
Represents a namespace that spans across multiple user clusters in an organization in all zones for a customer. It is a namespaced resource, and the controller is expected to watch reconcile Project objects in a preconfigured namespace.

Appears in: - ProjectList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Project
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectSpec
status ProjectStatus


Represents a collection of Projects.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Project array


Represents a replicated Project resource that will be synced to a particular zonal API server. A Project resource will have a replica for each zone. Upon an update of the Project resource, the replicas will be progressively updated based on the resource's rollout strategy.

Appears in: - ProjectReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectSpec
status ProjectReplicaStatus


Represents a collection of projects replicas.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectReplica array


Provides the status of a project replica.

Appears in: - ProjectReplica - ProjectZoneStatus

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the observations of this project's overall state.
availableClusters integer AvailableClusters represents the amount of available user clusters.
errorStatus ErrorStatus ErrorStatus contain a list of current errors and the timestamp this field gets updated.


Represents a ServiceAccount associated with Projects in all zones.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccount
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectServiceAccountSpec
status ProjectServiceAccountStatus


Contains the key component used to verify the JWT signed by the private key for the ProjectServiceAccount resource. The JWT is used as part of the authentication flow. Currently, the ProjectServiceAccountKey resource only supports user-managed keys. Users can create and delete user-managed key pairs. Users are responsible for rotating these keys periodically to ensure the security of their service accounts. Users retain the private key of these key pairs, and the ProjectServiceAccountKey resource retains only the public key.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountSpec

Field Description
algorithm ProjectServiceAccountKeyAlgorithm The algorithm of the key. Currently only ES256 keys are supported.
id string The ID of the key. This is used to determine which key to verify against.
key string The base64 encoded public key to verify against.
validBefore Time The expiration time for the key.
validAfter Time The start time when the key becomes valid.


Represents a collection of ProjectServiceAccounts.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccountList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectServiceAccount array


Represents a replicated ProjectServiceAccount resource that will be synced to a particular zonal API server. A ProjectServiceAccount resource will have a replica for each zone. Upon an update of the ProjectServiceAccount resource, the replicas will be progressively updated based on the resource's rollout strategy.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccountReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectServiceAccountSpec
status ProjectServiceAccountReplicaStatus


Represents a collection of project service account replicas.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectServiceAccountReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectServiceAccountReplica array


Provides the status of a project replica.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountReplica - ProjectServiceAccountZoneStatus

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the observations of this project's overall state.
errorStatus ErrorStatus ErrorStatus contain a list of current errors and the timestamp this field gets updated.


Provides the desired state of a project.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccount - ProjectServiceAccountReplica

Field Description
keys ProjectServiceAccountKey array The public keys used to verify the signature of the JWTs for the ProjectServiceAccount resource.


Provides the overall status of a ProjectServiceAccount.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccount

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ProjectServiceAccountZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Provides the status of a ProjectServiceAccount rolling out to a particular zone.

Appears in: - ProjectServiceAccountStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ProjectServiceAccountReplicaStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.


Provides the overall status of a Project.

Appears in: - Project

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ProjectZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Provides the status of a Project rolling out to a particular zone.

Appears in: - ProjectStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ProjectReplicaStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.