Artifact Registry API overview

The Artifact Registry API uses Kubernetes custom resources and relies on the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM). This API is used to view and manage Harbor container registry instances.

Service endpoint and discovery document

The API endpoint for the Artifact Registry API is: https://MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER_ENDPOINT/apis/ where MANAGEMENT_API_SERVER_ENDPOINT is the endpoint of the Management API server.

Using the kubectl proxy command, you can access that URL in your browser or with a tool such as curl to get the discovery document for the Artifact Registry API. The kubectl proxy command opens up a proxy to the Kubernetes API server on your local machine. After that command is running, you can access the document at the following URL:

Example Harbor container registry instance

The following is an example of a Harbor container registry instance:

kind: HarborInstance
  name: myinstance
  namespace: tenant-project-namespace