Contains API Schema definitions for the Resource Manager group.


Provides the propagation status of a cluster.

Appears in: - PropagationStatus

Field Description
namespace string
name string
conditions Condition array
propagatedNamespace string The namespace of the propagated resource.


Contains the propagation status for a specific cluster.

Appears in: - ClusterPropagationStatus - OrganizationRoleBindingStatus - OrganizationRoleStatus - ProjectClusterStatus - ProjectRoleBindingStatus - ProjectRoleStatus - ProjectServiceAccountStatus

Field Description
namespace string
name string
conditions Condition array


Provides a list of Project Name For ProjectBinding to match with.

Appears in: - ProjectBindingSelector

Field Description
matchNames string array


Provides a system namespace resource that propagates the ClusterRole configuration to all user clusters within the organization.

Appears in: - OrganizationRoleList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string OrganizationRole
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OrganizationRoleSpec
status OrganizationRoleStatus


Provides a system namespace resource that propagates the ClusterRoleBinding configuration to all user clusters within the organization.

Appears in: - OrganizationRoleBindingList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string OrganizationRoleBinding
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec OrganizationRoleBindingSpec
status OrganizationRoleBindingStatus


Contains a list of OrganizationRoleBinding resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string OrganizationRoleBindingList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items OrganizationRoleBinding array


Defines the specification of the OrganizationRoleBinding object.

Appears in: - OrganizationRoleBinding

Field Description
subjects Subject array The subjects of the ClusterRoleBinding resource to create in the cluster.
roleRef RoleRef The RoleRef resource of the ClusterRoleBinding object to create in the cluster.


Defines the observed state of the OrganizationRoleBinding object.

Appears in: - OrganizationRoleBinding

Field Description
conditions Condition array
propagatedName string The name of the propagated ClusterRoleBinding resource in all user clusters within the organization.
clusters ClusterStatus array The list of propagation statuses for the clusters. When properly propagated, the list includes all clusters within the organization.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.


Contains a list of OrganizationRole resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string OrganizationRoleList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items OrganizationRole array


Defines the desired state of the OrganizationRole resource.

Appears in: - OrganizationRole

Field Description
rules PolicyRule array The rules of the ClusterRole resource to create in all clusters.
aggregationRule AggregationRule An optional field that describes the same aggregation logic as in the Kubernetes ClusterRole object.


Defines the observed state of the OrganizationRole object.

Appears in: - OrganizationRole

Field Description
conditions Condition array If the Ready condition is True, then all ClusterRole resources are successfully propagated to all user clusters. If the Ready condition is False, then some or all ClusterRole resources have failed to propagate.
propagatedName string The name of the propagated ClusterRole resource in all user clusters within the organization.
clusters ClusterStatus array The list of propagation statuses on the clusters.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.


Represents a namespace that spans across multiple user clusters in an organization. It is a namespaced resource, and the controller is expected to watch reconcile Project objects in a preconfigured namespace.

Appears in: - ProjectList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Project
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
status ProjectStatus


Represents a cluster resource that maintains the mapping relations between clusters and projects. The namespace of the ProjectBinding object corresponds to the cluster.

Appears in: - ProjectBindingList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectBinding
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectBindingSpec


Represents the cluster that projects propagate to.

Appears in: - ProjectBindingSpec

Field Description
name string The cluster name.


Contains a list of ProjectBinding resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectBindingList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectBinding array


Provides a set of rules to match Projects. Must choose exactly 0 or 1 of the selectors. 0 selector matches all Projects.

Appears in: - ProjectBindingSpec

Field Description
nameSelector NameSelector
labelSelector LabelSelector


Provides the specification, or desired state, of a ProjectBinding resource.

Appears in: - ProjectBinding

Field Description
clusterRef ProjectBindingClusterRef
selector ProjectBindingSelector The Selector is used to specify a set of rules to match Projects.


Contains the propagation status and egress NAT IP address used for a specific cluster.

