gdcloud maintenance policies update


gdcloud maintenance policies update - Update a single maintenance policy.


gdcloud maintenance policies update POLICY_NAME [flags]


To update a weekly maintenance policy, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update example-policy \
        --project=example-project \
        --weekly-cycle-days=Sat \
        --weekly-cycle-days=Sun \
        --weekly-cycle-duration=4h30m \

To add a new maintenance exclusion, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update example-policy \
        --project=example-project \
        --add-exclusion-name=australia-day-sydney-2023 \
        --add-exclusion-start=2023-01-26T00:00:00+11:00 \

To remove an existing maintenance exclusion, run:

    gdcloud maintenance policies update example-policy \
        --project=example-project \


      --add-exclusion-end string         End date and time for a new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values are RFC 3339 timestamp, such as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z".
      --add-exclusion-name string        Name of the new maintenance exclusion to add.
      --add-exclusion-start string       Start date and time for a new maintenance exclusion. Accepted values are RFC 3339 timestamp, such as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z".
      --remove-exclusion-name string     Name of the maintenance exclusion to remove.
      --weekly-cycle-days strings        Comma-separated list of days of the week when maintenance can begin. Accepted values are RFC-822 style days of week, such as "Mon".
      --weekly-cycle-duration string     Maximum duration that the maintenance can last for. For example, "2h3m".
      --weekly-cycle-start-time string   Time of the day (in UTC timezone) when maintenance can begin, in "hh:mm" format. For example, "20:36".


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.