Contains API Schema definitions for the Artifact Registry group.
Represents an inner message type that defines the configuration of creating a backup from this backup plan.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlanSpec - HarborInstanceBackupSpec
Field | Description |
backupRepository string |
The name of the BackupRepository resource identifying the secondary storage for this BackupPlan resource. |
backupScope BackupScope |
The resource selection scope of a backup. |
Underlying type: string
The various states a backup plan can be in.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlanStatus
Underlying type: string
The various states a backup repository can be in.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupRepositoryStatus
Defines the Harbor Instance to back up.
Appears in: - BackupConfig
Field | Description |
harborInstance string |
Harbor Instance name to backup in the same namespace. |
Underlying type: string
The various states a backup can be in.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupStatus
Represents an instance of a Harbor container registry.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstance |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceSpec |
The desired state of the Harbor instance. |
status HarborInstanceStatus |
The most recently observed status of the Harbor instance. |
Defines the schema for the Backup
API for HarborInstance.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackup |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceBackupSpec |
The desired state of the backup . |
status HarborInstanceBackupStatus |
The most recently observed status of the backup . |
Represents a collection of backup for Harbor instance.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackupList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstanceBackup array |
Defines the schema for the BackupPlan
API for HarborInstance.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlanList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackupPlan |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceBackupPlanSpec |
The desired state of the backup plan . |
status HarborInstanceBackupPlanStatus |
The most recently observed status of the backup plan . |
Represents a collection of backup plans for Harbor instance.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackupPlanList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstanceBackupPlan array |
Defines the desired state of a backup plan.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlan
Field | Description |
backupSchedule Schedule |
The scheduled backup creation under this backup plan. |
backupConfig BackupConfig |
The backup configuration of this backup plan. |
retentionPolicy RetentionPolicy |
The lifecycle of backups created under this plan. |
description string |
A user-specified descriptive string for this backup plan. |
Defines the observed state of a backup plan.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlan
Field | Description |
lastBackupTime Time |
The timestamp for the most recently executed backup. |
nextBackupTime Time |
The timestamp for the next scheduled backup. |
conditions Condition array |
Conditions: - Ready: readiness of the backup plan, any error when reconciling embedded object will be surfaced here. |
state BackupPlanState |
The current state of the backup plan. |
reason string |
A human-readable description of why the backup plan is in the current state. |
HarborInstanceBackupReference represents a Backup Reference to HarborInstanceBackup.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceStatus
Field | Description |
name string |
name is unique within a namespace to reference a HarborInstanceBackup resource. |
namespace string |
namespace defines the space within which the HarborInstanceBackup name must be unique. |
Represents an instance of a backup repository for Harbor instance.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupRepositoryList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackupRepository |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceBackupRepositorySpec |
The desired state of the backup repository . |
status HarborInstanceBackupRepositoryStatus |
The most recently observed status of the backup repository . |
Represents a collection of backup repositories for Harbor instance.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceBackupRepositoryList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstanceBackupRepository array |
Defines the desired state of the Harbor backup repository.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupRepository
Field | Description |
secretReference SecretReference |
A reference to an Access Secret to access s3 bucket. The secret should contain 2 data from the S3 access granting flow: - access-key-id - access-key |
endpoint string |
The endpoint used to access the Harbor backup repository. In the case of Google Private Cloud, this is the S3 endpoint that provides access to the Tenant project. |
region string |
The region of a given endpoint for the bucket. |
bucket string |
The bucket within the endpoint to upload backups to. |
description string |
A user-specified descriptive string for this backup repository. |
Defines the observed state of a Harbor backup repository.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupRepository
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Conditions: - Ready: readiness of the backup repository, any error when reconciling embedded object will be surfaced here. |
state BackupRepositoryState |
The current state of the backup repository. |
reason string |
A human-readable description of why the backup repository is in the current state. |
Defines the desired state of the backup.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackup
Field | Description |
backupPlanName string |
The name of the backup plan from which this backup was created. |
backupConfig BackupConfig |
Configuration for a backup This field is expected: 1. to be set by the user for manual customized backup explicitly. 2. to be unset with backupPlanName filled for automated scheduled backup or manual backup. The Backup reconciler will get the config from the Backup Plan. |
description string |
An optional string description of the Backup. This field has no impact on functionality. |
manual boolean |
Specifies whether the backup resource was created manually. If True, this backup has been created manually, If False, this backup has been created automatically from the backup plan schedule. |
retainDays integer |
The number of days to keep this backup for, after which it is automatically deleted. This is calculated from the create_time of the backup. If this field is not specified or set to 0, it means the backup is not automatically deleted. For backups automatically created from a a backup schedule, this field is assigned the value of BackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_retain_days. For backups created manually that leave this field unspecified, the service assigns the value of BackupPlan.RetentionPolicy.backup_retain_days. Default to 0. |
Defines the observed state of a backup.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackup
