Vertex AI Translation API

This guide describes the Vertex AI Translation API.


Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service.

{TRANSLATION_GDC_ENDPOINT} is a service that might have multiple service endpoints. Its service endpoint is https://{TRANSLATION_GDC_ENDPOINT}. Replace TRANSLATION_GDC_ENDPOINT with the endpoint used to access the Vertex AI Translation API. For more information, see View service statuses and endpoints.

All URIs on this page are relative to the {TRANSLATION_GDC_ENDPOINT} service endpoint.

REST Resource: v3.projects

detectLanguage POST /v3/{parent}:detectLanguage
Detects the language of text within a request.
getSupportedLanguages GET /v3/{parent}:getSupportedLanguages
Returns a list of supported languages for translation.
translateDocument POST /v3/{parent}:translateDocument
Translates documents in synchronous mode.
translateText POST /v3/{parent}:translateText
Translates input text and returns translated text.

REST Resource: v3.projects.glossaries

create POST /v3/{parent}/glossaries
Creates a glossary and returns the long-running operation.
delete DELETE /v3/{name}
Deletes a glossary if the glossary hasn't been created.
get GET /v3/{name}
Gets a glossary.
list GET /v3/{parent}/glossaries
Lists glossaries in a project.

REST Resource: v3.projects.operations

get GET /v3/{name}
Gets the state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v3/{name}/operations
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.