Contains API Schema definitions for the Artifact Registry group.


Represents an instance of a Harbor container registry.

Appears in: - HarborInstanceList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HarborInstance
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec HarborInstanceSpec The desired state of the Harbor instance.
status HarborInstanceStatus The most recently observed status of the Harbor instance.


Represents a collection of Harbor container registry instances.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HarborInstanceList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items HarborInstance array


Represents a harbor project in a harbor instance. A custom resource establishes the expectation that a project must exist. Namespace is the GDCH project name that the harbor instance and its harbor projects belong to.

Appears in: - HarborInstanceProjectList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HarborInstanceProject
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec HarborInstanceProjectSpec
status HarborInstanceProjectStatus


Contains a list of HarborInstanceProject resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HarborInstanceProjectList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items HarborInstanceProject array


Defines the specification or expected state of the HarborProject object.

Appears in: - HarborInstanceProject

Field Description
projectName string The name of the harbor project. Has to match harbor's naming rules.
harborInstanceRef LocalObjectReference The harbor instance that the harbor project belongs to.
creatorSubject Subject The user or group that creates the harbor project, and the subject will be granted as the first harbor Project Admin to manage the harbor project, and grant more users access, at harbor UI. It only represents individual users for now.


Defines the observed state of the HarborInstanceProject object.

Appears in: - HarborInstanceProject

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions include ProjectCreated, ProjectDeleted and ProjectSubjectAssigned ProjectCreated means that the harbor project is created in the harbor instance with true or false status. ProjectDeleted means that the harbor project is deleted in the harbor instance with true or false status. ProjectSubjectAssigned means that the user or group who initiates the custom resource creation is granted as first Harbor Admin role in harbor, with true or false status.


Represents the current status of a Harbor instance.

Appears in: - HarborInstance

Field Description
conditions Condition array The current state of the HarborInstance. A state of 'Ready` indicates that the HarborInstance is ready.
version string The version of the Harbor instance.
url string The URL of Harbor instance's web UI.