Field | Description |
state BackupState |
The current state of the backup. |
reason string |
A human-readable description of why the backup is in the current state. |
createTime Time |
The timestamp of when this backup resource was created. This can be converted to and from RFC 3339. |
completeTime Time |
The completion time of the backup. |
retainExpireTime Time |
The time when the backup is automatically deleted. It's an output only field calculated from the combined value of create_time and retain_days, and is updated accordingly when the retain_days field of a backup has been updated. |
totalSizeBytes integer |
The total size for backup measured in bytes. |
registrySizeBytes integer |
The total size for registry backup handled by data transfer service, measured in bytes. |
databaseSizeBytes integer |
The total size for database backup handled by Dbcluster export, measured in bytes. |
exportSubDirectory string |
Subdirectory appended to the Database export location. This will be used when running import during restoration. |
Represents a collection of Harbor container registry instances.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstance array |
Represents a harbor project in a harbor instance. A custom resource establishes the expectation that a project must exist. Namespace is the GDCH project name that the harbor instance and its harbor projects belong to.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceProjectList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceProject |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceProjectSpec |
status HarborInstanceProjectStatus |
Contains a list of HarborInstanceProject
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceProjectList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstanceProject array |
Defines the specification or expected state of the HarborProject
Appears in: - HarborInstanceProject
Field | Description |
projectName string |
The name of the harbor project. Has to match harbor's naming rules. |
harborInstanceRef LocalObjectReference |
The harbor instance that the harbor project belongs to. |
creatorSubject Subject |
The user or group that creates the harbor project, and the subject will be granted as the first harbor Project Admin to manage the harbor project, and grant more users access, at harbor UI. It only represents individual users for now. |
autoScan boolean |
Whether a project will scan images automatically on push. Defaults to false if not specified. |
Defines the observed state of the HarborInstanceProject
Appears in: - HarborInstanceProject
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Conditions include ProjectCreated , ProjectDeleted and ProjectSubjectAssigned ProjectCreated means that the harbor project is created in the harbor instance with true or false status. ProjectDeleted means that the harbor project is deleted in the harbor instance with true or false status. ProjectSubjectAssigned means that the user or group who initiates the custom resource creation is granted as first Harbor Admin role in harbor, with true or false status. |
Defines the schema for the Restore
API for HarborInstance.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceRestoreList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceRestore |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec HarborInstanceRestoreSpec |
The desired state of the Restore. |
status HarborInstanceRestoreStatus |
The most recently observed status of the Restore. |
Represents a collection of Restore for HaaS instance.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string |
HarborInstanceRestoreList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items HarborInstanceRestore array |
HarborInstanceRestoreReference represents a Restore Reference to HarborInstanceRestore.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceSpec
Field | Description |
name string |
name is unique within a namespace to reference a HarborInstanceRestore resource. |
namespace string |
namespace defines the space within which the HarborInstanceRestore name must be unique. |
Defines the desired state of a restore..
Appears in: - HarborInstanceRestore
Field | Description |
backupName string |
The full name of the Harbor instance backup resource that this Restore resource uses to restore from. |
description string |
An optional description of the backup. This has no impact on functionality. |
Defines the observed state of a restore.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceRestore
Field | Description |
state RestoreState |
The current state of the restore. |
stateReason string |
A human-readable description of why the restore is in the current state. |
startTime Time |
The create time of the restore process. |
completeTime Time |
The end time of the restore process. |
Represents the specification or the desired state of a Harbor instance.
Appears in: - HarborInstance
Field | Description |
restoreRef HarborInstanceRestoreReference |
The reference of which restore resource this instance is restored by. The field is filled by restore reconciliation and immutable once created. |
Represents the current status of a Harbor instance.
Appears in: - HarborInstance
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The current state of the HarborInstance. A state of 'Ready` indicates that the HarborInstance is ready. |
version string |
The version of the Harbor instance. |
url string |
The URL of Harbor instance's web UI. |
restoreTime Time |
Restore related status will be empty if the instance is not created by restore flow. The timestamp of when this instance is restored. |
restoreBackupReference HarborInstanceBackupReference |
The reference of which backup resource this instance is restored from. |
errorStatus ErrorStatus |
ErrorStatus holds the most recent errors with the observed times included. |
timeSinceLastReady Time |
TimeSinceLastReady holds the time since the last time HarborInstance was ready. |
Underlying type: string
Appears in: - HarborInstanceRestoreStatus
Defines a policy that determines when to automatically delete backups created under this backup plan, a plan-level minimum number of backup retain days, and a lock to disallow any policy updates.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlanSpec
Field | Description |
backupRetainDays integer |
The number of days after which the service deletes a backup. If specified, a backup created under this backup plan is automatically deleted when it reaches the backup_retain_days after the create_time. If not specified, backups created under this backup plan is not subject to automatic deletion. Updating this field does not affect existing backups under it. Backups created after a successful update automatically inherit the new value. |
Represents an inner message type that defines a cron schedule.
Appears in: - HarborInstanceBackupPlanSpec
Field | Description |
cronSchedule string |
A cron string schedule on which an operation is executed. |
paused boolean |
Specifies whether the scheduled operation is paused or unpaused. If set to True, the scheduled operation will be paused and no automated backup will be created. Default to False. |