Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the Maintenance Policy v1 API group


Appears in: - MaintenanceExclusion

Field Description
startDateTime Time Deny period start date. Date matching this period will have to be the same or after the start.
endDateTime Time Deny period end date. Date matching this period will have to be before the end.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - WeeklyCycle


MaintenanceExclusion is a period of time when maintenance is forbidden even if otherwise allowed by maintenance window. Ranges in MaintenanceExclusion use inclusive start values and exclusive end values (half-closed intervals). In interval notation, this is [start, end).

Appears in: - MaintenancePolicySpec

Field Description
dateTimeRange DateTimeRange Period of time when maintenance is forbidden.


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string MaintenancePolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec MaintenancePolicySpec
status MaintenancePolicyStatus


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyBindingList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string MaintenancePolicyBinding
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec MaintenancePolicyBindingSpec
status MaintenancePolicyBindingStatus


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string MaintenancePolicyBindingList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items MaintenancePolicyBinding array


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyBinding

Field Description
maintenancePolicy MaintenancePolicyRef
resource MaintenancePolicyResourceRef


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyBinding

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions contain conditions for MaintenancePolicyBindings. The maintenance policy binding controller sets the Valid condition. The following are known values for the reason field: - BindingDuplicated: The controller found more than one binding assigned to a given resource, the status of the condition will be False. - MaintenancePolicyMissing: The maintenance policy the binding is pointing to is missing, t the status of the condition will be False. - ResourceMissing: The resource the binding is pointing to is missing, the status of the condition will be False. - Valid: There is a single binding for given resource, which both ends are referencing existing entities, the status of the condition will be True.


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string MaintenancePolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items MaintenancePolicy array


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyBindingSpec

Field Description
apiGroup string
kind string
name string


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicyBindingSpec

Field Description
apiGroup string
kind string
name string


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicy

Field Description
maintenanceWindow MaintenanceWindow Maintenance window that is applied to services covered by this policy.
maintenanceExclusions object (keys:string, values:MaintenanceExclusion) Named periods when maintenance is forbidden even if otherwise allowed by maintenanceWindow.


Appears in: - MaintenancePolicy

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions field contain conditions for MaintenancePolicies. The maintenance policy controller sets the "MaintenanceAllowed" condition. The following are known values for the reason field: - InsideMaintenanceWindow: We are currently inside the scheduled Maintenance Window and the maintenance is allowed. The status of the condition will be True. - OutsideMaintenanceWindow: We are currently inside the Maintenance Window, but the exclusion is in effect, the maintenance is not allowed. The status of the condition will be False. - InsideMaintenanceExclusion: We are currently outside the Maintenance Window, the maintenance is not allowed. The status of the condition will be False.


MaintenanceWindow represents a period of time when maintenance is allowed. One and only one of the fields must be present.

Appears in: - MaintenancePolicySpec

Field Description
weeklyCycle WeeklyCycle Weekly cycle.


Underlying type: string TimeOfDay is the time in the text format "HH:mm"

Appears in: - WeeklyCycle


WeeklyCycle represents the weekly-recurring time window for operations.

Appears in: - MaintenanceWindow

Field Description
daysOfWeek DayOfWeek array Day of the week when the operations can be started. One or more days may be specified.
startTime TimeOfDay Time within the day to start the operations. UTC timezone is assumed.
duration Duration Duration of the time window.