gdcloud topic command-conventions


gdcloud topic command-conventions - Supplementary help for gdcloud command-conventions.


The gdcloud CLI command design follows a common set of principles and conventions. This document describes them in detail.

Conventions are goals rather than rules. For any exceptions, refer to the information provided for individual commands by using the --help flag.


gdcloud CLI commands are organized as a tree with gdcloud at the root, command groups in the inner nodes, and commands at the leaf nodes. Group commands are executable, but only for displaying the help text. All groups and commands have a --help flag that displays the help text as standard output. The help text is derived from the running executable, so they are always up-to-date, even when switching between multiple release installations.


Every gdcloud command follows the same form


Flag and positional arguments can be intermixed, but for consistency, positionals are usually displayed first in order, followed by flags in any order.


Command usage is a shorthand notation that contains the full command name, the positional arguments, and the flag arguments in group sorted order. Optional arguments are enclosed in [ ... ]. For example

gdcloud foo bar NAME [--format=FORMAT]

This is the usage for the gdcloud foo bar command with a required NAME positional argument, an optional EXTRA positional argument, and an optional --format flag argument.

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments are ordered and must be specified in the order listed in the command usage and help document argument definition list.

Flag Arguments

Flag names are lowercase with a -- prefix. Multi-word flags use - (hyphen/dash) as a word separator. Following UNIX convention, if a flag is repeated on the command line, then only the rightmost occurrence takes effect. No diagnostic is emitted. This makes it easy to set up command aliases and wrapper scripts that provide default flag values; values that can easily be overridden by specifying them on the alias or wrapper script command line.

Boolean Flags

While many boolean flags have an implied value of false, some are true by default. The presence of --flag sets the flag to true or false, depending on the value implied by the name of the flag.

Valued Flags

Non-boolean flags have an explicit value. The value can be specified by placing the value as the next argument after the flag --flag value.

If the value is an integer, then it must be 0 or above. Negative integers are not accepted.


The standard output is for explicit information requested by the command. Depending on the context, there might be guarantees on the output format to support deterministic parsing. Certain commands do return resources and these resources are listed as standard output usually using either a command-specific table format or the default YAML format. Moreover, the --format flag can be used to change or configure these default output formats. The yaml, json, and csv output --format values guarantee that successful command completion results in standard output data that can be parsed using the respective format. A detailed explanation of the capabilities of the --format flag can be found with the gdcloud topic formats command. For commands that do not return resources, the output is defined in the command's --help flag. The standard error is reserved for diagnostics. In general, the format of standard error data might change from release to release. Users must not script against specific content, or even the existence of output to the standard error at all. The only reliable error indicator is the exit status. No gdcloud CLI commands should crash with an uncaught exception. However, if the gdcloud CLI does crash, the stack trace is intercepted and written to the log file, and a crash diagnostic is written to the standard error.

Exit Status

Exit status 0 indicates success. Any other exit status indicates an error. Command-specific diagnostics will explain the nature of the error and how to correct it.