Restore the org admin cluster

Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped disaster recovery allows you to complete a control plane restoration on a newly bootstrapped GDC instance to replace a failed instance. To perform the restore for an org admin cluster, you must have the following components in place:

  • A backup site identified that contains the backup to be restored.
  • Access to both the backup and restore sites with help from the Infrastructure Operator (IO).
  • The capability to perform remote backup across the two sites with help from the IO involved in your disaster recovery planning.
  • A working org admin cluster with default resources on the restore site.
  • The gdcloud CLI must be installed and added to your user path. To install gdcloud CLI, see Install the gdcloud CLI.

Run the commands on this page on an org admin cluster from the specified site.

Create backup repository on the target site

  1. Get the bucket details on the backup site, and save the bucket information in a local file in JSON format:

    gdcloud dr buckets describe --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace the following variables:

    • SOURCE_SITE: the identifier of the source site as chosen by the customer. For example, us-west.
    • CLUSTER_NAME: the cluster name for root admin cluster. For example, root-admin.
    • BUCKET_CONFIG_FILE: The path of saved bucket configuration file.
  2. Transfer the bucket config file to the restore site, and create a backup repository on the restore site:

    gdcloud dr backup-repositories create
    --bucket-config-file=BUCKET_CONFIG_FILE --force=true
  3. Verify that the backups are loaded on the restore site:

    kubectl get backups -n dr-system

    The disaster recovery backups have the following prefix:


    A successful backup has a Succeeded state.

Perform restoration

After the earlier steps are complete, provide the backup repository and the backup plan name to the IO and instruct them to perform the restoration.