gdcloud storage buckets delete


gdcloud storage buckets delete - Delete storage buckets.


gdcloud storage buckets delete BUCKET_NAME [ BUCKET_NAME ...]
    [--log-http] [flags]


Delete one or more storage buckets.


The following command deletes a bucket named my-bucket under the default project:

    gdcloud storage buckets delete my-bucket

The following command deletes two buckets, one named my-bucket and a second bucket named my-other-bucket:

    gdcloud storage buckets delete my-bucket my-other-bucket

The following command deletes a bucket under a project with ID my-project-id:

    gdcloud storage buckets delete my-bucket --project=my-project-id


      --format string    Set the format for printing command output resources.
  -h, --help             help for delete
      --log-http         Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
      --project string   Optional: Project ID. If this flag is not set, the command operates the bucket
                         under the current project namespace. If the flag is set, the command operates the bucket under the
                         specific project.