Appears in: - ProjectStatus

Field Description
namespace string
name string
conditions Condition array
egressNATIPAddress string


Represents a collection of projects.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Project array


Represents a project resource that propagates the Role configuration to all user clusters the project spans across. The namespace of the ProjectRole resource corresponds to the project.

Appears in: - ProjectRoleList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectRole
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectRoleSpec
status ProjectRoleStatus


Represents a project resource that propagates the RoleBinding resource configuration to all user clusters the project spans across. The namespace for the ProjectRoleBinding resource corresponds to the project.

Appears in: - ProjectRoleBindingList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectRoleBinding
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectRoleBindingSpec
status ProjectRoleBindingStatus


Contains a list of ProjectRoleBinding resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectRoleBindingList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectRoleBinding array


Defines the specification of the ProjectRoleBinding resource. It is the same definition as a native RoleBinding definition.

Appears in: - ProjectRoleBinding

Field Description
subjects Subject array The subjects of the RoleBinding resource created in the cluster.
roleRef RoleRef The RoleRef resource of the RoleBinding object to create in the cluster.


Defines the observed state of the ProjectRoleBinding resource.

Appears in: - ProjectRoleBinding

Field Description
conditions Condition array
clusters ClusterStatus array The list of propagation statuses for the clusters.
propagatedName string The name of the propagated ProjectRole resource realized in the user clusters.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.


Contains a list of ProjectRole resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectRoleList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectRole array


Defines the desired state of a ProjectRole resource. It is the same definition as a native Kubernetes Role.

Appears in: - ProjectRole

Field Description
rules PolicyRule array


Defines the observed state of a ProjectRole resource.

Appears in: - ProjectRole

Field Description
conditions Condition array
clusters ClusterStatus array The list of propagation statuses on the clusters.
propagatedName string The name of the propagated ProjectRole resource realized in the user clusters.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.


Defines a project resource that propagates the service account to all user clusters the project spans across. The namespace of the ProjectServiceAccount resource corresponds to the project.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccount
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectServiceAccountSpec
status ProjectServiceAccountStatus


Contains the key component used to verify the JWT signed by the private key for the ProjectServiceAccount resource. The JWT is used as part of the authentication flow. Currently, the ProjectServiceAccountKey resource only supports user-managed keys. Users can create and delete user-managed key pairs. Users are responsible for rotating these keys periodically to ensure the security of their service accounts. Users retain the private key of these key pairs, and the ProjectServiceAccountKey resource retains only the public key.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountSpec

Field Description
algorithm ProjectServiceAccountKeyAlgorithm The algorithm of the key. Currently only ES256 keys are supported.
id string The ID of the key. This is used to determine which key to verify against.
key string The base64 encoded public key to verify against.
validBefore Time The expiration date for the key.
validAfter Time The start date when the key becomes valid.


Contains a list of ProjectServiceAccount resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccountList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectServiceAccount array


Defines the desired state of the ProjectServiceAccount resource.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccount

Field Description
keys ProjectServiceAccountKey array The public keys used to verify the signature of the JWTs for the ProjectServiceAccount resource.


Defines the observed state of the ProjectServiceAccount resource.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccount

Field Description
conditions Condition array If the Ready condition is True, all ServiceAccount resources are successfully propagated to all clusters of its project. If the Ready condition is False, some ServiceAccount resources have failed to propagate. The Ready condition can transition from True to Unknown if the corresponding ServiceAccount resource in a user cluster is modified, which triggers another propagation.
propagatedName string The name of the propagated ServiceAccount resource.
clusters ClusterStatus array The list of all selected cluster names and the conditions of the propagated resources in the clusters.


Provides the status of a project.

Appears in: - Project

Field Description
conditions Condition array
propagatedName string The name of the propagated namespace.
clusters ProjectClusterStatus array The propagation statuses and egress NAT IP addresses of all user clusters this project spans across.
errorStatus ErrorStatus The most recent errors with the observed times included.