
Holds information about the backend.

Appears in: - BackendServiceSpec

Field Description
name string A name of the referenced Backend object. The referenced Backend has to be in the same namespace as this backend service. This field is required. This field is immutable.
zone string A name of zone in which the referenced backend is created in. This field is required. This field is immutable.


Represents a load balancer configuration.

Appears in: - BackendServiceList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackendService
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackendServiceSpec
status BackendServiceStatus


Contains a list of BackendService.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackendServiceList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items BackendService array


Represents a backend service replica.

Appears in: - BackendServiceReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackendServiceReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackendServiceSpec
status BackendServiceStatus


Contains a list of BackendService.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackendServiceReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items BackendServiceReplica array


Describes the attributes that a user expects from this backend service.

Appears in: - BackendService - BackendServiceReplica

Field Description
backendRefs BackendRef array A list of backends for this backend service. Only 1 Backend can be specified per Zone or per User Cluster. This field is optional. This field is mutable.
targetPorts TargetPort array A list of target ports that this BackendService will translate. This field is optional. This field is immutable.
healthCheckName string A name of the health check parameters object for this backend service. HealthCheck is applicable only for VM backends. It has to reference HealthCheck in the same namespace as this backend service. This field is optional. This field is immutable.


Represents the status of BackendService.

Appears in: - BackendService

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones BackendServiceZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Appears in: - BackendServiceStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus BackendServiceStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone.


Represents a frontend API to create external forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleExternalList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleExternal
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ForwardingRuleExternalSpec
status ForwardingRuleExternalStatus


Contains a list of ForwardingRuleExternal.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleExternalList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ForwardingRuleExternal array


Represents an external forwarding rule replica.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleExternalReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleExternalReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ForwardingRuleExternalSpec
status ForwardingRuleExternalStatus


Contains a list of ForwardingRuleExternalReplica.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleExternalReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ForwardingRuleExternalReplica array


Represents the status of forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleExternal

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ForwardingRuleExternalZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Represents the status of a given zone's external forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleExternalStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ForwardingRuleExternalStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone.


Represents a frontend API to create internal forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleInternalList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleInternal
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ForwardingRuleInternalSpec
status ForwardingRuleInternalStatus


Contains a list of ForwardingRuleInternal.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleInternalList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ForwardingRuleInternal array


Represents an internal forwarding rule replica.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleInternalReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleInternalReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ForwardingRuleInternalSpec
status ForwardingRuleInternalStatus


Contains a list of ForwardingRuleInternalReplica.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ForwardingRuleInternalReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ForwardingRuleInternalReplica array


Represents the status of forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleInternal

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ForwardingRuleInternalZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Represents the status of a given zone's internal forwarding rule.

Appears in: - ForwardingRuleInternalStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ForwardingRuleInternalStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone.


Specifies the backend service health checks.

Appears in: - HealthCheckList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheck
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec HealthCheckSpec
status HealthCheckStatus


Contains a list of HealthCheck.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheckList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items HealthCheck array


Specifies the backend service health check replicas.

Appears in: - HealthCheckReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheckReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec HealthCheckSpec
status HealthCheckStatus


Contains a list of HealthCheckReplica.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string HealthCheckReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items HealthCheckReplica array


Represents the status of a health check.

Appears in: - HealthCheck

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones HealthCheckZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


Represents the status of a given zone's health check.

Appears in: - HealthCheckStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus HealthCheckStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.


ManagedDNSZone represents a managed DNS zone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZoneList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManagedDNSZone
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ManagedDNSZoneSpec
status ManagedDNSZoneStatus


ManagedDNSZoneList represents a list of managed DNS zones.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManagedDNSZoneList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ManagedDNSZone array


ManagedDNSZoneReplica represents a managed DNS zone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZoneReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManagedDNSZoneReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ManagedDNSZoneSpec
status ManagedDNSZoneReplicaStatus


ManagedDNSZoneReplicaList represents a list of managed DNS zones.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ManagedDNSZoneReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ManagedDNSZoneReplica array


ManagedDNSZoneReplicaStatus provides the status of a managed DNS zone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZoneReplica - ManagedDNSZoneZoneStatus

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions that will be used: - Ready: This condition indicates whether the DNS zone has been added into the appropriate zonefile. - Deleting: The DNS zone was marked for deletion.
nameServers string array Name servers hosting the DNS zone.


