_NAME: the name of the peer VPN gateway.
    • PEER_INTERFACE_NAME: the name of the peer VPN gateway interface.
    • VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME: the name of the VPN BGP peer. For more information, see Create a VPN BGP session.
    • PSK_NAME: the name of the PSK you created in Create the secret with a PSK.
  2. Verify that the VPN_TUNNEL_NAME object was correctly reconciled by examining the Status field. Get the details of the VPN tunnel:

    kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER describe -n platform vpntunnel VPN_TUNNEL_NAME

    Examine the output, it must look similar to the following example:

        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:33:31Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Reconciled
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:33:31Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Ready
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:33:31Z
        Message:               Tunnel is established.
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  TunnelEstablished
      State:                   Established
  3. The VPNGateway, PeerGateway, and VPNBGPPeer objects must have updated statuses after being referenced by a VPNTunnel. For example, if you verify that the VPNBGPPeer was correctly reconciled, you see updated status values. Get the details of the VPNBGPPeer object:

    kubectl --kubeconfig MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER describe -n platform vpnbgppeer VPN_BGP_PEER_NAME

    Examine the output, the status values are now updated:

        Prefix:  2002:4860:100e:fa00::/58
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  ValidIPs
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  TunnelsAttached
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Reconciled
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  AdvertisedRoutesReady
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  ReceivedRoutesValid
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  ReceivedRoutesReady
        Last Transition Time:  2024-05-10T00:36:38Z
        Message:               Ready
        Observed Generation:   1
        Reason:                Ready
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Ready
      State:     Established

What's next