gdcloud storage objects update


gdcloud storage objects update - Update object storage objects.


gdcloud storage objects update [URL ...]
    [--continue-on-error, -c]
    [--recursive, -r]
    [--verbosity=VERBOSITY] [flags]


The following command sets an object's custom-metadata:

    gdcloud storage objects update s3://my-bucket/my-object --custom-metadata=key1=value1,key2=value2

The following command updates an object's custom-metadata:

    gdcloud storage objects update s3://my-bucket/my-object --update-custom-metadata=key1=value1,key2=value2


      --cache-control string                    How caches should handle requests and responses.
      --clear-custom-metadata                   Clear all custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix,
                                                POSIX attributes are still stored in custom metadata.
      --content-disposition string              How content should be displayed.
      --content-encoding string                 How content is encoded (e.g. gzip).
      --content-language string                 Content's language (e.g. "en" signifies "English").
      --content-md5 string                      Manually specified MD5 hash digest for the contents of an uploaded
                                                file. This flag cannot be used when uploading multiple files.
      --content-type string                     Type of data contained in the object (e.g. text/html).
  -c, --continue-on-error                       If any operations are unsuccessful, the command will exit with a non-zero
                                                exit status after completing the remaining operations. This flag takes
                                                effect only in sequential execution mode (i.e. processor and thread count
                                                are set to 1). Parallelism is default.
      --custom-metadata stringToString          Set custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix, POSIX
                                                attributes are also stored in custom metadata. (default [])
      --log-http                                Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
  -r, --recursive                               Recursively copy the contents of any directories that match the source
                                                path expression.
      --remove-custom-metadata stringArray      Remove individual custom metadata keys from objects. This flag can be
                                                used with --update-custom-metadata. When used with --preserve-posix,
                                                POSIX attributes specified by this flag are not preserved.
      --update-custom-metadata stringToString   Add or set individual custom metadata key-value pairs on objects.
                                                Existing custom metadata not specified with this flag is not changed.   This
                                                flag can be used with --remove-custom-metadata. When keys overlap with
                                                those provided by --preserve-posix, values specified by this flag are used. (default [])
      --verbosity string                        Override the default verbosity for this command. VERBOSITY must be one of:
                                                debug, info, warning, error, critical, none. (default "warning")


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.