ManagedDNSZoneSpec provides the specification of a managed DNS zone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZone - ManagedDNSZoneReplica

Field Description
dnsName string The domain name for the DNS zone.
description string Human readable DNS zone description. Optional field.
visibility Visibility The visibility of the DNS zone, i.e., whether it is a public zone, or a private zone visible only to clients in the default customer VPC network.


ManagedDNSZoneStatus provides the overall status of a ManagedDNSZone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZone

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ManagedDNSZoneZoneStatus array The list of rollout statuses for each GDC air-gapped zone that the resource is rolled out to.


ManagedDNSZoneZoneStatus provides the status of a ManagedDNSZone rolling out to a particular GDC air-gapped zone.

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZoneStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ManagedDNSZoneReplicaStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the GDC air-gapped zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.


ProjectNetworkPolicy contains the API schema.

Appears in: - ProjectNetworkPolicyList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectNetworkPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectNetworkPolicySpec The desired configuration for ProjectNetworkPolicy resource.
status ProjectNetworkPolicyStatus The observed state for ProjectNetworkPolicy resource.


ProjectNetworkPolicyList defines a list of ProjectNetworkPolicy resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectNetworkPolicyList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectNetworkPolicy array


ProjectNetworkPolicyReplica represents ProjectNetworkPolicy resources that are synced to a particular zonal API server.

Appears in: - ProjectNetworkPolicyReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectNetworkPolicyReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectNetworkPolicySpec The desired configuration for ProjectNetworkPolicy resource.
status ProjectNetworkPolicyStatus The desired configuration for the ProjectNetworkPolicy resource.


ProjectNetworkPolicyReplicaList defines a list of ProjectNetworkPolicy resources.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ProjectNetworkPolicyReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ProjectNetworkPolicyReplica array


ProjectNetworkPolicyStatus defines the observed state of a ProjectNetworkPolicy resource.

Appears in: - ProjectNetworkPolicy

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ProjectNetworkPolicyZoneStatus array The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to.


ProjectNetworkPolicyZoneStatus provides the status of an project network policy rolling out to a particular zone.

Appears in: - ProjectNetworkPolicyStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ProjectNetworkPolicyStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.


ResourceRecordSet represents a resource record set.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSetList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ResourceRecordSet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ResourceRecordSetSpec
status ResourceRecordSetStatus


ResourceRecordSetList represents a list of resource record sets.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ResourceRecordSetList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ResourceRecordSet array


ResourceRecordSetReplica represents a resource record set.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSetReplicaList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ResourceRecordSetReplica
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ResourceRecordSetSpec
status ResourceRecordSetReplicaStatus


ResourceRecordSetReplicaList represents a list of resource record sets.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ResourceRecordSetReplicaList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ResourceRecordSetReplica array


ResourceRecordSetReplicaStatus provides the status of a resource record set.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSetReplica - ResourceRecordSetZoneStatus

Field Description
conditions Condition array Conditions that will be used: - Ready: This condition indicates whether the RRset has been added to or updated in the appropriate zonefile. - Deleting: The RRset was marked for deletion.


ResourceRecordSetSpec provides the specification of a resource record set.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSet - ResourceRecordSetReplica

Field Description
name string The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the RRset.
ttlSeconds integer The time to live in seconds for the RRset. This value indicates how long a resolver should serve cached versions of resource records in this RRset before querying for an updated version. Default value is 300.
type string The type of the resource records in the RRset.
rrData string array The data for all resource records in the RRset. Each entry represents a separate resource record.
dnsZone string The managed DNS zone that the RRset belongs to. The name of the ManagedDNSZone CR in the same namespace as this ResourceRecordSet CR. The domain name of the managed DNS zone must be a suffix of the FQDN specified in the Name field above.


ResourceRecordSetStatus provides the overall status of a ResourceRecordSet.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSet

Field Description
conditions Condition array The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready.
rollout RolloutStatus The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone.
zones ResourceRecordSetZoneStatus array The list of rollout statuses for each GDC air-gapped zone that the object is rolled out to.


ResourceRecordSetZoneStatus provides the status of a ResourceRecordSet rolling out to a particular GDC air-gapped zone.

Appears in: - ResourceRecordSetStatus

Field Description
name string The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in.
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus The status of rolling out the replica to the zone.
replicaStatus ResourceRecordSetReplicaStatus The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the GDC air-gapped zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - ManagedDNSZoneSpec