gdcloud database connection-profiles create


gdcloud database connection-profiles create - Create a connection profile for data migration for specified database type.


gdcloud database connection-profiles create DATABASE_TYPE CONNECTION_PROFILE_NAME [flags]


To create a connection profile for PostgreSQL, run:

  gdcloud database connection-profiles create postgresql pg-connection-profile-sample \
  --password=123456 --username=my-user --host= --port=5432 --ca-certificate=/path/to/ca.crt


      --ca-certificate string   file path for x509 PEM-encoded certificate of the CA that signed the database server's certificate.
      --host string             IP or hostname of the database.
      --password string         Password for the user that the migration service uses to connect to the database.
      --username string         Username that the migration service uses to connect to the database.


      --client-certificate string   file path for x509 PEM-encoded certificate that will be used by the replica to authenticate against the database server.
  -h, --help                        help for create
      --port int32                  Network port of the database. (default 5432)
      --private-key string          file path for Unencrypted PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 PEM-encoded private key associated with the Client Certificate.