gdcloud compute health-checks create tcp


gdcloud compute health-checks create tcp - Create TCP health check for a load balancer.


gdcloud compute health-checks create tcp HEALTH_CHECK_NAME [flags]


To create a global TCP health check "tcp-health-check", run:

    gdcloud compute health-checks create tcp tcp-health-check \
      --port=8080 \

    To create a zonal TCP health check "tcp-health-check", run:

    gdcloud compute health-checks create tcp tcp-health-check \


      --check-interval int        Amount of time in seconds from the start of one probe to the start of the next one. Defaults to 5. (default 5)
      --global                    If set, the global health check object is created.
      --healthy-threshold int     Number of sequential probes that must succeed for the endpoint to be considered healthy. Defaults to 2. (default 2)
      --port int                  Port to use for the health check. If not specified, the backend service's port is used.
      --timeout int               Time (in seconds) to wait before claiming failure. Defaults to 5. (default 5)
      --unhealthy-threshold int   Number of sequential probes that must fail for the endpoint to be considered unhealthy. Defaults to 2. (default 2)
      --zone string               Zone to use for this invocation. To preset the zone flag for all commands that require it, run: "gdcloud config set core/zone ZONE". The zone flag is available only in multi-zone environments.


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.